2 research outputs found

    Development of a Web-Based Geographical Information System for Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Container Itineraries

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    The paper describes an advanced prototype of a web-based geographical information system for user-friendly, interactive and efficient visualization of containers travelling over the world. The prototype uses ConTraffic Oracle Data Base (DB), where more than 300 000 container’s events are archived daily. The DB contains currently around one billion container movements. In addition, geographical data about the used locations/ports was collected and stored in the same DB on which the prototype is implemented. The prototype system provides users with container traffic information for specific date range, presented in interactive geographical and tabular mode. As a result, the prototype makes efficient visualization for easy visual analysis of container movements and status. The system used in this study gathers in quasi real-time online data from open sources, processes and stores it in DB. Using the proposed GIS application the user can access any time the DB and review on a map the itinerary of a specific container in specific date range, interact with the geographical presentation to receive specific details for the container for the used ports and review the itinerary details in interactive tabular presentation.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Web-based Geographical Visualization of Container Itineraries

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    Around 90% of the world cargo is transported in maritime containers, but only around 2% are physically inspected. This opens the possibility for illicit activities. A viable solution is to control containerized cargo through information-based risk analysis. Container route-based analysis has been considered a key factor in identifying potentially suspicious consignments. Essential part of itinerary analysis is the geographical visualization of the itinerary. In the present paper, we present initial work of a web-based system’s realization for interactive geographical visualization of container itinerary.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair