52 research outputs found

    Saliency Guided End-to-End Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection

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    Weakly supervised object detection (WSOD), which is the problem of learning detectors using only image-level labels, has been attracting more and more interest. However, this problem is quite challenging due to the lack of location supervision. To address this issue, this paper integrates saliency into a deep architecture, in which the location in- formation is explored both explicitly and implicitly. Specifically, we select highly confident object pro- posals under the guidance of class-specific saliency maps. The location information, together with semantic and saliency information, of the selected proposals are then used to explicitly supervise the network by imposing two additional losses. Meanwhile, a saliency prediction sub-network is built in the architecture. The prediction results are used to implicitly guide the localization procedure. The entire network is trained end-to-end. Experiments on PASCAL VOC demonstrate that our approach outperforms all state-of-the-arts.Comment: Accepted to appear in IJCAI 201

    LSTD: A Low-Shot Transfer Detector for Object Detection

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    Recent advances in object detection are mainly driven by deep learning with large-scale detection benchmarks. However, the fully-annotated training set is often limited for a target detection task, which may deteriorate the performance of deep detectors. To address this challenge, we propose a novel low-shot transfer detector (LSTD) in this paper, where we leverage rich source-domain knowledge to construct an effective target-domain detector with very few training examples. The main contributions are described as follows. First, we design a flexible deep architecture of LSTD to alleviate transfer difficulties in low-shot detection. This architecture can integrate the advantages of both SSD and Faster RCNN in a unified deep framework. Second, we introduce a novel regularized transfer learning framework for low-shot detection, where the transfer knowledge (TK) and background depression (BD) regularizations are proposed to leverage object knowledge respectively from source and target domains, in order to further enhance fine-tuning with a few target images. Finally, we examine our LSTD on a number of challenging low-shot detection experiments, where LSTD outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches. The results demonstrate that LSTD is a preferable deep detector for low-shot scenarios.Comment: Accepted by AAAI201

    Multiple Instance Curriculum Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection

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    When supervising an object detector with weakly labeled data, most existing approaches are prone to trapping in the discriminative object parts, e.g., finding the face of a cat instead of the full body, due to lacking the supervision on the extent of full objects. To address this challenge, we incorporate object segmentation into the detector training, which guides the model to correctly localize the full objects. We propose the multiple instance curriculum learning (MICL) method, which injects curriculum learning (CL) into the multiple instance learning (MIL) framework. The MICL method starts by automatically picking the easy training examples, where the extent of the segmentation masks agree with detection bounding boxes. The training set is gradually expanded to include harder examples to train strong detectors that handle complex images. The proposed MICL method with segmentation in the loop outperforms the state-of-the-art weakly supervised object detectors by a substantial margin on the PASCAL VOC datasets.Comment: Published in BMVC 201

    Activity Driven Weakly Supervised Object Detection

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    Weakly supervised object detection aims at reducing the amount of supervision required to train detection models. Such models are traditionally learned from images/videos labelled only with the object class and not the object bounding box. In our work, we try to leverage not only the object class labels but also the action labels associated with the data. We show that the action depicted in the image/video can provide strong cues about the location of the associated object. We learn a spatial prior for the object dependent on the action (e.g. "ball" is closer to "leg of the person" in "kicking ball"), and incorporate this prior to simultaneously train a joint object detection and action classification model. We conducted experiments on both video datasets and image datasets to evaluate the performance of our weakly supervised object detection model. Our approach outperformed the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) method by more than 6% in mAP on the Charades video dataset.Comment: CVPR'19 camera read
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