9 research outputs found

    Transfer learning for multicenter classification of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung disease which can be quantified using chest computed tomography (CT) scans. Recent studies have shown that COPD can be automatically diagnosed using weakly supervised learning of intensity and texture distributions. However, up till now such classifiers have only been evaluated on scans from a single domain, and it is unclear whether they would generalize across domains, such as different scanners or scanning protocols. To address this problem, we investigate classification of COPD in a multi-center dataset with a total of 803 scans from three different centers, four different scanners, with heterogenous subject distributions. Our method is based on Gaussian texture features, and a weighted logistic classifier, which increases the weights of samples similar to the test data. We show that Gaussian texture features outperform intensity features previously used in multi-center classification tasks. We also show that a weighting strategy based on a classifier that is trained to discriminate between scans from different domains, can further improve the results. To encourage further research into transfer learning methods for classification of COPD, upon acceptance of the paper we will release two feature datasets used in this study on http://bigr.nl/research/projects/copdComment: Accepted at Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatic

    Weighting training images by maximizing distribution similarity for supervised segmentation across scanners

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    Many automatic segmentation methods are based on supervised machine learning. Such methods have proven to perform well, on the condition that they are trained on a sufficiently large manually labeled training set that is representative of the images to segment. However, due to differences between scanners, scanning parameters, and patients such a training set may be difficult to obtain. We present a transfer-learning approach to segmentation by multi-feature voxelwise classification. The presented method can be trained using a heterogeneous set of training images that may be obtained with different scanners than the target image. In our approach each training image is given a weight based on the distribution of its voxels in the feature space. These image weights are chosen as to minimize the difference between the weighted probability density function (PDF) of the voxels of the training images and the PDF of the voxels of the target image. The voxels and weights of the training images are then used to train a weighted classifier. We tested our method on three segmentation tasks: brain-tissue segmentation, skull stripping, and white-matter-lesion segmentation. For all three applications, the proposed weighted classifier significantly outperformed an unweighted classifier on all training images, reducing classification errors by up to 42%. For brain-tissue segmentation and skull stripping our method even significantly outperformed the traditional approach of training on representative training images from the same study as the target image. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Weighting training images by maximizing distribution similarity for supervised segmentation across scanners

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    Many automatic segmentation methods are based on supervised machine learning. Such methods have proven to perform well, on the condition that they are trained on a sufficiently large manually labeled training set that is representative of the images to segment. However, due to differences between scanners, scanning parameters, and patients such a training set may be difficult to obtain. We present a transfer-learning approach to segmentation by multi-feature voxelwise classification. The presented method can be trained using a heterogeneous set of training images that may be obtained with different scanners than the target image. In our approach each training image is given a weight based on the distribution of its voxels in the feature space. These image weights are chosen as to minimize the difference between the weighted probability density function (PDF) of the voxels of the training images and the PDF of the voxels of the target image. The voxels and weights of the training images are then used to train a weighted classifier. We tested our method on three segmentation tasks: brain-tissue segmentation, skull stripping, and white-matter-lesion segmentation. For all three applications, the proposed weighted classifier significantly outperformed an unweighted classifier on all training images, reducing classification errors by up to 42%. For brain-tissue segmentation and skull stripping our method even significantly outperformed the traditional approach of training on representative training images from the same study as the target image. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Transfer learning by feature-space transformation: A method for Hippocampus segmentation across scanners

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    Many successful approaches in MR brain segmentation use supervised voxel classification, which requires manually labeled training images that are representative of the test images to segment. However, the performance of such methods often deteriorates if training and test images are acquired with different scanners or scanning parameters, since this leads to differences in feature representations between training and test data. In this paper we propose a feature-space transformation (FST) to overcome such differences in feature representations. The proposed FST is derived from unlabeled images of a subject that was scanned with both the source and the target scan protocol. After an affine registration, these images give a mapping between source and target voxels in the feature space. This mapping is then used to map all training samples to the feature representation of the test samples. We evaluated the benefit of the proposed FST on hippocampus segmentation. Experiments were performed on two datasets: one with relatively small differences between training and test images and one with large differences. In both cases, the FST significantly improved the performance compared to using only image normalization. Additionally, we showed that our FST can be used to improve the performance of a state-of-the-art patch-based-atlas-fusion technique in case of large differences between scanners