2 research outputs found

    Low-complexity three-dimensional AOA-cross geometric center localization methods via multi-UAV network

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    The angle of arrival (AOA) is widely used to locate a wireless signal emitter in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) localization. Compared with received signal strength (RSS) and time of arrival (TOA), AOA has higher accuracy and is not sensitive to the time synchronization of the distributed sensors. However, there are few works focusing on three-dimensional (3-D) scenarios. Furthermore, although the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) has a relatively high performance, its computational complexity is ultra-high. Therefore, it is hard to employ it in practical applications. This paper proposed two center of inscribed sphere-based methods for 3-D AOA positioning via multiple UAVs. The first method could estimate the source position and angle measurement noise at the same time by seeking the center of an inscribed sphere, called the CIS. Firstly, every sensor measures two angles, the azimuth angle and the elevation angle. Based on that, two planes are constructed. Then, the estimated values of the source position and the angle noise are achieved by seeking the center and radius of the corresponding inscribed sphere. Deleting the estimation of the radius, the second algorithm, called MSD-LS, is born. It is not able to estimate angle noise but has lower computational complexity. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that proposed methods could approach the Cramér–Rao lower bound (CRLB) and have lower complexity than the MLE

    Algoritmos de Radiolocalización basados en ToA, TDoA y AoA

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    Based on the geometric principles of Triangulation and Trilateration some location estimation techniques such as ToA (Time of Arrival), TDoA (Time Difference of Arrival) and AoA (Angle of Arrival) are presented. For these estimation techniques different algorithms are analyzed including the Analytical method, Least Squares method and Taylor Series method for ToA and TDoA, and Capon, Barttlet and MUSIC for AoA. This article pretends to present survey of location estimation techniques and their mathematical description.Partiendo de los principios geométricos de Triangulación y Trilateración se presentan algunas técnicas de estimación de ubicación como lo son ToA (Tiempo de llegada), TDoA (Diferencia en Tiempo de llegada) y AoA (Ángulo de llegada). Para estas técnicas de estimación diferentes algoritmos son analizados incluyendo el método Analítico, el método por Mínimos Cuadrados y el método por Series de Taylor para ToA y TDoA y Capon, Bartlett y MUSIC para AoA. Éste artículo pretende presentar una revisión del estado del arte sobre algunas técnicas de estimación de ubicación y su descripción matemáticamente