938 research outputs found

    Deep Architectures for Visual Recognition and Description

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    In recent times, digital media contents are inherently of multimedia type, consisting of the form text, audio, image and video. Several of the outstanding computer Vision (CV) problems are being successfully solved with the help of modern Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Plenty of research work has already been carried out in the field of Automatic Image Annotation (AIA), Image Captioning and Video Tagging. Video Captioning, i.e., automatic description generation from digital video, however, is a different and complex problem altogether. This study compares various existing video captioning approaches available today and attempts their classification and analysis based on different parameters, viz., type of captioning methods (generation/retrieval), type of learning models employed, the desired output description length generated, etc. This dissertation also attempts to critically analyze the existing benchmark datasets used in various video captioning models and the evaluation metrics for assessing the final quality of the resultant video descriptions generated. A detailed study of important existing models, highlighting their comparative advantages as well as disadvantages are also included. In this study a novel approach for video captioning on the Microsoft Video Description (MSVD) dataset and Microsoft Video-to-Text (MSR-VTT) dataset is proposed using supervised learning techniques to train a deep combinational framework, for achieving better quality video captioning via predicting semantic tags. We develop simple shallow CNN (2D and 3D) as feature extractors, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs and Bidirectional LSTMs (BiLSTMs) as tag prediction models and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) (LSTM) model as the language model. The aim of the work was to provide an alternative narrative to generating captions from videos via semantic tag predictions and deploy simpler shallower deep model architectures with lower memory requirements as solution so that it is not very memory extensive and the developed models prove to be stable and viable options when the scale of the data is increased. This study also successfully employed deep architectures like the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for speeding up automation process of hand gesture recognition and classification of the sign languages of the Indian classical dance form, ‘Bharatnatyam’. This hand gesture classification is primarily aimed at 1) building a novel dataset of 2D single hand gestures belonging to 27 classes that were collected from (i) Google search engine (Google images), (ii) YouTube videos (dynamic and with background considered) and (iii) professional artists under staged environment constraints (plain backgrounds). 2) exploring the effectiveness of CNNs for identifying and classifying the single hand gestures by optimizing the hyperparameters, and 3) evaluating the impacts of transfer learning and double transfer learning, which is a novel concept explored for achieving higher classification accuracy

    Temporal Segmentation of Human Actions in Videos

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    Understanding human actions in videos is of great interest in various scenarios ranging from surveillance over quality control in production processes to content-based video search. Algorithms for automatic temporal action segmentation need to overcome severe difficulties in order to be reliable and provide sufficiently good quality. Not only can human actions occur in different scenes and surroundings, the definition on an action itself is also inherently fuzzy, leading to a significant amount of inter-class variations. Moreover, besides finding the correct action label for a pre-defined temporal segment in a video, localizing an action in the first place is anything but trivial. Different actions not only vary in their appearance and duration but also can have long-range temporal dependencies that span over the complete video. Further, getting reliable annotations of large amounts of video data is time consuming and expensive. The goal of this thesis is to advance current approaches to temporal action segmentation. We therefore propose a generic framework that models the three components of the task explicitly, ie long-range temporal dependencies are handled by a context model, variations in segment durations are represented by a length model, and short-term appearance and motion of actions are addressed with a visual model. While the inspiration for the context model mainly comes from word sequence models in natural language processing, the visual model builds upon recent advances in the classification of pre-segmented action clips. Considering that long-range temporal context is crucial, we avoid local segmentation decisions and find the globally optimal temporal segmentation of a video under the explicit models. Throughout the thesis, we provide explicit formulations and training strategies for the proposed generic action segmentation framework under different supervision conditions. First, we address the task of fully supervised temporal action segmentation, where frame-level annotations are available during training. We show that our approach can outperform early sliding window baselines and recent deep architectures and that explicit length and context modeling leads to substantial improvements. Considering that full frame-level annotation is expensive to obtain, we then formulate a weakly supervised training algorithm that uses ordered sequences of actions occurring in the video as only supervision. While a first approach reduces the weakly supervised setup to a fully supervised setup by generating a pseudo ground-truth during training, we propose a second approach that avoids this intermediate step and allows to directly optimize a loss based on the weak supervision. Closing the gap between the fully and the weakly supervised setup, we moreover evaluate semi-supervised learning, where video frames are sparsely annotated. With the motivation that the vast amount of video data on the Internet only comes with meta-tags or content keywords that do not provide any temporal ordering information, we finally propose a method for action segmentation that learns from unordered sets of actions only. All approaches are evaluated on several commonly used benchmark datasets. With the proposed methods, we reach state-of-the-art performance for both, fully and weakly supervised action segmentation

    ChoreoNet: Towards Music to Dance Synthesis with Choreographic Action Unit

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    Dance and music are two highly correlated artistic forms. Synthesizing dance motions has attracted much attention recently. Most previous works conduct music-to-dance synthesis via directly music to human skeleton keypoints mapping. Meanwhile, human choreographers design dance motions from music in a two-stage manner: they firstly devise multiple choreographic dance units (CAUs), each with a series of dance motions, and then arrange the CAU sequence according to the rhythm, melody and emotion of the music. Inspired by these, we systematically study such two-stage choreography approach and construct a dataset to incorporate such choreography knowledge. Based on the constructed dataset, we design a two-stage music-to-dance synthesis framework ChoreoNet to imitate human choreography procedure. Our framework firstly devises a CAU prediction model to learn the mapping relationship between music and CAU sequences. Afterwards, we devise a spatial-temporal inpainting model to convert the CAU sequence into continuous dance motions. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ChoreoNet outperforms baseline methods (0.622 in terms of CAU BLEU score and 1.59 in terms of user study score).Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by ACM MM 202

    A Survey of Deep Learning in Sports Applications: Perception, Comprehension, and Decision

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    Deep learning has the potential to revolutionize sports performance, with applications ranging from perception and comprehension to decision. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of deep learning in sports performance, focusing on three main aspects: algorithms, datasets and virtual environments, and challenges. Firstly, we discuss the hierarchical structure of deep learning algorithms in sports performance which includes perception, comprehension and decision while comparing their strengths and weaknesses. Secondly, we list widely used existing datasets in sports and highlight their characteristics and limitations. Finally, we summarize current challenges and point out future trends of deep learning in sports. Our survey provides valuable reference material for researchers interested in deep learning in sports applications

    Dance Revolution: Long-Term Dance Generation with Music via Curriculum Learning

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    Dancing to music is one of human's innate abilities since ancient times. In machine learning research, however, synthesizing dance movements from music is a challenging problem. Recently, researchers synthesize human motion sequences through autoregressive models like recurrent neural network (RNN). Such an approach often generates short sequences due to an accumulation of prediction errors that are fed back into the neural network. This problem becomes even more severe in the long motion sequence generation. Besides, the consistency between dance and music in terms of style, rhythm and beat is yet to be taken into account during modeling. In this paper, we formalize the music-driven dance generation as a sequence-to-sequence learning problem and devise a novel seq2seq architecture to efficiently process long sequences of music features and capture the fine-grained correspondence between music and dance. Furthermore, we propose a novel curriculum learning strategy to alleviate error accumulation of autoregressive models in long motion sequence generation, which gently changes the training process from a fully guided teacher-forcing scheme using the previous ground-truth movements, towards a less guided autoregressive scheme mostly using the generated movements instead. Extensive experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-arts on automatic metrics and human evaluation. We also make a demo video in the supplementary material to demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed approach.Comment: Accepted by ICLR 202
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