21,782 research outputs found

    On line power spectra identification and whitening for the noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors

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    In this paper we address both to the problem of identifying the noise Power Spectral Density of interferometric detectors by parametric techniques and to the problem of the whitening procedure of the sequence of data. We will concentrate the study on a Power Spectral Density like the one of the Italian-French detector VIRGO and we show that with a reasonable finite number of parameters we succeed in modeling a spectrum like the theoretical one of VIRGO, reproducing all its features. We propose also the use of adaptive techniques to identify and to whiten on line the data of interferometric detectors. We analyze the behavior of the adaptive techniques in the field of stochastic gradient and in the Least Squares ones.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, uses iopart.cls accepted for pubblication on Classical and Quantum Gravit

    A multi-agent based evolutionary algorithm in non-stationary environments

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    This article is posted here with permission of IEEE - Copyright @ 2008 IEEEIn this paper, a multi-agent based evolutionary algorithm (MAEA) is introduced to solve dynamic optimization problems. The agents simulate living organism features and co-evolve to find optimum. All agents live in a lattice like environment, where each agent is fixed on a lattice point. In order to increase the energy, agents can compete with their neighbors and can also acquire knowledge based on statistic information. In order to maintain the diversity of the population, the random immigrants and adaptive primal dual mapping schemes are used. Simulation experiments on a set of dynamic benchmark problems show that MAEA can obtain a better performance in non-stationary environments in comparison with several peer genetic algorithms.This work was suported by the Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 70431003, the Science Fund for Creative Research Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 60521003, the National Science and Technology Support Plan of China under Grant No. 2006BAH02A09, and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom under Grant No. EP/E060722/1

    Coarse Stability and Bifurcation Analysis Using Stochastic Simulators: Kinetic Monte Carlo Examples

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    We implement a computer-assisted approach that, under appropriate conditions, allows the bifurcation analysis of the coarse dynamic behavior of microscopic simulators without requiring the explicit derivation of closed macroscopic equations for this behavior. The approach is inspired by the so-called time-step per based numerical bifurcation theory. We illustrate the approach through the computation of both stable and unstable coarsely invariant states for Kinetic Monte Carlo models of three simple surface reaction schemes. We quantify the linearized stability of these coarsely invariant states, perform pseudo-arclength continuation, detect coarse limit point and coarse Hopf bifurcations and construct two-parameter bifurcation diagrams.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figure

    Adaptive and Iterative Multi-Branch MMSE Decision Feedback Detection Algorithms for MIMO Systems

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    In this work, decision feedback (DF) detection algorithms based on multiple processing branches for multi-input multi-output (MIMO) spatial multiplexing systems are proposed. The proposed detector employs multiple cancellation branches with receive filters that are obtained from a common matrix inverse and achieves a performance close to the maximum likelihood detector (MLD). Constrained minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receive filters designed with constraints on the shape and magnitude of the feedback filters for the multi-branch MMSE DF (MB-MMSE-DF) receivers are presented. An adaptive implementation of the proposed MB-MMSE-DF detector is developed along with a recursive least squares-type algorithm for estimating the parameters of the receive filters when the channel is time-varying. A soft-output version of the MB-MMSE-DF detector is also proposed as a component of an iterative detection and decoding receiver structure. A computational complexity analysis shows that the MB-MMSE-DF detector does not require a significant additional complexity over the conventional MMSE-DF detector, whereas a diversity analysis discusses the diversity order achieved by the MB-MMSE-DF detector. Simulation results show that the MB-MMSE-DF detector achieves a performance superior to existing suboptimal detectors and close to the MLD, while requiring significantly lower complexity.Comment: 10 figures, 3 tables; IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 201

    Lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks implemented using particle swarm optimisation for spatio-temporal system identification

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    Starting from the basic concept of coupled map lattices, a new family of adaptive wavelet neural networks, called lattice dynamical wavelet neural networks (LDWNN), is introduced for spatiotemporal system identification, by combining an efficient wavelet representation with a coupled map lattice model. A new orthogonal projection pursuit (OPP) method, coupled with a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, is proposed for augmenting the proposed network. A novel two-stage hybrid training scheme is developed for constructing a parsimonious network model. In the first stage, by applying the orthogonal projection pursuit algorithm, significant wavelet-neurons are adaptively and successively recruited into the network, where adjustable parameters of the associated waveletneurons are optimised using a particle swarm optimiser. The resultant network model, obtained in the first stage, may however be redundant. In the second stage, an orthogonal least squares (OLS) algorithm is then applied to refine and improve the initially trained network by removing redundant wavelet-neurons from the network. The proposed two-stage hybrid training procedure can generally produce a parsimonious network model, where a ranked list of wavelet-neurons, according to the capability of each neuron to represent the total variance in the system output signal is produced. Two spatio-temporal system identification examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed new modelling framework