659 research outputs found

    E-ticket System as an example of Internet of Things application

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    We are entering a new revolution of technology called Internet of Things (IoT). It enables machines to be connected and exchange data. It brings a huge potential to different areas of technology. It is being used in several applications in different fields: building smart city, smart home, health care and agriculture. This thesis summarizes current IoT application development and the development of an E-ticket system as a demonstration of IoT application. The literature research was taken place prior to the implementation phase. Several studies on existing scientific articles were done about current IoT applications and its use cases. After that, current IoT technologies were studied and the best technologies were chosen to implement the E-ticket system. It involves Amazon web services (AWS) [8], Java Spring framework [9] and REST [10] calls over 3G [11] connections. As the result of the research and implementation, the E-ticket system was developed and demonstrated to the teacher. The solution provides police officers a quick and easy way to issue fine tickets and automates the fine payment process. Moreover, it also allows people to give feedback about performance of police officers. It is being sold to the government to solve cash payment issues in developing countries. The research shows that IoT can be utilized in many different existing applications. It will improve the scalability of the application and allow collecting a huge amount of data, which will be the resource for big data analysis, machine learning, etc. IoT is a part of a big technology revolution we are going through at the moment

    Internet of Nano-Things, Things and Everything: Future Growth Trends

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    The current statuses and future promises of the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Everything (IoE) and Internet of Nano-Things (IoNT) are extensively reviewed and a summarized survey is presented. The analysis clearly distinguishes between IoT and IoE, which are wrongly considered to be the same by many commentators. After evaluating the current trends of advancement in the fields of IoT, IoE and IoNT, this paper identifies the 21 most significant current and future challenges as well as scenarios for the possible future expansion of their applications. Despite possible negative aspects of these developments, there are grounds for general optimism about the coming technologies. Certainly, many tedious tasks can be taken over by IoT devices. However, the dangers of criminal and other nefarious activities, plus those of hardware and software errors, pose major challenges that are a priority for further research. Major specific priority issues for research are identified

    EDGE-CoT: next generation cloud computing and its impact on business

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    Purpose – The main objective of this paper is to analyze the potential impact of future cloud computing trends on business, from the perspective of specialists in the area. Design/ methodology/ approach - Qualitative approach that includes literature review and nine semi-structured interviews with proclaimed influencers and global thought leaders in cloud computing, highlighting Jeff Barr, Vice President of Amazon Web Services. Findings -5G networks will enable the emergence of the Edge-CoT architecture, that will consequently drive the increased application of Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning (AI/ML) and Robotics. The combination of Edge-CoT, Robotics and AI/ML triggers the development of Smart Cities and Industry 4.0. Simultaneously, Cloud alone will benefit of increased connectivity and will be the preferred business architecture comparing to EdgeCoT. New industries and businesses will result from the Edge-CoT, and the existing companies will benefit mainly from an improved customer experience. Major business challenges triggered by Edge-CoT include workforce re-skilling, promotion of the agile approach and a cultural shift towards risk-taking. Research limitations/implications - The research study was limited to the analysis of a selected set of cloud computing trends. Moreover, the data collection process was limited to 9 cloud experts, hindering a possible generalization. Originality/value – This study uses a qualitative approach to listen to market experts and cross with the theoretical findings to date, consequently bringing theory and practice closer together.Objetivo - O objetivo deste estudo consiste em analisar o potencial impacto das tendências futuras de cloud computing na gestão das empresas, a partir da visão de especialistas da área. Metodologia- Abordagem qualitativa que engloba revisão de literatura e nove entrevistas semiestruturadas com proclamados influencers e lideres globais em cloud computing, destacando-se Jeff Barr, o Vice-presidente da Amazon Web Services. Resultado - As redes 5G possibilitarão o surgimento da arquitetura Edge-CoT, que consequentemente impulsionará o aumento da aplicação de Inteligência Artificial (AI) e robótica. A combinação de Edge-CoT, Robótica e AI desencadeia o desenvolvimento de Smart Cities e Industry 4.0. Simultaneamente, a Cloud sozinha beneficiará do aumento da conectividade e será a arquitetura preferida comparativamente a Edge-CoT. Novos setores e negócios resultarão do Edge-CoT, e as empresas existentes beneficiarão principalmente de uma melhor experiência do cliente. Os principais desafios organizacionais desencadeados pelo Edge-CoT incluem a requalificação da força de trabalho, a adoção da abordagem agile e uma mudança cultural que estimule experimentos tecnológicos. Restrição da pesquisa - O processo de recolha de dados foi limitado a 9 especialistas em cloud computing, dificultando assim uma possível generalização. Originalidade/ Valor - Este estudo utiliza uma abordagem qualitativa para ouvir os especialistas do mercado e cruzar com os resultados teóricos até o momento, aproximando assim a teoria da prática

    The Dual Role of Artificial Intelligence in Developing Smart Cities

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    Defining smart city pillars, and their nature and essence, continues to be debated in the scientific literature. The vast amount of information collected by electronic devices, often regarded merely as a means of rationalizing the use of resources and improving efficiency, could also be considered as a pillar. Information by itself cannot be deciphered or understood without analysis performed by algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence. Such analysis extracts new forms of knowledge in the shape of correlations and patterns used to support the decision-making processes associated with governance and, ultimately, to define new policies. Alongside information, energy plays a crucial role in smart cities as many activities that lead to growth in the economy and employment depend on this pillar. As a result, it is crucial to highlight the link between energy and the algorithms able to plan and forecast the energy consumption of smart cities. The result of this paper consists in the highlighting of how AI and information together can be legitimately considered foundational pillars of smart cities only when their real impact, or value, has been assessed. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence can be deployed to support smart grids, electric vehicles, and smart buildings by providing techniques and methods to enhance their innovative value and measured efficiency

    Space enabled smart Africa (SESA)

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    Urbanization in Africa is growing at a rapid pace and so is the population growth. Cities in Africa are struggling to cope with the demand that urban migration brings. For example, Africa has over 60% of her population located in the urban areas. These urban locations are sprawling slums due to the massive influx of people and inadequate housing systems. The United Nations, through the Sustainable Development Goals called for a sustainable cities and communities. This project is focus on using the smart city approach to tackle these urbanization issues. With the advancement in satellite application systems, smart cities can be enabled through space technology to address these urbanization and other issues affecting the African region. Integrating space technology, such as communication, Earth observation, and satellite aided position timing & navigation application systems and small satellite technology, to the smart city paradigm could provide sustainable ways in which problems like digital division, over population, natural disaster, etc. could be managed and eradicated

    Semantic Driven Approach for Rapid Application Development in Industrial Internet of Things

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    The evolution of IoT has revolutionized industrial automation. Industrial devices at every level such as field devices, control devices, enterprise level devices etc., are connected to the Internet, where they can be accessed easily. It has significantly changed the way applications are developed on the industrial automation systems. It led to the paradigm shift where novel IoT application development tools such as Node-RED can be used to develop complex industrial applications as IoT orchestrations. However, in the current state, these applications are bound strictly to devices from specific vendors and ecosystems. They cannot be re-used with devices from other vendors and platforms, since the applications are not semantically interoperable. For this purpose, it is desirable to use platform-independent, vendor-neutral application templates for common automation tasks. However, in the current state in Node-RED such reusable and interoperable application templates cannot be developed. The interoperability problem at the data level can be addressed in IoT, using Semantic Web (SW) technologies. However, for an industrial engineer or an IoT application developer, SW technologies are not very easy to use. In order to enable efficient use of SW technologies to create interoperable IoT applications, novel IoT tools are required. For this purpose, in this paper we propose a novel semantic extension to the widely used Node-RED tool by introducing semantic definitions such as iot.schema.org semantic models into Node-RED. The tool guides a non-expert in semantic technologies such as a device vendor, a machine builder to configure the semantics of a device consistently. Moreover, it also enables an engineer, IoT application developer to design and develop semantically interoperable IoT applications with minimal effort. Our approach accelerates the application development process by introducing novel semantic application templates called Recipes in Node-RED. Using Recipes, complex application development tasks such as skill matching between Recipes and existing things can be automated.We will present the approach to perform automated skill matching on the Cloud or on the Edge of an automation system. We performed quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our approach to test the feasibility and scalability of the approach in real world scenarios. The results of the evaluation are presented and discussed in the paper.Die Entwicklung des Internet der Dinge (IoT) hat die industrielle Automatisierung revolutioniert. Industrielle Geräte auf allen Ebenen wie Feldgeräte, Steuergeräte, Geräte auf Unternehmensebene usw. sind mit dem Internet verbunden, wodurch problemlos auf sie zugegriffen werden kann. Es hat die Art und Weise, wie Anwendungen auf industriellen Automatisierungssystemen entwickelt werden, deutlich verändert. Es führte zum Paradigmenwechsel, wo neuartige IoT Anwendungsentwicklungstools, wie Node-RED, verwendet werden können, um komplexe industrielle Anwendungen als IoT-Orchestrierungen zu entwickeln. Aktuell sind diese Anwendungen jedoch ausschließlich an Geräte bestimmter Anbieter und Ökosysteme gebunden. Sie können nicht mit Geräten anderer Anbieter und Plattformen verbunden werden, da die Anwendungen nicht semantisch interoperabel sind. Daher ist es wünschenswert, plattformunabhängige, herstellerneutrale Anwendungsvorlagen für allgemeine Automatisierungsaufgaben zu verwenden. Im aktuellen Status von Node-RED können solche wiederverwendbaren und interoperablen Anwendungsvorlagen jedoch nicht entwickelt werden. Diese Interoperabilitätsprobleme auf Datenebene können im IoT mithilfe von Semantic Web (SW) -Technologien behoben werden. Für Ingenieure oder Entwickler von IoT-Anwendungen sind SW-Technologien nicht sehr einfach zu verwenden. Zur Erstellung interoperabler IoT-Anwendungen sind daher neuartige IoT-Tools erforderlich. Zu diesem Zweck schlagen wir eine neuartige semantische Erweiterung des weit verbreiteten Node-RED-Tools vor, indem wir semantische Definitionen wie iot.schema.org in die semantischen Modelle von NODE-Red einführen. Das Tool leitet einen Gerätehersteller oder Maschinebauer, die keine Experten in semantische Technologien sind, an um die Semantik eines Geräts konsistent zu konfigurieren. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es auch einem Ingenieur oder IoT-Anwendungsentwickler, semantische, interoperable IoT-Anwendungen mit minimalem Aufwand zu entwerfen und entwicklen Unser Ansatz beschleunigt die Anwendungsentwicklungsprozesse durch Einführung neuartiger semantischer Anwendungsvorlagen namens Rezepte für Node-RED. Durch die Verwendung von Rezepten können komplexe Anwendungsentwicklungsaufgaben wie das Abgleichen von Funktionen zwischen Rezepten und vorhandenen Strukturen automatisiert werden. Wir demonstrieren Skill-Matching in der Cloud oder am Industrial Edge eines Automatisierungssystems. Wir haben dafür quantitative und qualitative Bewertung unseres Ansatzes durchgeführt, um die Machbarkeit und Skalierbarkeit des Ansatzes in realen Szenarien zu testen. Die Ergebnisse der Bewertung werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt und diskutiert

    How to exploit the Social Internet of Things: Query Generation Model and Device Profiles’ Dataset

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    The future Internet of Things (IoT) will be characterized by an increasing number of object-to-object interactions for the implementation of distributed applications running in smart environments. The Social IoT (SIoT) is one of the possible paradigms that is proposed to make the objects’ interactions easier by facilitating the search of services and the management of objects’ trustworthiness. In this scenario, we address the issue of modeling the queries that are generated by the objects when fulfilling applications’ requests that could be provided by any of the peers in the SIoT. To this, the defined model takes into account the objects’ major features in terms of typology and associated functionalities, and the characteristics of the applications. We have then generated a dataset, by extracting objects’ information and positions from the city of Santander in Spain. We have classified all the available devices according to the FIWARE Data Models, so as to enable the portability of the dataset among different platforms. The dataset and the proposed query generation model are made available to the research community to study the navigability of the SIoT network, with an application also to other IoT networks. Experimental analyses have also been conducted, which give some key insights on the impact of the query model parameters on the average number of hops needed for each search

    Emerging Technologies

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    This monograph investigates a multitude of emerging technologies including 3D printing, 5G, blockchain, and many more to assess their potential for use to further humanity’s shared goal of sustainable development. Through case studies detailing how these technologies are already being used at companies worldwide, author Sinan Küfeoğlu explores how emerging technologies can be used to enhance progress toward each of the seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and to guarantee economic growth even in the face of challenges such as climate change. To assemble this book, the author explored the business models of 650 companies in order to demonstrate how innovations can be converted into value to support sustainable development. To ensure practical application, only technologies currently on the market and in use actual companies were investigated. This volume will be of great use to academics, policymakers, innovators at the forefront of green business, and anyone else who is interested in novel and innovative business models and how they could help to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This is an open access book

    Next Generation Cloud Computing: New Trends and Research Directions

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    The landscape of cloud computing has significantly changed over the last decade. Not only have more providers and service offerings crowded the space, but also cloud infrastructure that was traditionally limited to single provider data centers is now evolving. In this paper, we firstly discuss the changing cloud infrastructure and consider the use of infrastructure from multiple providers and the benefit of decentralising computing away from data centers. These trends have resulted in the need for a variety of new computing architectures that will be offered by future cloud infrastructure. These architectures are anticipated to impact areas, such as connecting people and devices, data-intensive computing, the service space and self-learning systems. Finally, we lay out a roadmap of challenges that will need to be addressed for realising the potential of next generation cloud systems.Comment: Accepted to Future Generation Computer Systems, 07 September 201

    The Evolution of the Internet of Things Industry and Market in China: An Interplay of Institutions, Demands and Supply

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    This paper seeks to provide some explanation as to how demand-, supply- and institutions-related factors in China have affected the creation and diffusion of Internet of Things (IoT)-related products and services. Concerning demand side factors the paper demonstrates how potential market size and existing technology trajectory work in favor of IoT diffusion. As a related demand side factor the paper argues that, in terms of the technological trajectory, China has started farther from the frontier than most industrialized countries. The degree of incremental benefit from the IoT is thus higher in the country. As to the supply side factors, the article promotes an understanding of how Chinese technology companies have capitalized on a huge user base to develop IoT-based applications. It also suggests that technologies and expertise provided by foreign multinationals have also played crucial roles. Regarding formal institutions, the government's proactive policies have been a major factor in the IoT's evolution. It is also in the Chinese government's interest to develop IoT products to make censorship and surveillance more effective. Regarding informal institutions, Chinese consumers are less concerned than Westerners about being tracked and monitored, which provides a favorable condition for the adoption of IoT-enabled devices. Nonetheless, this condition is changing due to increasing abuse of consumer privacy. China and the U.S. are compared in terms of diffusion, key determinants, performance indicators and impacts of the IoT in order to understand the areas that China outperforms—and underperforms—the U.S. Some indicators are proposed to gauge the IoT-related performance and the impacts of the IoT
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