1 research outputs found

    On Negation: Pure Local Rules

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    This is an initial systematic study of the properties of negation from the point of view of abstract deductive systems. A unifying framework of multiple-conclusion consequence relations is adopted so as to allow us to explore symmetry in exposing and matching a great number of positive contextual sub-classical rules involving this logical constant-among others, well-known forms of proof by cases, consequentia mirabilis and reductio ad absurdum. Finer definitions of paraconsistency and the dual paracompleteness can thus be formulated, allowing for pseudo-scotus and ex contradictione to be differentiated and for a comprehensive version of the Principle of Non-Triviality to be presented. A final proposal is made to the effect that-pure positive rules involving negation being often fallible-a characterization of what most negations in the literature have in common should rather involve, in fact, a reduced set of negative rules. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.31185219Avron, A., Simple consequence relations (1991) Inform. and Comput., 92, pp. 105-139Avron, A., Negation: Two points of view (1999) What Is Negation?, 13, pp. 3-22. , D.M. Gabbay, H. Hansing (Eds.), Applied Logic Series, Kluwer, DordrechtAvron, A., Formula-preferential systems for paraconsistent non-monotonic reasoning (2001) Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2001), 2, pp. 823-827. , H.R. Arabnia (Ed.), CSREA Press Athens GA, USAAvron, A., On negation, completeness and consistency (2002) Handbook of Philosophical Logic, 9, pp. 287-319. , D.M. Gabbay, F. Guenthner (Eds.), second ed., Kluwer, DordrechtAvron, A., Lev, I., Canonical propositional Gentzen-type systems (2001) Automated Reasoning: Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference (IJCAR 2001), 2083, pp. 529-544. , R. Gore, A. Leitsch, T. 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