180,239 research outputs found

    Barriers to the adoption of digital twin in the construction industry : a literature review

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    Digital twin (DT) has gained significant recognition among researchers due to its potential across industries. With the prime goal of solving numerous challenges confronting the construction industry (CI), DT in recent years has witnessed several applications in the CI. Hence, researchers have been advocating for DT adoption to tackle the challenges of the CI. Notwithstanding, a distinguishable set of barriers that oppose the adoption of DT in the CI has not been determined. Therefore, this paper identifies the barriers and incorporates them into a classified framework to enhance the roadmap for adopting DT in the CI. This research conducts an extensive review of the literature and analyses the barriers whilst integrating the science mapping technique. Using Scopus, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science databases, 154 related bibliographic records were identified and analysed using science mapping, while 40 carefully selected relevant publications were systematically reviewed. From the review, the top five barriers identified include low level of knowledge, low level of technology acceptance, lack of clear DT value propositions, project complexities, and static nature of building data. The results show that the UK, China, the USA, and Germany are the countries spearheading the DT adoption in the CI, while only a small number of institutions from Australia, the UK, Algeria, and Greece have established institutional collaborations for DT research. A conceptual framework was developed on the basis of 30 identified barriers to support the DT adoption roadmap. The main categories of the framework comprise stakeholder-oriented, industryrelated, construction-enterprise-related, and technology-related barriers. The identified barriers and the framework will guide and broaden the knowledge of DT, which is critical for successful adoption in the construction industry

    Web Technology Diffusion - Initial Adoption, Assimilation and Network Prominence

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    This study conceptualizes a staged model of web technology diffusion across enterprises and considers initial adoption, assimilation and the emergence of network prominence as progressive phases that build upon earlier outcomes. Based on the resource-based view of the firm and organization learning theories, we suggest that success at each innovation stage is based on overcoming the knowledge barriers that arise in the utilization of complex technologies. Factors related to the financial resource base, the prominence of the IT function, expertise in the IT domain and a visionary growth orientation are proposed to be important. We test three models corresponding to different phases of the technology diffusion process based on secondary data for a large sample of enterprises. Dedicated financial resources allocated to IT and Internet-related initiatives are found to be associated with reduced time to initial adoption. The level of IT budget as well as prominent leadership of IT function are found to be associated with website sophistication. Companies in the information technology industry and information-intensive services industry had more sophisticated websites but were not associated with higher network prominence. As expected, early initial adoption of technology led to higher network prominence judged through the number of web links from other sites. Our results suggest the need to take a multi-dimensional and staged perspective of complex technology diffusion

    Would you buy if you know? Does knowledge promote or deter adoption of Digital Home Assistants?

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    We are living in an era characterized by continuous technology evolution. A number of technology acceptance models are found in the literature pertaining to information systems, business and other sectors like agriculture and farming. Lack of knowledge was identified as one of the main barriers to technology adoption and hence a number of studies examined awareness, information gathering and learning process as influencers of technology adoption. In the context of web-based technology, much of the literature is related to E-Commerce or the use of other internet-based platforms, in what is known as computer mediated environment (CME). The barriers to adoption were found to be concerns of privacy, trust, information security and perceived risk. While e-commerce entails a user-initiated transaction, other devices and services like digital assistants and smart technology actively gather information, which the users may or may not be aware of. Digital home assistants (DHAs) like Google Home and Alexa, when connected to the homes, can perform numerous tasks and offer greater convenience. Recent incidents related to Facebook for example, have indicated breach of information gathered from the users, including information gathered without the active knowledge or consent of the users. In this context, it is interesting to examine the users’ perceptions of a digital home assistant which is always capable of gathering information of all members of the family and visitors. Are users aware of the information flows – inward and outward – when using a DHA? How does it influence the adoption of DHA? These were the questions addressed by the study. The study covered two sets of respondents: current users and non-users. A pretest-posttest model was used to study the level of knowledge and their purchase intention (non-users) / continuity intention (users) First, the quantum of data captured and the inflows and outflows from Google Home has been measured in a four-day period. The non-user respondents who displayed positive intention to buy have been exposed to the information and a post-test response related to purchase intention was measured. The current users’ knowledge related to information security in the use of DHAs was tested and their continuity intention was measured. The paper shares initial findings of the ongoing study of 102 non-users and 33 current users. Keywords: Smart tech, Knowledge, adoption, Digital Home Assistant

    Adoption of Vertical Standards

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    Over the past decade, the theories of Diffusion of Innovations and of Economics of Standards have been integrated to explain the Diffusion of Standards in Information Technologies. More recently, complex networked technologies unique to particular industries have been identified as a separate category called vertical standards, and the study of their adoption within and across industries has begun. This paper adds to the discourse by developing a theory-based model to explain variance in the adoption of vertical standards by firms. We posit that vertical standards adoption will be influenced by firm-level factors and adopter community-level factors. Key firm-level factors such as prior technology drag, knowledge barriers, and expected benefits, and adopter community-level factors such as standard legitimization and orphaning risk are identified as antecedents of vertical standards adoption. We also identify factors that impact each of these antecedents and put forth a research model interrelating these factors to vertical standards adoption. We expect to test our research model using data collected through a web-based survey of OASIS member firms

    A Multi-level Technology Acceptance, Adoption and Implementation Model for Achieving Government-Citizen Dialogue: An Omani Case Study

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    The number of commercial applications that exploit Web 2.0 social media is increasing rapidly. However, little is known about the challenges that public sector organizations face when they decide to adopt Web or other technology-based applications, and offer them to consumers; particularly when governmental and civil service organizations are involved. This is particularly true in developing non-Western regions, such as the Middle East, where 'Arab Spring' developments in 2011 stimulated interest in the ability of social networking to mobilize citizens against ruling elites. Consequently, this study investigated Oman's public sector to gain a deeper understanding of the adoption and use of information technology innovation and its potential to engage governments more closely with citizens. In essence, it aimed to develop a comprehensive model of ‘organizational adoption’ and ‘citizen use’ of technology for achieving meaningful online dialogue. The focus of this study is not social media applications per se, but rather it concerns any Web or other technology-based application that is suited to improving dialogue between government organizations and citizens. The final model was derived over three distinct phases of research using a mixed method approach. In Phase I, an initial literature review developed understanding of global trends in e-Government adoption and clarified the study aims, scope, and primary research question. A more extensive literature review was then undertaken to derive a tentative 'first-cut model' theoretical framework. This contains factors considered critical to both achieving successful organizational adoption of IT innovations and a meaningful dialogue between governments and citizens. These are presented from three distinct perspectives or levels; the National level, Organization level, and Management level. In Phase II of the research, case studies involving three Omani civil services organizations helped to refine the tentative model. Policymakers and citizens were interviewed to confirm issues and identify additional adoption and use factors. Finally, in Phase III a participatory action research approach was used to test completeness of the refined model, which culminated in the final model. This study has shown that meaningful online dialogue can be used for different purposes: for facilitating access to decision-makers (mainly), for responding to citizens' enquiries and for addressing rumours. At the National level, government support—meaning political, economic and technical aspects—plus social changes has driven the acceptance of technology for improving government-citizen interactions and for sharing of information. In contrast, the major National level inhibitors are: limited availability of broadband services, other digital divide barriers, national culture barriers and political barriers. At the Organization level, having an IT strategy and top management support, adequate human, financial and technical resources, and a strong citizen-centric orientation are all factors that drive the adoption. Conversely, lack of capability, inappropriate internal culture, and resistance to change can all inhibit adoption. At the Management level, good preparation, proficiency with technical issues, accessibility and marketing issues, appropriate consideration of operational issues and end user needs are critical for implementation of Web or other technology-based applications needed to create meaningful online dialogue. Conversely, major implementation challenges concern inadequate IT infrastructure, resistance to change, and inability to recruit a suitable management team. The research also found that creating a management team, recruiting qualified moderators, controlling the discussion, responding to citizens, and defining the interaction characteristics (objectives, target citizens, participation policies and rules, etc.) are all critical for achieving a meaningful dialogue. The developed model has added to the knowledge of how to encourage technology innovations in governmental organizations, in particular through online dialogue that motivates citizens and other stakeholders to engage in meaningful discussions. For non-Omani governmental organizations having similar operational characteristics, the developed model offers lessons for policymakers and others who wish to enhance citizens' interactions; or who wish to improve the reputation of the organization; or bring about citizen-acceptable policies and decisions. Future work should be aimed at testing the developed social networking adoption model in other industries, sectors and national settings

    E-Learning in Postsecondary Education

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    Over the past decade postsecondary education has been moving increasingly from the class room to online. During the fall 2010 term 31 percent of U.S. college students took at least one online course. The primary reasons for the growth of e-learning in the nation\u27s colleges and universities include the desire of those institutions to generate new revenue streams, improve access, and offer students greater scheduling flexibility. Yet the growth of e-learning has been accompanied by a continuing debate about its effectiveness and by the recognition that a number of barriers impede its widespread adoption in higher education

    Supporting strategic cultural change: The Strathclyde learning technology initiative as a model

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    This paper describes the strategies being developed at the University of Strathclyde in response to the vision in the Dearing Report of a learning society in which Communication and Information Technology (C&IT) is central to students' learning experiences. The Strathclyde Learning Technology Initiative aims to support strategic change in the development and use of new learning technologies to improve the quality and efficiency of teaching and learning within the University. In order for a major cultural shift in teaching and learning to take effect there are three main areas that need to be addressed: (i) many academics still work within a traditional teaching framework and believe that these methods can simply be transferred to the Web, (ii) students who have been taught in a traditional teaching environment need support in acquiring new learning skills for an electronic learning environment, and (iii) new methods of learning and teaching can only be successfully integrated within the environment of a supporting infrastructure and institutional climate. These key elements are further explored, drawing on the lessons learned from the implementation of the Initiative, and suggestions are made for ways of surmounting the barriers to the uptake of C&IT perceived by academics