4 research outputs found

    Financiamento do desporto: crowdfunding

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    Os associados, as famílias, os praticantes desportivos e as pessoas que partilham interesses comuns pelas atividades desenvolvidas dos clubes desportivos são os principais interessados no desenvolvimento e prosperidade do clube. São também os principais alvos para contribuírem com donativos e apoios, no âmbito de campanhas de crowdfunding. O lançamento de uma campanha de crowdfunding é uma atividade que poderá gerar receitas. A investigação tem mostrado que o crowdfunding pode ser um mecanismo Þnanceiro útil tanto para clubes que desenvolvem atividades não proÞssionais, semi-proÞssionais e proÞssionais. Os alvos do crowdfunding são indivíduos que têm interesse geral por desporto, interesse por um desporto preferido, indivíduos identiÞcados com o clube, com o sentimento de fazer parte do clube (fãs) e indivíduos que assistem aos jogos em casa (Huth & Kurscheidt, 2022). Além destes alvos, também têm sido identiÞcados potenciais Þnanciadores coletivos, tais como atuais empesas patrocinadoras que podem assumir uma função extra e apoiar um dado projeto especíÞco do clube através do instrumento crowdfunding (Huth & Kurscheidt, 2022; Leroux-Sostenes & Bayle, 2019; Marlena & Górnowicz, 2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extraction of Visual Information to Predict Crowdfunding Success

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    Researchers have increasingly turned to crowdfunding platforms to gain insights into entrepreneurial activity and dynamics. While previous studies have explored various factors influencing crowdfunding success, such as technology, communication, and marketing strategies, the role of visual elements that can be automatically extracted from images has received less attention. This is surprising, considering that crowdfunding platforms emphasize the importance of attention-grabbing and high-resolution images, and previous research has shown that image characteristics can significantly impact product evaluations. Indeed, a comprehensive review of empirical articles (n = 202) that utilized Kickstarter data, focusing on the incorporation of visual information in their analyses. Our findings reveal that only 29.70% controlled for the number of images, and less than 12% considered any image details. In this manuscript, we review the literature on image processing and its relevance to the business domain, highlighting two types of visual variables: visual counts (number of pictures and number of videos) and image details. Building upon previous work that discussed the role of color, composition and figure-ground relationships, we introduce visual scene elements that have not yet been explored in crowdfunding, including the number of faces, the number of concepts depicted, and the ease of identifying those concepts. To demonstrate the predictive value of visual counts and image details, we analyze Kickstarter data. Our results highlight that visual count features are two of the top three predictors of success. Our results also show that simple image detail features such as color matter a lot, and our proposed measures of visual scene elements can also be useful. We supplement our article with R and Python codes that help authors extract image details (https://osf.io/ujnzp/).Comment: 32 pages, 5 figure


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    Online medical crowdfunding has expanded the reach of charitable giving, bypassing the traditional barriers of geographic distance, institutional affiliation, or lack of personal connections. At the same time, lack of trust has emerged as the critical factor inhibiting success, especially in societies that are less comfortable with non-direct, and impersonal charitable giving. The aim of this project is to develop a new crowdfunding platform paradigm for a charity fund that simultaneously addresses the need for transparency and accountability and the need to create emotions of compassion and generosity. In typical medical crowdfunding, notions of trust at a deeper level, of compassion and of gratitude are often an afterthought, long after the design of the platform has been finalized and when there are limited opportunities for improvement. The innovative aspect of the proposed approach is that the need to tend to the human emotions of the donors is interweaved with the technical aspects of the platform design. To demonstrate the proposed approach, Qaiyrym.kz, an actual online medical crowdfunding platform has been built on behalf of Miloserdie, a specific charity organization in Kazakhstan. Initial results based on extensive testing with published cases of real patients demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of the proposed platform in increasing donations for the charity organization. The platform managed to collect money and showed good performance compared to Miloserdie fund, though it might be attributed to the event organization and the audience specifics. Each feature implemented on our platform was analyzed based on the feedback and metrics results, which allowed us to assess their effectiveness and make some practical implications for crowdfunding platform managers and campaign initiators