69 research outputs found

    Enterprise resource planning business case considerations : an analysis of Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises in developing countries

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    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) are implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems because they promise significant benefits. However, the majority of ERP deployments rarely meet user expectations and often do not yield expected benefits. As a result, the failure rate of ERP implementations at SMEs is estimated to be between 40 and 60 percent. This high rate of failure, together with the resultant impact on SMEs and the consequences for national development is a cause for concern. In order to address this concern, this study aims to explore how SMEs develop their business cases, as well as how the benefits, risks and costs of ERP systems are realised in SMEs. Companies need a clear vision and convincing reasons when they adopt ERP systems. The study used the qualitative research method. Cases from South Africa and Zimbabwe were investigated in a cross-sectional study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analysed using elements of thematic data analysis, grounded theory, and a general inductive approach to analysis. The Design Reality Gap Model formed a theoretical base and was used as lens for data collection and analysis

    Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    This thesis presents a study of Business Intelligence and Analytics (BI&A) adoption in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Although the importance of BI&A is widely accepted, empirical research shows SMEs still lag in BI&A proliferation. Thus, it is crucial to understand the phenomenon of BI&A adoption in SMEs. This thesis will investigate and explore BI&A adoption in SMEs, addressing the main research question: How can we understand the phenomenon of BI&A adoption in SMEs? The adoption term in this thesis refers to all the IS adoption stages, including investment, implementation, utilization, and value creation. This research uses a combination of a literature review, a qualitive exploratory approach, and a ranking-type Delphi study with a grounded Delphi approach. The empirical part includes interviews with 38 experts and Delphi surveys with 39 experts from various Norwegian industries. The research strategy investigates the factors influencing BI&A adoption in SMEs. The study examined the investment, implementation, utilization, and value creation of BI&A technologies in SMEs. A thematic analysis was adopted to collate the qualitative expert interview data and search for potential themes. The Delphi survey findings were further examined using the grounded Delphi method. To better understand the study’s findings, three theoretical perspectives were applied: resource-based view theory, dynamic capabilities, and IS value process models. The thesis’ research findings are presented in five articles published in international conference proceedings and journals. This thesis summary will coherently integrate and discuss these results.publishedVersio

    Exploring the factors affecting implementation of enterprise resource planning in South African small and medium enterprises

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    Abstract: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) structures are one among the key instruments that data systems use to encourage fast decision-making, cost minimization, and comprehensive internal control. South African Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have begun to acknowledge ERP systems as a vital tool within this marked improvement in Information Technology (IT). However, literature on this subject indicates that structure expectations and wishes don't seem to be met by the overall public on the implementation of ERP. Over one half of the ERP implementations in SMEs have recently been evidenced to fail, as revealed by research studies. Essentially, the components linked to the accomplishment of ERP execution are not fully studied in South African SMEs. In addition, the excessive failure of ERP implies a threat to South Africa, because SMEs are the foundation of the South African economy. To achieve the abovementioned goal, this study adopted a two-sided approach; firstly, the researcher critically analysed a set of previous studies that were conducted on ERP implementation within various business organisations. This helped in identifying gaps existing in the current literature. A questionnaire approach was used with three different firms located in South Africa, particularly in the province of Gauteng. The respondents were chosen by means of a convenience sampling approach, because it enabled the researcher to select participants that were easily accessible.M.Tech

    Benefits and challenges of Enterprise Resource Planning for Pakistani SMEs

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is used to combine all the functions happening inside the organization with the help of one software. All the data is centralized which makes it easy to manage information for all participants. The literature on ERP is studied thoroughly the whole process of adoption till the implementation and final evaluations. But studies that focus on small and medium sized enterprises are limited in number when compared to the large scale enterprises. In case of Pakistan, research is very limited. In this thesis, the author tries to analyze the current status of SMEs usage of ERP system. The benefits obtained and challenges faced by SMEs of Pakistan are studied. Framework presented by Shang and Seddon (2000) is used to understand the benefits obtained by the SMEs in Pakistan. This is a comprehensive framework that classifies the benefits obtained by the ERP adoption, into five categories: operational benefits, managerial benefits, Strategic benefits, IT benefits, and Organizational benefits. The results show that SMEs of Pakistan are also getting many benefits after adoption of ERP. Most of the firms had implemented SAP software. Operational benefits were mentioned by all the firms. The most important benefits were report generation, quick access to critical information, better product and cost planning. Respondents also mentioned that they had reduced corruption as a result of ERP implementation. It is also an important benefit considering high corruption rate in Pakistan. Along with benefits, challenges faced by Pakistani SMEs included infrastructure problems like electricity, difficulties with integration of one module with other module, costs of adoption and lack of skilled ERP consultants. Further studies in this regard can be conducted on cloud based ERP which is fast growing all around the world

    The Dynamics of Critical Success Factors of Enterprise Resource Planning Programs

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    Research on Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations has been carried out since the late 1990s, identifying various CSFs, empirically testing them and summarizing them in taxonomies. Little attention has been paid so far to ERP programs, which are employed frequently in practice. In this context, a program is an additional entity which supervises and monitors the single projects within an ERP implementation, and during all phases of the ERP life cycle. It is important to note that research barely considers the notion of programs explicitly and often abstracts from challenges stemming from interdependent, related projects and the dynamics over the implementation life cycle. This research approaches this gap from the perspective of phases by investigating the CSFs of two large ERP programs in-depth over the course of their life cycles. We employ a variant of the "Straussian" grounded theory approach for our interpretive case studies. The structures and the contexts of the two programs were significantly different. Consequently, as we deem the contextual information particularly important, we (1) perform two independent analyses of the programs. In this step we present two models which give us further insights into the dynamics of CSFs in ERP programs. The first model (a) attributes different perceptions of salient groups in relation to a CSF as determinants for IS-success. The second model (b) presents the program construct as a means of organizational learning to impact CSFs over the life cycle of an ERP program. In a second analysis step (2), we continue with a comparative cross-case analysis and discuss differences and commonalities. Furthermore, a common set of CSFs and the benefits of ERP programs are presented. The results show us that CSFs can change over the program life cycle and a more dynamic view is warranted. Furthermore, we illustrate programs as powerful tools that increase the likelihood of successful implementation efforts. We present two models highlighting the roles of perceptions (a) and organizational learning (b) and how they can shape their underlying CSFs. These parsimonious, easily applicable models provide the basis for empirical research in this area, and can be used by practitioners as a point of reference, increasing the likelihood of a successful implementation. Lastly, we demonstrate that an ERP program as an additional entity is most beneficial in contexts with a high degree of integration, dependencies and interrelations between the projects, where the resources need to be allocated and prioritized efficiently

    Knowledge discovery for moderating collaborative projects

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    In today's global market environment, enterprises are increasingly turning towards collaboration in projects to leverage their resources, skills and expertise, and simultaneously address the challenges posed in diverse and competitive markets. Moderators, which are knowledge based systems have successfully been used to support collaborative teams by raising awareness of problems or conflicts. However, the functioning of a moderator is limited to the knowledge it has about the team members. Knowledge acquisition, learning and updating of knowledge are the major challenges for a Moderator's implementation. To address these challenges a Knowledge discOvery And daTa minINg inteGrated (KOATING) framework is presented for Moderators to enable them to continuously learn from the operational databases of the company and semi-automatically update the corresponding expert module. The architecture for the Universal Knowledge Moderator (UKM) shows how the existing moderators can be extended to support global manufacturing. A method for designing and developing the knowledge acquisition module of the Moderator for manual and semi-automatic update of knowledge is documented using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). UML has been used to explore the static structure and dynamic behaviour, and describe the system analysis, system design and system development aspects of the proposed KOATING framework. The proof of design has been presented using a case study for a collaborative project in the form of construction project supply chain. It has been shown that Moderators can "learn" by extracting various kinds of knowledge from Post Project Reports (PPRs) using different types of text mining techniques. Furthermore, it also proposed that the knowledge discovery integrated moderators can be used to support and enhance collaboration by identifying appropriate business opportunities and identifying corresponding partners for creation of a virtual organization. A case study is presented in the context of a UK based SME. Finally, this thesis concludes by summarizing the thesis, outlining its novelties and contributions, and recommending future research

    Business strategy driven IT systems for engineer-to-order and make-to-order manufacturing enterprises

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    This thesis reports research into the specification and implementation of an Information Technology (IT) Route Map. The purpose of the Route Map is to enable rapid design and deployment of IT solutions capable of semi-automating business processes in a manufacturing enterprise. The Map helps structure transition processes involved in “identification of key business strategies and design of business processes” and “choice of enterprise systems and supporting implementation techniques”. Common limitations of current Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are observed and incorporated as Route Map implications and constraints. Scope of investigation is targeted at Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) that employ Engineer-To-Order (ETO) and Make-To-Order (MTO) business processes. However, a feature of the Route Map is that it takes into account contemporary business concerns related to “globalisation”, “mergers and acquisitions” and “typical resource constraint problems of SMEs”. In the course of the research a “Business Strategy Driven IT System Concept” was conceived and examined. The main purpose of this concept is to promote the development of agile and innovative business activity in SMEs. The Road Map encourages strategy driven solutions to be (a) specified based on the use of emerging enterprise engineering theories and (b) implemented and changed using componentbased systems design and composition techniques. Part-evaluation of the applicability and capabilities of the Road Map has been carried out by conducting industrial survey and case study work. This assesses requirements of real industrial problems and solutions. The evaluation work has also been enabled by conducting a pilot implementation of the thesis concepts at the premises of a partner SME

    Unlocking the digital organization : a view of the digital transformation capabilities

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    Digital transformation is a complex process enabled by the application of digital technologies that fundamentally change the business model of organizations, altering their ways of capturing and generating value, their organizational processes, routines, sources of revenue, and resources. It is such a pressing phenomenon in the current context (accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic) that all organizations will be impacted and will have to deal with it sooner or later. Thus, to understand the mechanisms that assist organizations in creating strategic conditions for successful transformations, this thesis focuses on the phenomenon and seeks a deep understanding of the elements that compose it. Through a comprehensive and robust work that mixes qualitative methods (such as systematic review and multiple case studies) with quantitative methods (such as EFA and PLS), the thesis presents significant and impactful results. Among them are (i) the proposition of a Digital Transformation Dynamic Capability framework and (ii) a subsequent capability-based maturity model, and (iii) the proposition of a model (statistically tested in SMEs) about the framework's antecedent factors. A distinct point of this theoretical proposition is the use of dynamic capabilities lens for the framework organization - allowing the understanding of the phenomenon as a process to be continuously pursued. Thus, the main contributions lie in a comprehensive and original approach that can guide organizations to articulate and develop the conditions to unlock the capability to digitally transform their business model - which can lead to a capacity for continuous change in the digital context. Furthermore, it offers robust and timely research whose models condense a knowledge corpus from which future research can benefit

    Assessment of usage of planning & scheduling procedures & ICT by UK manufacturing SME's

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engineering and Management of Manufacturing SystemsThis dissertation investigates the practices of scheduling and data management in small and medium manufacturing enterprises (SMEs). This work intends to identify and assess the stage of usage of tools and/or software used in companies across the UK, and their techniques. To make this assessment and compare the results within these practices, a combination of a webquestionnaire and interviews were carried out, where participants are asked for their insight and evaluation on issues that were found in literature. To better analyse the impact of the tools and techniques, results were compared within these practices, the companies that show better results or lack of success are analysed by a series of performance indicators that may identify the result of such tools and techniques. To perform this survey, a literature review was carried out to discover previous research that has been conducted on the topic and identify the gaps between theory and practices. Research presents positive and negative aspects of the more common and traditional scheduling tools, a classification for manufacturing scheduling tools, and the usage of ERP systems in SMEs. Data was collected from the companies and is than analysed and discussed to identify trends and produce conclusions on the practices of UK manufacturing companies
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