118 research outputs found

    Measuring Internet performance within the organization.

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    Model; Evaluation; Performance; Secteur du tourisme; SystĂšmes d'information; Information technology; Internet;

    An Assessment of E-business Strategies Using the Strategic Alignment Model.

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    Most research concerning e-business offers a methodology, measures the predisposition of the firm or evaluates the consequences in terms of management.This research aims at designing a model for assessing e-business strategies based on the strategic alignment perspective.Using the Information Systems (IS) literature about alignment and data collected from 11 interviews of general and e-business managers from the main companies of the French tourism sector, 12 variables were identified.These, in turn, can be used to build an e-business alignment model for the enterprise.tourism; model; alignment; Information Technologies (IT); strategy; E-business; Information systems (IS); Internet;

    Explaining Internet-Related Performance from the Alignment Point of View

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    This research addresses the question of explaining the Internet-related performance of a firm by relying on the Strategic Alignment Model. Following a contingent approach, the conceptual framework sheds light on the coherence between Internet use, business, organization and technology. The research model is applied to the main companies of the French tourism sector. The adopted methodology is based on a survey to which 131 firms have taken part. Using structural equation modeling, the proposed model is tested and data analysis reveals that there is a particularly significant relationship between the coherence of organizational designs and the Internet-related performance of the firm.Internet, performance, alignment, organizational structure, tourism sector

    Revisiting the Relationship between Information Technology Infrastructure and E-Commerce Performance: A Generativity Perspective

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    This research proposes a framework to study the relationship between enterprise IT infrastructure generativity and e-commerce performance. IT infrastructure generativity is the capacity of enterprise IT infrastructure to allow its IT and business users to make new things out of it. It is important to e-commerce companies because e-commerce performance is mainly driven by IT-based innovations. Organizational generativity, which is conceptualized as a three-dimensional concept consisting of simple structure, innovation culture and strategic flexibility, is proposed to complement IT infrastructure generativity to enhance e-commerce company innovations and performance. Survey method will be adopted to empirically validate the framework, and a sample of 250 internet retailers from North America will be collected. This research intends to renew our understanding of the relationship between IT infrastructure and e-commerce performance from the IT generativity perspective

    The importance of service branding in multi channel e commerce success: Towards a research framework

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    Better customer service and the corresponding increase in customer loyalty and overall spend are frequently cited as the reasons multi-channel retailers are more profitable than pure-play e-tailers and traditional bricks and mortar organisations. This implies that multi-channel retailers need a strong service brand to achieve the benefits of multi-channel e-commerce. Considerable literature exists on services branding and on multi-channel e-commerce strategy but few studies have explored the relationship between the two. In this work-in-progress we discuss the importance of services branding in multi-channel e-commerce and develop a research framework for the impact of multi-channel e-commerce strategy elements on services branding

    Vers un modùle de l’alignement e-business de l’entreprise.

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    La plupart des travaux de recherche concernant l’e-business prĂ©sentent une mĂ©thodologie, mesurent la prĂ©disposition des entreprises ou Ă©valuent les consĂ©quences en terme de gestion.Cette recherche vise Ă  apporter un modĂšle d’analyse des stratĂ©gies e-business, Ă  partir de la perspective de l’alignement stratĂ©gique.Pour ce faire, Ă  partir de la littĂ©rature en SystĂšmes d’Information (SI) traitant de l’alignement et de l’information recueillie dans 11 entretiens semi-directifs centrĂ©s menĂ©s auprĂšs de dirigeants et responsables e-business des principales entreprises du secteur du tourisme français, un certain nombre de variables ont Ă©tĂ© retenues.Celles-ci permettent alors de construire un modĂšle d’alignement e-business de l’entreprise.SystĂšmes d’Information (SI); Internet; StratĂ©gie e-business; Alignement; Tourisme;

    Faktor-Faktor Infrastruktur Teknologi Informasi Corporate di Kota Palembang

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    Teknologi informasi (TI) dapat diadopsi sebagai kemampuan organisasi untuk meningkatkan kinerja organisasi dalam rangka memenuhi peraturan pemerintah, meningkatkan profitabilitas, dan meningkatkan posisi kompetitif di pasar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model kemampuan IT berdasarkan dari kualitas infrastruktur TI, yang digunakan organisasi untuk mendukung proses bisnis. Model ini dikembangkan berdasarkan pandangan berbasis infrastruktur TI sebagai landasan teoritis dan literatur yang berhubungan dengan kinerja organisasi. Validitas model ini akan diuji menggunakan model persamaan struktural berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan dari organisasi di kota Palembang. Data yang dikumpulkan akan di analisis dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS dan AMOS. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mengembangkan kemampuan infrastruktur TI untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dari suatu organisasi yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan proses bisnis digitalisasi untuk berkompetisi di pasar global. Hasil penelitian diharapkan juga menghasilkan sebuah model baru mengenai infrastruktur IT yang merupakan kontribusi asli untuk literatur sistem informasi khususnya hubungan antara infrastruktur TI yang dihubungkan dengan kinerja organisas

    Business and it executives ’ perceptions on business and it alignment and the business value of IT

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    This paper presents first results of a study in which the perceptions of business and IT executives are compared regarding the maturity level of business and IT alignment and the business value of IT. The alignment of business and IT is investigated as alignment processes and structures. The business value of IT is examined with a multidimensional framework, which includes both the realized business value and the expected future business value of IT. The results indicate that business and IT executives perceive specifically the role of IT differently. Differences were also found in how business and IT executives perceive the alignment in operative IT-related activities. In addition, the views on IT’s impact on the quality of business processes and services differed. Our results indicate that professional responsibility may play a major role in some areas

    A New Definition Of A Business Model

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    This paper discusses the lack of agreement on the definition of a business model which is a recent addition to management literature since the dot com era.  An abbreviated literature review was discussed that emphasizes the different perspectives of business model definitions.  There are categories such as auction, subscription, or advertising business models which describe the processes between a buyer and seller (Rappa, 2005). Business models have also been defined in the literature as a system with components (Afuah&Tucci, 2001) or a method to make money (Weill&Vitale 2001). They have also been categorized as business to business models or business to consumer models (Haag, 2004)  This author has developed a new definition of a business model that focuses on the transaction between the buyer and seller, regardless of whether it is a traditional transaction, an electronic transaction or the type of transaction.  The paper has provided six comparisons of the difference between a traditional transaction between a buyer and a seller and an electronic transaction between a buyer and a seller. The direct comparisons of traditional and e-commerce business models illustrate the major component of a business model—the transaction that occurs between the seller and buyer and that the transaction must be included in the definition of a business model

    L’approche par les capacitĂ©s dynamiques d’alignement comme cadre d’analyse des stratĂ©gies Internet.

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    L’étude des stratĂ©gies Internet a donnĂ© lieu Ă  la publication de nombreux travaux de recherche en SystĂšmes d’Information. Il s’agit le plus souvent, Ă  travers les diffĂ©rentes perspectives adoptĂ©es, d’expliquer les rĂ©sultats issus de l’adoption de l’Internet au sein de l’entreprise. Ainsi l’approche de l’alignement utilisĂ©e pour expliquer la performance des SI/TI (Chan et Reich, 2007 a et 2007 b) est particuliĂšrement adaptĂ©e Ă  l’étude des rĂ©sultats issus de l’activitĂ© web (Raymond et Bergeron, 2008). Se pose alors le problĂšme de la mise en Ɠuvre d’une telle approche qui suppose d’apprĂ©hender et d’opĂ©rationnaliser la notion de « fit ». Nous apportons ici un Ă©lĂ©ment de rĂ©ponse Ă  travers une approche complĂ©mentaire : celle des capacitĂ©s dynamiques. Il s’agit de mettre en valeur la capacitĂ© de l’entreprise Ă  gĂ©rer continuellement de maniĂšre cohĂ©rente l’activitĂ© Internet. La facultĂ© de l’entreprise Ă  maĂźtriser dans le temps les mĂ©canismes clefs de l’alignement liĂ© Ă  Internet correspond aux « capacitĂ©s dynamiques d’alignement Internet ». Les applications d’un tel cadre conceptuel sont multiples.The study of Internet strategies has led to the publication of numerous research in Information Systems. It is most often through different perspectives adopted, to explain the results related to the adoption of the Internet within the company. Thus the approach of alignment used to explain the performance of the IS / IT (Chan and Reich, 2007 a and 2007 b) is particularly suited for studying the results from the web activity (Raymond et Bergeron, 2008). This raises the problem of the application of such an approach which involves identify and operationalize the concept of "fit". We bring here a first response through a complementary approach: the dynamic capabilities. The question is to highlight the company's ability to manage continuously the Internet activity in a coherent way. The ability of the company to control over time the key mechanisms of alignment linked to the Internet reflects the "Internet alignment dynamic capabilities." The applications of such a conceptual framework are manifold.Cadre conceptuel; Alignement; StratĂ©gie Internet; CapacitĂ©s dynamiques; Conceptual framework; Alignment; Internet strategy; Dynamic capabilities;
