44 research outputs found

    Trust on the Web: Some Web Science Research Challenges

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    Web Science is the interdisciplinary study of the World Wide Web as a first-order object in order to understand its relationship with the wider societies in which it is embedded, and in order to facilitate its future engineering as a beneficial object. In this paper, research issues and challenges relating to the vital topic of trust are reviewed, showing how the Web Science agenda requires trust to be addressed, and how addressing the challenges requires a range of disciplinary skills applied in an integrated manner

    Unlocking the potential of public sector information with Semantic Web technology

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    Governments often hold very rich data and whilst much of this information is published and available for re-use by others, it is often trapped by poor data structures, locked up in legacy data formats or in fragmented databases. One of the great benefits that Semantic Web (SW) technology offers is facilitating the large scale integration and sharing of distributed data sources. At the heart of information policy in the UK, the Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) is the part of the UK government charged with enabling the greater re-use of public sector information. This paper describes the actions, findings, and lessons learnt from a pilot study, involving several parts of government and the public sector. The aim was to show to government how they can adopt SW technology for the dissemination, sharing and use of its data

    Features for Killer Apps from a Semantic Web Perspective

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    There are certain features that that distinguish killer apps from other ordinary applications. This chapter examines those features in the context of the semantic web, in the hope that a better understanding of the characteristics of killer apps might encourage their consideration when developing semantic web applications. Killer apps are highly tranformative technologies that create new e-commerce venues and widespread patterns of behaviour. Information technology, generally, and the Web, in particular, have benefited from killer apps to create new networks of users and increase its value. The semantic web community on the other hand is still awaiting a killer app that proves the superiority of its technologies. The authors hope that this chapter will help to highlight some of the common ingredients of killer apps in e-commerce, and discuss how such applications might emerge in the semantic web

    Revisiting "privacy preserving clustering by data transformation".

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    Preserving the privacy of individuals when data are shared for clustering is a complex problem. The challenge is how to protect the underlying data values subjected to clustering without jeopardizing the similarity between objects under analysis. In this short paper, we revisit a family of geometric data transformation methods (GDTMs) that distort numerical attributes by translations, scalings, rotations, or even by the combination of these geometric transformations. Such a method was designed to address privacy-preserving clustering, in scenarios where data owners must not only meet privacy requirements but also guarantee valid clustering results. We offer a detailed, comprehensive and up-to-date picture of methods for privacy-preserving clustering by data transformation

    ICT Security Management

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    Security becomes more and more important and companies are aware that it has become a management problem. It’s critical to know what are the critical resources and processes of the company and their weaknesses. A security audit can be a handy solution. We have developed BEVA, a method to critically analyse the company and to uncover the weak spots in the security system. BEVA results in security scores for each security factor and also in a general security score. The goal is to increase the security score Ss to a postulated level by focusing on the critical security factors, those with a low security score

    Analysis of Information Security of Objects under Attacks and Processed by Methods of Compression

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    In this paper a methodology for evaluation of information security of objects under attacks, processed by methods of compression, is represented. Two basic parameters for evaluation of information security of objects – TIME and SIZE – are chosen and the characteristics, which reflect on their evaluation, are analyzed and estimated. A co-efficient of information security of object is proposed as a mean of the coefficients of the parameter TIME and SIZE. From the simulation experiments which were carried out methods with the highest co-efficient of information security had been determined. Assessments and conclusions for future investigations are proposed

    Ethical issues for internet use policy : balancing employer and employee perspectives

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    An organisational internet use policy (IUP) is a recognised deterrent to manage insider internet misuse. However, IUPs have proven ineffective against this threat, perhaps because of their neglect of the ethical issues involved. An important part of setting an IUP involves the resolution of key ethical dilemmas when employer and employee perspectives conflict. This paper explores the ethical issues that must be addressed when developing an organisational IUP. It draws on a conceptual analysis and an interpretive study of five medium-size and large organisations in Australia and North America. The paper provides a set of key ethical issues for an IUP and compares and contrasts the employer and employee perspectives. It highlights the need to balance the employer and employee perspectives when setting an IUP. Other implications for theory and practice are discussed.<br /

    Confiança en el web: alguns reptes en la recerca de la ciència del web

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    La ciència del web Ês l'estudi interdisciplinari del World Wide Web com a objecte de primer ordre per a entendre la seva relació amb les societats mÊs grans en què Ês integrat, i per a facilitar la seva enginyeria futura com a objecte beneficiós. En aquest article es presenten els problemes i els reptes de la recerca sobre el tema vital de la confiança, i es demostra que l'agenda de la ciència del web exigeix que es tracti la qßestió de la confiança i que per a enfrontar-se a aquests reptes cal un ventall de destreses disciplinàries aplicades d'una manera integrada

    Cyber-Situational Crime Prevention and the Breadth of Cybercrimes among Higher Education Institutions

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    Academic institutions house enormous amounts of critical information from social security numbers of students to proprietary research data. Thus, maintaining up to date cybersecurity practices to protect academic institutions’ information and facilities against cyber-perpetrators has become a top priority. The purpose of this study is to assess common cybersecurity measures through a situational crime prevention (SCP) theoretical framework. Using a national data set of academic institutions in the United States, this study investigates the link between common cybersecurity measures, crime prevention activities, and cybercrimes. By focusing on the conceptualization of cybersecurity measures as SCP techniques, this study also offers the SCP approach as a framework by which universities can seek to reduce incidents of cybercrime through the design, maintenance, and use of the built environment in the digital realm. Implications for theory, research and practice are discussed