5 research outputs found

    Prospects for practice-based philosophy of logic

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    We explore prospects for practice-based approaches to logical theory, in particular the link between classical and intuitionistic logic and the inferential structure of traditional practices of representation & argument in science and mathematics. After discussing some key notions about practice, we outline the connection between representation practices and classical logic, and then consider a spectrum of actual practices followed or proposed by (real) scientists. Intuitionistic logic helps to clarify the potential of practice-based approaches for understanding pluralism, and to hammer some key points about the general thesis.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad FFI2009-1002

    Small Steps and Great Leaps in Thought: The Epistemology of Basic Deductive Rules

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    We are justified in employing the rule of inference Modus Ponens (or one much like it) as basic in our reasoning. By contrast, we are not justified in employing a rule of inference that permits inferring to some difficult mathematical theorem from the relevant axioms in a single step. Such an inferential step is intuitively “too large” to count as justified. What accounts for this difference? In this paper, I canvass several possible explanations. I argue that the most promising approach is to appeal to features like usefulness or indispensability to important or required cognitive projects. On the resulting view, whether an inferential step counts as large or small depends on the importance of the relevant rule of inference in our thought

    Strong Types for Direct Logic

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    This article follows on the introductory article “Direct Logic for Intelligent Applications” [Hewitt 2017a]. Strong Types enable new mathematical theorems to be proved including the Formal Consistency of Mathematics. Also, Strong Types are extremely important in Direct Logic because they block all known paradoxes[Cantini and Bruni 2017]. Blocking known paradoxes makes Direct Logic safer for use in Intelligent Applications by preventing security holes. Inconsistency Robustness is performance of information systems with pervasively inconsistent information. Inconsistency Robustness of the community of professional mathematicians is their performance repeatedly repairing contradictions over the centuries. In the Inconsistency Robustness paradigm, deriving contradictions has been a progressive development and not “game stoppers.” Contradictions can be helpful instead of being something to be “swept under the rug” by denying their existence, which has been repeatedly attempted by authoritarian theoreticians (beginning with some Pythagoreans). Such denial has delayed mathematical development. This article reports how considerations of Inconsistency Robustness have recently influenced the foundations of mathematics for Computer Science continuing a tradition developing the sociological basis for foundations. Mathematics here means the common foundation of all classical mathematical theories from Euclid to the mathematics used to prove Fermat's Last [McLarty 2010]. Direct Logic provides categorical axiomatizations of the Natural Numbers, Real Numbers, Ordinal Numbers, Set Theory, and the Lambda Calculus meaning that up a unique isomorphism there is only one model that satisfies the respective axioms. Good evidence for the consistency Classical Direct Logic derives from how it blocks the known paradoxes of classical mathematics. Humans have spent millennia devising paradoxes for classical mathematics. Having a powerful system like Direct Logic is important in computer science because computers must be able to formalize all logical inferences (including inferences about their own inference processes) without requiring recourse to human intervention. Any inconsistency in Classical Direct Logic would be a potential security hole because it could be used to cause computer systems to adopt invalid conclusions. After [Church 1934], logicians faced the following dilemma: • 1st order theories cannot be powerful lest they fall into inconsistency because of Church’s Paradox. • 2nd order theories contravene the philosophical doctrine that theorems must be computationally enumerable. The above issues can be addressed by requiring Mathematics to be strongly typed using so that: • Mathematics self proves that it is “open” in the sense that theorems are not computationally enumerable. • Mathematics self proves that it is formally consistent. • Strong mathematical theories for Natural Numbers, Ordinals, Set Theory, the Lambda Calculus, Actors, etc. are inferentially decidable, meaning that every true proposition is provable and every proposition is either provable or disprovable. Furthermore, theorems of these theories are not enumerable by a provably total procedure

    Space, Time and Parsimony

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    This paper argues that all of the standard theories about the divisions of space and time can benefit from, and may need to rely on, parsimony considerations. More specifically, whether spacetime is discrete, gunky or pointy, there are wildly unparsimonious rivals to standard accounts that need to be resisted by proponents of those accounts, and only parsimony considerations offer a natural way of doing that resisting. Furthermore, quantitative parsimony considerations appear to be needed in many of these cases

    Strong Types for Direct Logic

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    This article follows on the introductory article “Direct Logic for Intelligent Applications” [Hewitt 2017a]. Strong Types enable new mathematical theorems to be proved including the Formal Consistency of Mathematics. Also, Strong Types are extremely important in Direct Logic because they block all known paradoxes[Cantini and Bruni 2017]. Blocking known paradoxes makes Direct Logic safer for use in Intelligent Applications by preventing security holes. Inconsistency Robustness is performance of information systems with pervasively inconsistent information. Inconsistency Robustness of the community of professional mathematicians is their performance repeatedly repairing contradictions over the centuries. In the Inconsistency Robustness paradigm, deriving contradictions has been a progressive development and not “game stoppers.” Contradictions can be helpful instead of being something to be “swept under the rug” by denying their existence, which has been repeatedly attempted by authoritarian theoreticians (beginning with some Pythagoreans). Such denial has delayed mathematical development. This article reports how considerations of Inconsistency Robustness have recently influenced the foundations of mathematics for Computer Science continuing a tradition developing the sociological basis for foundations. Mathematics here means the common foundation of all classical mathematical theories from Euclid to the mathematics used to prove Fermat's Last [McLarty 2010]. Direct Logic provides categorical axiomatizations of the Natural Numbers, Real Numbers, Ordinal Numbers, Set Theory, and the Lambda Calculus meaning that up a unique isomorphism there is only one model that satisfies the respective axioms. Good evidence for the consistency Classical Direct Logic derives from how it blocks the known paradoxes of classical mathematics. Humans have spent millennia devising paradoxes for classical mathematics. Having a powerful system like Direct Logic is important in computer science because computers must be able to formalize all logical inferences (including inferences about their own inference processes) without requiring recourse to human intervention. Any inconsistency in Classical Direct Logic would be a potential security hole because it could be used to cause computer systems to adopt invalid conclusions. After [Church 1934], logicians faced the following dilemma: • 1st order theories cannot be powerful lest they fall into inconsistency because of Church’s Paradox. • 2nd order theories contravene the philosophical doctrine that theorems must be computationally enumerable. The above issues can be addressed by requiring Mathematics to be strongly typed using so that: • Mathematics self proves that it is “open” in the sense that theorems are not computationally enumerable. • Mathematics self proves that it is formally consistent. • Strong mathematical theories for Natural Numbers, Ordinals, Set Theory, the Lambda Calculus, Actors, etc. are inferentially decidable, meaning that every true proposition is provable and every proposition is either provable or disprovable. Furthermore, theorems of these theories are not enumerable by a provably total procedure