7 research outputs found

    What Determines Whether Observers Recognize Targeted Behaviors In Modeling Displays?

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    Observational learning is based on a critical assumption that trainees can and do recognize critical modeled behaviors. This assumption has been virtually untested in applied settings. We studied the effects of work experience and instructions on the ability of 59 observers to recognize target behaviors in an observational learning paradigm similar to existing ones. Additionally, we investigated the effects of two key factors that were hypothesized to affect the recognition process in observational learning. The results indicated that only observers who had a minimum of work experience (i.e., intermediate and experienced observers in the study) were able to consistently recognize targeted behaviors. Additionally, recognition was influenced by the level of detail of instructions given to the participants. Finally, characteristics of the modeled behaviors greatly affected recognition: Overall, examples of negative behaviors were better recognized than were positive examples. Behaviors whose consequence was shown were also better recognized than those that were neither reinforced nor punished in the video. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the design of observational learning as a training strategy in complex and applied social learning situations. The applications of this work include the design of training, and the training of evaluators and observers

    What determines whether observers recognize targeted behaviors in modeling displays?

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    Observational learning is based on a critical assumption that trainees can and do recognize critical modeled behaviors. This assumption has been virtually untested in applied settings. We studied the effects of work experience and instructions on the ability of 59 observers to recognize target behaviors in an observational learning paradigm similar to existing ones. Additionally, we investigated the effects of two key factors that were hypothesized to affect the recognition process in observational learning. The results indicated that only observers who had a minimum of work experience (i.e., intermediate and experienced observers in the study) were able to consistently recognize targeted behaviors, Additionally, recognition was influenced by the level of detail of instructions given to the participants. Finally, characteristics of the modeled behaviors greatly affected recognition: Overall, examples of negative behaviors were better recognized than were positive examples. Behaviors whose consequence was shown were also better recognized than those that were neither reinforced nor punished in the video. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the design of observational learning as a training strategy in complex and applied social learning situations. The applications of this work include the design of training, and the training of evaluators and observers

    The teacher as designer of competency-based education

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    Hoogveld, B. (2003). The teacher as designer of competency-based education. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands

    Comparing Wrong/Right with Right/Right Exemplars in Video Modelling to Teach Social Skills to Children with Autism

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    Research has shown that video modelling can improve social behaviours in children with ASD. In addition, research in behaviour modelling training from the field of organisational psychology has shown that using a mix of positive and negative exemplars can assist in acquisition and generalisation of a skill. The current study compared the use of one negative and one positive exemplar, with the use of two positive exemplars to determine which combination would result in faster acquisition and/or superior generalisation of a skill. No other studies have examined this with children diagnosed with ASD. Seven children, aged between 5 and 15 years, and diagnosed with ASD participated in a multiple baseline design across children; within child across two modelling conditions; and within each modelling condition across two tasks. In one condition, a participant watched a video containing one exemplar of a model (same sex and of similar age but with normal development) perform a task the wrong way, and one exemplar of the same model perform the same task the right way (wrong/right). In another condition, the participant watched a video containing two different exemplars of the model perform a matched task the right way (right/right). During the intervention, 1 participant refused to watch the videos. For 13 of the 16 tasks, where training was completed, participants either reached criterion or made some gains in acquisition of the social skills. However, for seven of the tasks criterion was not reached. Generally, neither modelling condition was superior in acquisition or generalisation of the targeted social skills. Confounds occurring during the course of the study may have contributed to the equivocal results. For some children with ASD, video modelling in combination with the delivery of preferred reinforcers may be required for successful skill acquisition. Further implications, particularly the potential negative effects of vicarious reinforcement when an observer does not gain reinforcement for imitation are discussed, as are recommendations for future research

    Learning to lead: A quasi-experimental test of the interplay between experience and training

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2015. Major: Business Administration. Advisor: Andrew Van de Ven. 1 computer file (PDF); vi, 97 pages.Two dominant ways that employees learn leadership skills are formal training and on-the-job experience. Both types of learning are ubiquitous in organizations, but their interplay is rarely considered. In this study, I adopt learning theories from educational and cognitive psychology to explain why experience may help or hinder the effectiveness of leadership training, and I test my hypotheses using a quasi-experiment in a public accounting firm. I also examine the impact of other individual differences--cognitive ability, motivation to lead, learning goal orientation, and pre-training self-efficacy--on training effectiveness. From the perspective of the leader, prior leadership experience significantly improved the effectiveness of leadership training. Leaders who had led more projects and had been exposed to a broader range or leadership situations were those who benefit the most from leadership training. The results support the theory that cognitive constraints impede learning during training for novice leaders and are alleviated when leaders possess more experience. However, the same support was not found from the manager and subordinate perspectives. Regarding individual differences, there was clear evidence for the benefit of a learning goal orientation, mixed evidence for the benefit of motivation to lead, very limited evidence for self-efficacy, and no evidence for cognitive ability. The implications of these findings for theory and practice are discussed

    Psicolog铆a aeron谩utica en Espa帽a. Una historia y una panor谩mica actual.

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    RESUMEN Se ofrece una reconstrucci贸n hist贸rica de la Psicolog铆a Aeron谩utica, desde la perspectiva constructivista y apoy谩ndose en la exhaustiva revisi贸n de fuentes de archivo y legislaci贸n. El estudio marca tres 茅pocas n铆tidamente diferenciadas, vinculada cada una de ellas con un programa de investigaci贸n perfectamente definido. En la 茅poca de los pioneros (1900-1936) se fue configurando un modelo de selecci贸n anclado en el an谩lisis de tarea y en la teor铆a de la predisposici贸n al accidente, que utilizaba para la exploraci贸n el aparataje t铆pico de los primeros laboratorios evaluaban aptitudes y destrezas, solo de forma incipiente se planteaba el uso de pruebas m谩s holistas que exploraban la personalidad. Un segundo nivel lo defin铆a el inter茅s por la formaci贸n, la selecci贸n para una formaci贸n m谩s adecuada y que redujese costes. Desde sus or铆genes, la vinculaci贸n entre aeron谩utica militar y civil fue grande, normalmente la investigaci贸n b谩sica se realizaba en la primera, y la aplicaci贸n en ambas. Tras la guerra comienza un proceso con un creciente corpus legal que no siempre ha hecho justicia a la labor del psic贸logo en esta actividad. Los a帽os 50 contemplan la primera normativa definida y el segundo gran programa de investigaci贸n. Encontramos un modelo funcional-psicom茅trico, claramente dependiente de la psicolog铆a aeron谩utica norteamericana y de la tradici贸n psicom茅trica de la inteligencia. Germain, y Pascual despu茅s, tomar铆an el lugar de Mira como valedores del modelo. Subyace una versi贸n m谩s elaborada de la teor铆a de la predisposici贸n al accidente, pero cambia la sociotecnolog铆a, ahora son los tests los instrumentos b谩sicos de evaluaci贸n y la pareja selecci贸n/formaci贸n contin煤a viva. Finalmente con los a帽os 80, coincidiendo pr谩cticamente en el tiempo con la desaparici贸n de los Institutos de Psicolog铆a, la remodelaci贸n de los servicios psicot茅cnicos de las fuerzas armadas, y la aparici贸n de los centros privados de reconocimientos, surgir铆a un tercer modelo, vinculado a los esfuerzos de la OTAN por dotarse de un modelo de selecci贸n compartido y al trabajo del laboratorio de psicolog铆a aeron谩utica de la Universidad de Salamanca. Se trataba de un modelo cognitivo-conductual, apoyado en una nueva tecnolog铆a, el ordenador, pero que conservaba su estructura: se exploraban los tiempos de reacci贸n, las destrezas psicomotoras (especialmente orientaci贸n espacial) y la personalidad, atendiendo ahora a factores perturbadores y patolog铆as psicol贸gicas, ofreci茅ndose una bater铆a de pruebas bien definida. En este marco sigui贸 sin definirse el papel del psic贸logo en el proceso de evaluaci贸n, y no hubo una respuesta adecuada a esta situaci贸n desde la estructura del colegio profesional, quien no defini贸 el perfil profesional de esta actividad. La situaci贸n actual se ha estudiado con una metodolog铆a documental. Se ha practicado un exhaustivo an谩lisis de las principales bases de datos, en lengua inglesa y castellana, de la psicolog铆a actual. Se ha construido una Base de Datos propia y se ha analizado con t茅cnicas bibliom茅tricas. El estudio ofrece un detallado an谩lisis de los autores m谩s productivos que escriben en el 谩rea, los grupos de colaboraci贸n y colegios invisibles, las materias y temas dominantes, y las principales revistas, en los dos 谩mbitos idiom谩ticos se帽alados. Encontramos importantes coincidencias, especialmente en lo que hace a los sujetos a explorar (pilotos, personal de vuelo y controladores), a la estructura de la exploraci贸n, e incluso respecto del instrumental psicol贸gico para evaluaci贸n. As铆 mismo, es clara la presencia de psic贸logos en los equipos multiprofesionales que trabajan en las 谩reas estudiadas. El trabajo en conjunto muestra la necesidad de desarrollar la selecci贸n, por razones fundamentalmente de prevenci贸n, resalta el papel del psic贸logo en la misma, y reivindica la necesidad de que el Colegio Profesional y las Autoridades competentes, consideren adecuadamente al psic贸logo aeron谩utico. __________________________________________________________________________________________________Its offers a historic reconstruction of aeronautic psychology, from the constructive perspective and a complete revision of documental archives and legislation. There are three big models which have highlighted in the research of the area. One based on the professionalized analysis of Mira, and fundamentally developed in Barcelona by Figueras and Azoy, previous to the civil war. A second one, linked to the names of Pinillos, Germain and Pascual, of psychometric and factorials character, which was originated with the cooperation between the air army and INPAP and the Department of Experimental Psychology of the CSIC, model which was developed in the fifties. A third, linked to the Laboratory of Aeronautic Psychology of the University of Salamanca (Prieto, Carro), also originated with the cooperation between the military and civil world which, thanks to a cognitive and computational model, developed a model of high impact. The great fund continuity among those three is analyzed, and the fundamental role of the psychologist in the selection model. The present situation has studied with a documentary methodology, analysing the main data bases, in English and Castilian language, of present psychology. The study offers a detailed analysis of the authors more productive than they write in the area, the dominant groups of collaboration, matters and subjects, and the main magazines. We found important coincidences, specially in which it makes to the subjects explore (pilots, flight personnel and controller), to the structure of the exploration, and even respect to psychological instruments for evaluation. The work altogether shows the necessity to develop the selection, for prevention reasons fundamentally, it emphasizes the paper of the psychologist in the same one, and vindicates the competent necessity that the Professional School and Authorities, suitably considers to the psychologist aeronautic