14 research outputs found

    A Component-based Framework for Distributed Business Simulations in E-Business Environments

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    Simulations preserve the knowledge of complex dynamic systems and consequently transfer the knowledge of the cohesions of its elements to a specified target group. As the progress in information technology and therefore the dynamic e-business driven economy adapts even faster to the business demands, new ways to preserve this growing amount of knowledge have to be found. This paper presents an extensible business simulation framework which is realized as a component-based distributed Java Version 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture. The framework aspires to offer an extensible and domain independent simulation environment which ensures the return of investment in the sense of implementing this framework once and extending it to the future requirements of diverse domains in e-business. The system architecture follows the requirements in offering distributed deployment of its components on highly standardized level by nevertheless staying vendor independent. The architecture itself was developed by model driven architecture (MDA)-conform software engineering methods using best of breed design patterns composed to a flexible micro-architecture which possess import facilities for simulation entities (business objects) and (business) processes from e-business solutions. Combining the features of the framework, the layered pattern driven micro-architecture, and the distributed J2EE architecture, the postulated knowledge transfer from rapid changes in e-business can be realized

    Automatic-test-ACF: a new evaluation tool based on automatic correction filters

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    This paper presents the results obtained with regard to the evaluation process in Web-Based Learning Systems. It shows the design of Automatic- Test-ACF in detail, an evaluation management system with Automatic Correction Filters that can be included as a complementary module in a Learning Management System. The purpose of this approach is to develop a tool to help teachers in student follow-up and evaluation, aiming at reducing course drop out and adjusting the number of students / number of tutors ratio. The design achieved is the result of several research projects that include the development of a prototype and its assessment in field experiments.Presentado en el VIII Workshop Tecnología Informática aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Data Transformation and Semantic Log Purging for Process Mining

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    Existing process mining approaches are able to tolerate a certain degree of noise in the process log. However, processes that contain infrequent paths, multiple (nested) parallel branches, or have been changed in an ad-hoc manner, still pose major challenges. For such cases, process mining typically returns "spaghetti-models", that are hardly usable even as a starting point for process (re-)design. In this paper, we address these challenges by introducing data transformation and pre-processing steps that improve and ensure the quality of mined models for existing process mining approaches. We propose the concept of semantic log purging, the cleaning of logs based on domain specific constraints utilizing semantic knowledge which typically complements processes. Furthermore we demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the approach based on a case study in the higher education domain. We think that semantic log purging will enable process mining to yield better results, thus giving process (re-)designers a valuable tool

    Towards Understanding Learner Experiences In Elearning Tools

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    An understanding of how learners interact with eLearning tools and the relationship of different forms of interaction on subsequent learning outcomes is fundamental to improved learning outcomes as well as the effectiveness of eLearning tools. In this paper our main objective is to present methods to extract and analyse some crucial experiences and patterns, from an eLearning tool, that have significant effect on students learning. The proposed methods are presented in the context of a study conducted with undergraduates and postgraduates taking a course inan information system discipline. We demonstrate how the extracted experiences and patterns can be used as feedback to learners to improve learning. Academicians and lecturers can also use the analysis as a gauging instrument to measure the effectiveness of the eLearning tool thereby allowing the tool and learning practices to be improved

    Impact of personalized recommendation and social comparison on learning behaviours and outcomes

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    ELearning suffers from the lack of face-to-face interaction and can deprive learners from the benefits of social interaction and comparison. In this paper we present the results of a study conducted for the impact of social comparison. The study was conducted by collecting students&rsquo; engagement with an eLearning tool, the attendance, and grades scored by students at specific milestones and presented these metrics to students as feedback using Kiviat charts. The charts were complemented with appropriate recommendations to allow them to adapt their study strategy and behaviour. The study spanned over 4 semesters (2 with and 2 without the Kiviats) and the results were analysed using paired T tests to test the pre and post results on topics covered by the eLearning tool. Survey questionnaires were also administered at the end for qualitative analysis. The results indicated that the Kiviat feedback with recommendation had positive impact on learning outcomes and attitudes.<br /

    How Does a Student-Centered Course on Communication and Professional Skills Impact Students in the Long Run?

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    This Full Paper in the Research-To-Practice Category presents a long-term study about the effects of a student-centered course on communication and professional skills on students’ thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. The course is offered at a European university as part of a computer science master's program. This paper shares the design and challenges of a longitudinal study that reaches ten years behind and employs a mixed-methods approach. Besides presenting and interpreting the findings, we shed light on which features tend to stay on students’ minds and impact their way of being and acting in society. Moreover, we suggest implications for the design and practice in comparable courses to maximize constructive, sustainable effects, such as improved active listening, presentation skills, and openness to other perspectives. These are essential (not only) for computer science professionals. Our findings suggest that the course provided significant learning for the vast majority of respondents, including aspects such as presenting while keeping the other side in mind, managing one’s stress, and becoming less shy to speak up. All in all, we aim to contribute an evidence-based source of motivation for instructors in technically focused curricula who hold a student-centered stance

    EBW: línea de investigación en herramientas tecnológicas

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    En este trabajo se presenta una recopilación del estado actual del arte en Educación Basada en la Web (EBW), específicamente en lo relacionado con Herramientas Tecnológicas. Se conceptualizan los modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje e-learning y educación a distancia, como propuestas educativas de orígenes independientes y sus evoluciones hacia la EBW. Se identifica el rol de la tecnología computacional y de las comunicaciones como parte estos modelos de enseñanzaaprendizaje. Se organizan los problemas abiertos a la investigación en tecnología aplicada a EBW y se definen los trabajos futuros en el marco del proyecto.Eje: Tecnología informática aplicada en educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    EBW: línea de investigación en herramientas tecnológicas

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    En este trabajo se presenta una recopilación del estado actual del arte en Educación Basada en la Web (EBW), específicamente en lo relacionado con Herramientas Tecnológicas. Se conceptualizan los modelos de enseñanza-aprendizaje e-learning y educación a distancia, como propuestas educativas de orígenes independientes y sus evoluciones hacia la EBW. Se identifica el rol de la tecnología computacional y de las comunicaciones como parte estos modelos de enseñanzaaprendizaje. Se organizan los problemas abiertos a la investigación en tecnología aplicada a EBW y se definen los trabajos futuros en el marco del proyecto.Eje: Tecnología informática aplicada en educaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Automatic-test-ACF: a new evaluation tool based on automatic correction filters

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    This paper presents the results obtained with regard to the evaluation process in Web-Based Learning Systems. It shows the design of Automatic- Test-ACF in detail, an evaluation management system with Automatic Correction Filters that can be included as a complementary module in a Learning Management System. The purpose of this approach is to develop a tool to help teachers in student follow-up and evaluation, aiming at reducing course drop out and adjusting the number of students / number of tutors ratio. The design achieved is the result of several research projects that include the development of a prototype and its assessment in field experiments.Presentado en el VIII Workshop Tecnología Informática aplicada en Educación (WTIAE)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Herramientas especiales para plataformas orientadas a la EBW

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    El avance de la Educación Basada en la Web (EBW) es un hecho que no se discute, la centralización del soporte computacional para el desarrollo de este tipo de formación, en lo que constituye una plataforma de e-learning, también es casi un estándar en estos días. Lo que realmente ocupa hoy a los investigadores y docentes involucrados en esta temática, es cómo diseñar e implementar de la mejor manera las experiencias educativas bajo esta modalidad. Se busca obtener resultados no inferiores a los que se logran con otras modalidades educativas y además solucionar los problemas que aún persisten, tales como algunos aspectos del proceso de evaluación, el desgranamiento de los cursos, el alto costo, entre otros. Un conocimiento claro del tipo de plataformas que existen ayuda no sólo a una elección adecuada entre las disponibles, sino que promueve las investigaciones relacionadas con el diseño de estos entornos, tanto desde la perspectiva de las TICs como desde la educativa. Se presentan en este trabajo dos nuevas herramientas para plataformas de e-learning: el Hipertexto Referencial, especialmente creado para asistir al diseñador y organizador de cursos de EBW, y el Observatorio de Clase Presencial, como soporte tecnológico de diseños curriculares en modalidad b-learning.VI Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI