3 research outputs found

    Skill Up: Smart Work, Occupational Mix and Regional Productivity

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    New technologies and sector imbalances due to manufacturing hollowing out have dented the regional stock of competencies in the European Union (EU) labour markets. This raises concerns over the sustainability of the EU’s competitiveness in the longer term. The present study explore on what occupational mix might be able to deliver greater regional productivity in the light of emerging industrial dynamics. We estimate panel regression models using regional data from the EU Labour Force Survey and Eurostat regional statistics. Our results show that regional gross value added (GVA) is significantly improved if regions have a mix of occupations that includes what we define as smart workers: these are workers employed in advanced manufacturing and knowledge-based production-support activities. We also test interactions amongst production and production-support occupations as well as the nonlinear effect between smart workers and regional GVA. Policy implications are discussed

    Skill Up: Smart Work, Occupational Mix and Regional Productivity

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    New technologies and sector imbalances due to manufacturing hollowing out have dented the regional stock of competencies in the European Union (EU) labour markets. This raises concerns over the sustainability of the EU’s competitiveness in the longer term. The present study explore on what occupational mix might be able to deliver greater regional productivity in the light of emerging industrial dynamics. We estimate panel regression models using regional data from the EU Labour Force Survey and Eurostat regional statistics. Our results show that regional gross value added (GVA) is significantly improved if regions have a mix of occupations that includes what we define as smart workers: these are workers employed in advanced manufacturing and knowledge-based production-support activities. We also test interactions amongst production and production-support occupations as well as the nonlinear effect between smart workers and regional GVA. Policy implications are discussed

    Zilian : the marketing strategy to reach the Millennial consumer

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    With the analysis of Zilian’s practical dilemma regarding brand positioning in the Millennial generation, some topics like targeting and positioning, the importance of brand and marketing mix are explored through the dissertation. Zilian is a Portuguese footwear brand focused in creating feminine shoes. The brand is for hard working, cosmopolitan, and demanding women. As years passed by, Zilian noticed that, despite having products for many ages, the Millennial generation is not purchasing the brand’s products. With this situation in mind, it was chosen to give a refresh to the brand, turning it into a modern and totally engaged in the digital world Zilian, without loosing its established identity. Zilian believes this strategy can conquer the missing stake in its portfolio of clients. This strategy, consequently, brought the problem the thesis tries to address: Is a digital strategy the best way to reach the Millennial target?. To explore the evidence around the topic, primary and secondary data were collected and some results helped answering to the stated problem. It was found that many companies in the market place are already adopting the digital incorporation approach, but this is not enough to conquer the Millennial consumer. These were born in the digital Era, therefore, it is required a digital presence to communicate with this target, but the identity of the brand, its congruent image and its engaging content is a fundamental component to capture the target’s attention and loyalty.Através da análise do problema de posicionamento da marca Zillian na geração Millennial, tópicos como a escolha do público-alvo e posicionamento, a importância da marca e do seu marketing mix são explorados nesta dissertação. A Zillian é uma marca de calçado portuguesa empenhada na criação de sapatos femininos. A marca destina-se a mulheres trabalhadoras, cosmopolitas e exigentes. Com o passar dos anos, foi notado que, apesar da Zilian ter produtos para os Millennials, estes não estão a adquiri-los. Devido a esta situação, decidiu-se renovar a marca tornando-a mais moderna e inteiramente ligada ao digital sem, contudo, perder a sua estabelecida identidade. A Zillian acredita que, por meio de uma estratégia digital, poderá conquistar o lugar que procura junto dos seus potenciais clientes. Esta tentativa de reposicionamento traz, por consequência, o problema que esta tese intenta abordar: será a estratégia digital a melhor maneira de alcançar o público Millennial? Para explorar toda a informação disponível em torno deste tópico, foram recolhidos dados primários e secundários e certos resultados responderam ao problema apresentado. A estratégia digital, já adoptada por diversas empresas no mercado, só por si não é suficiente para conquistar o consumidor Millennial. Apesar desta geração ter nascido na Era digital - sendo, por isso, necessária uma presença online para comunicar com este público-alvo - a identidade, a imagem congruente e o conteúdo atractivo da marca são componentes fundamentais para capturar a atenção e a lealdade dos consumidores