9 research outputs found

    Predicting and curing depression using long short term memory and global vector

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    In today’s world, there are many people suffering from mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. If these conditions are not identified and treated early, they can get worse quickly and have far-reaching negative effects. Unfortunately, many people suffering from these conditions, especially depression and hypertension, are unaware of their existence until the conditions become chronic. Thus, this paper proposes a novel approach using Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) algorithm and Global Vector (GloVe) algorithm for the prediction and treatment of these conditions. Smartwatches and fitness bands can be equipped with these algorithms which can share data with a variety of IoT devices and smart systems to better understand and analyze the user’s condition. We compared the accuracy and loss of the training dataset and the validation dataset of the two models namely, Bi-LSTM without a global vector layer and with a global vector layer. It was observed that the model of Bi-LSTM without a global vector layer had an accuracy of 83%, while Bi-LSTM with a global vector layer had an accuracy of 86% with a precision of 86.4%, and an F1 score of 0.861. In addition to providing basic therapies for the treatment of identified cases, our model also helps prevent the deterioration of associated conditions, making our method a real-world solution

    The Ledger and Times, November 18, 1952

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    The Ledger and Times, November 18, 1952

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    The Ledger and Times, November 18, 1952

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    The Ledger and Times, November 18, 1952

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    Holland City News, Volume 29, Number 22: June 15, 1900

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    Newspaper published in Holland, Michigan, from 1872-1977, to serve the English-speaking people in Holland, Michigan. Purchased by local Dutch language newspaper, De Grondwet, owner in 1888.https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/hcn_1900/1023/thumbnail.jp


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    “What will be the relationship between religion and artificial intelligence?” This was the main research question for the current study. I chose Mikael Stenmark’s multidimensional model for describing relationship between religion and science, as my theoretical framework to help figure out the answer. Considering the novel and hypothetical nature of the topic it was necessary to accomplish following sub goals before I could tackle the main analysis: Establish the fact that religion is viable and growing part of the society in the future. Demonstrate how science and religion have been intertwined through the history until modern day. Confirm that the field of artificial intelligence is developing fast and intelligent machines will have growing presence in various areas of our lives. Give overview of relationship between religion and AI since the emergence of the field and examine this interconnection from different perspectives. Recent theories by Jose Casanova and Pippa Norris and correlating statistical data helped to establish and confirm that despite the popularity of the traditional secularization theory the number of people who affiliate themselves with religion is on the rise. Demonstration of the enduring interconnectedness of religion and science included covering birth of the modern science from the bosom of Christianity, followed by insight to problematic relationship between Islam and science. Thereafter I presented how new technologies are accepted in the religious environments of Islamic countries and Christian Africa. Additional examples demonstrated how religion has been related to the virtual worlds and explored how advances of innovative technology are creating potential alternatives for the traditional religion in the example of Transhumanism

    Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseumi aastaraamat IV

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    Eesti KultuurkapitalEll Vahtramäe, Muutustest maanaise stereotüüpses kuvandis Eesti naisteajakirjade põhjal --Loone Ots, Krahv von Berg, Constance Ploom-Kalm ja müüt näidendis „Rukkivalgus“ --Ellen Pärn, Constance Kalm – krahv Fr. v. Bergi abiline ’Sangaste’ rukki aretamisel --Marina Aunapuu, Eesti esimene naisloomaarst doktor Tiiu Koplus --Kalju Kask, Puuviljandusteadlane ja sordiaretaja Heljo Jänes --Aimur Joandi, Lüpsivõistlused edendasid lüpsimeisterlikkust --Lembit Karu, Ühest kohalikust naisseltsist --Aleksei Peterson, Taluperenaise elu-olust Eesti ajal Sangaste kihelkonnas --Virge Inno, Virust Võruni: eritüübilised seelikud nüüdisaegses võtmes --Karl Annuk, Jaak Ümarik-120 --Ants Bender, Aleksander Adojaan-100 --Ants Bender, Heiti Kotkas-100 --Merli Sild, Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseumi tegevus 2010. aastal --Merli Sild, Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseumi tegevus 2011. aastal --2010. aasta kroonika --2011. aasta kroonika --Anne Grišan, Kogude osakond 2010.–2011. aastal --Mare Viiralt, Põllumajandusmuuseumi uus püsiekspositsioon „Põllumajanduse ja maaelu areng Eestis läbi sajandite“, ajutised näitused ja neil põhinevad muuseumiprogrammid 2010. ja 2011. aastal --Ell Vahtramäe, Teadustöö 2010. ja 2011. aastal --Elvi Nassar, Muljeid Eesti Põllumajandusmuuseumi Edendamise Seltsi Euroopa-reisilt --Mai Kukk, Õppeekskursioon Austria-Horvaatia-Slovakkia 16.09.–25.09.2011 --Summarieshttp://www.ester.ee/record=b2288205*es