1,873 research outputs found

    Cascaded Pyramid Mining Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization

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    Weakly supervised temporal action localization, which aims at temporally locating action instances in untrimmed videos using only video-level class labels during training, is an important yet challenging problem in video analysis. Many current methods adopt the "localization by classification" framework: first do video classification, then locate temporal area contributing to the results most. However, this framework fails to locate the entire action instances and gives little consideration to the local context. In this paper, we present a novel architecture called Cascaded Pyramid Mining Network (CPMN) to address these issues using two effective modules. First, to discover the entire temporal interval of specific action, we design a two-stage cascaded module with proposed Online Adversarial Erasing (OAE) mechanism, where new and complementary regions are mined through feeding the erased feature maps of discovered regions back to the system. Second, to exploit hierarchical contextual information in videos and reduce missing detections, we design a pyramid module which produces a scale-invariant attention map through combining the feature maps from different levels. Final, we aggregate the results of two modules to perform action localization via locating high score areas in temporal Class Activation Sequence (CAS). Extensive experiments conducted on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet-1.3 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Comment: Accepted at ACCV 201

    DeCaFA: Deep Convolutional Cascade for Face Alignment In The Wild

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    Face Alignment is an active computer vision domain, that consists in localizing a number of facial landmarks that vary across datasets. State-of-the-art face alignment methods either consist in end-to-end regression, or in refining the shape in a cascaded manner, starting from an initial guess. In this paper, we introduce DeCaFA, an end-to-end deep convolutional cascade architecture for face alignment. DeCaFA uses fully-convolutional stages to keep full spatial resolution throughout the cascade. Between each cascade stage, DeCaFA uses multiple chained transfer layers with spatial softmax to produce landmark-wise attention maps for each of several landmark alignment tasks. Weighted intermediate supervision, as well as efficient feature fusion between the stages allow to learn to progressively refine the attention maps in an end-to-end manner. We show experimentally that DeCaFA significantly outperforms existing approaches on 300W, CelebA and WFLW databases. In addition, we show that DeCaFA can learn fine alignment with reasonable accuracy from very few images using coarsely annotated data

    ProNet: Learning to Propose Object-specific Boxes for Cascaded Neural Networks

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    This paper aims to classify and locate objects accurately and efficiently, without using bounding box annotations. It is challenging as objects in the wild could appear at arbitrary locations and in different scales. In this paper, we propose a novel classification architecture ProNet based on convolutional neural networks. It uses computationally efficient neural networks to propose image regions that are likely to contain objects, and applies more powerful but slower networks on the proposed regions. The basic building block is a multi-scale fully-convolutional network which assigns object confidence scores to boxes at different locations and scales. We show that such networks can be trained effectively using image-level annotations, and can be connected into cascades or trees for efficient object classification. ProNet outperforms previous state-of-the-art significantly on PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO datasets for object classification and point-based localization.Comment: CVPR 2016 (fixed reference issue

    Soft Proposal Networks for Weakly Supervised Object Localization

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    Weakly supervised object localization remains challenging, where only image labels instead of bounding boxes are available during training. Object proposal is an effective component in localization, but often computationally expensive and incapable of joint optimization with some of the remaining modules. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge, we for the first time integrate weakly supervised object proposal into convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in an end-to-end learning manner. We design a network component, Soft Proposal (SP), to be plugged into any standard convolutional architecture to introduce the nearly cost-free object proposal, orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art methods. In the SP-augmented CNNs, referred to as Soft Proposal Networks (SPNs), iteratively evolved object proposals are generated based on the deep feature maps then projected back, and further jointly optimized with network parameters, with image-level supervision only. Through the unified learning process, SPNs learn better object-centric filters, discover more discriminative visual evidence, and suppress background interference, significantly boosting both weakly supervised object localization and classification performance. We report the best results on popular benchmarks, including PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and ImageNet.Comment: ICCV 201

    Global Weighted Average Pooling Bridges Pixel-level Localization and Image-level Classification

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    In this work, we first tackle the problem of simultaneous pixel-level localization and image-level classification with only image-level labels for fully convolutional network training. We investigate the global pooling method which plays a vital role in this task. Classical global max pooling and average pooling methods are hard to indicate the precise regions of objects. Therefore, we revisit the global weighted average pooling (GWAP) method for this task and propose the class-agnostic GWAP module and the class-specific GWAP module in this paper. We evaluate the classification and pixel-level localization ability on the ILSVRC benchmark dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed GWAP module can better capture the regions of the foreground objects. We further explore the knowledge transfer between the image classification task and the region-based object detection task. We propose a multi-task framework that combines our class-specific GWAP module with R-FCN. The framework is trained with few ground truth bounding boxes and large-scale image-level labels. We evaluate this framework on PASCAL VOC dataset. Experimental results show that this framework can use the data with only image-level labels to improve the generalization of the object detection model.Comment: technical repor

    Hand Pose Estimation through Semi-Supervised and Weakly-Supervised Learning

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    We propose a method for hand pose estimation based on a deep regressor trained on two different kinds of input. Raw depth data is fused with an intermediate representation in the form of a segmentation of the hand into parts. This intermediate representation contains important topological information and provides useful cues for reasoning about joint locations. The mapping from raw depth to segmentation maps is learned in a semi/weakly-supervised way from two different datasets: (i) a synthetic dataset created through a rendering pipeline including densely labeled ground truth (pixelwise segmentations); and (ii) a dataset with real images for which ground truth joint positions are available, but not dense segmentations. Loss for training on real images is generated from a patch-wise restoration process, which aligns tentative segmentation maps with a large dictionary of synthetic poses. The underlying premise is that the domain shift between synthetic and real data is smaller in the intermediate representation, where labels carry geometric and topological meaning, than in the raw input domain. Experiments on the NYU dataset show that the proposed training method decreases error on joints over direct regression of joints from depth data by 15.7%.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 4 table

    Weakly Supervised Object Discovery by Generative Adversarial & Ranking Networks

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    The deep generative adversarial networks (GAN) recently have been shown to be promising for different computer vision applications, like image edit- ing, synthesizing high resolution images, generating videos, etc. These networks and the corresponding learning scheme can handle various visual space map- pings. We approach GANs with a novel training method and learning objective, to discover multiple object instances for three cases: 1) synthesizing a picture of a specific object within a cluttered scene; 2) localizing different categories in images for weakly supervised object detection; and 3) improving object discov- ery in object detection pipelines. A crucial advantage of our method is that it learns a new deep similarity metric, to distinguish multiple objects in one im- age. We demonstrate that the network can act as an encoder-decoder generating parts of an image which contain an object, or as a modified deep CNN to rep- resent images for object detection in supervised and weakly supervised scheme. Our ranking GAN offers a novel way to search through images for object specific patterns. We have conducted experiments for different scenarios and demonstrate the method performance for object synthesizing and weakly supervised object detection and classification using the MS-COCO and PASCAL VOC datasets

    Weakly Supervised Medical Diagnosis and Localization from Multiple Resolutions

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    Diagnostic imaging often requires the simultaneous identification of a multitude of findings of varied size and appearance. Beyond global indication of said findings, the prediction and display of localization information improves trust in and understanding of results when augmenting clinical workflow. Medical training data rarely includes more than global image-level labels as segmentations are time-consuming and expensive to collect. We introduce an approach to managing these practical constraints by applying a novel architecture which learns at multiple resolutions while generating saliency maps with weak supervision. Further, we parameterize the Log-Sum-Exp pooling function with a learnable lower-bounded adaptation (LSE-LBA) to build in a sharpness prior and better handle localizing abnormalities of different sizes using only image-level labels. Applying this approach to interpreting chest x-rays, we set the state of the art on 9 abnormalities in the NIH's CXR14 dataset while generating saliency maps with the highest resolution to date.Comment: submitted to ECCV 201

    A Generic Deep Architecture for Single Image Reflection Removal and Image Smoothing

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    This paper proposes a deep neural network structure that exploits edge information in addressing representative low-level vision tasks such as layer separation and image filtering. Unlike most other deep learning strategies applied in this context, our approach tackles these challenging problems by estimating edges and reconstructing images using only cascaded convolutional layers arranged such that no handcrafted or application-specific image-processing components are required. We apply the resulting transferrable pipeline to two different problem domains that are both sensitive to edges, namely, single image reflection removal and image smoothing. For the former, using a mild reflection smoothness assumption and a novel synthetic data generation method that acts as a type of weak supervision, our network is able to solve much more difficult reflection cases that cannot be handled by previous methods. For the latter, we also exceed the state-of-the-art quantitative and qualitative results by wide margins. In all cases, the proposed framework is simple, fast, and easy to transfer across disparate domains.Comment: Appeared at ICCV'17 (International Conference on Computer Vision

    Collaborative Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Detection

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    Weakly supervised object detection has recently received much attention, since it only requires image-level labels instead of the bounding-box labels consumed in strongly supervised learning. Nevertheless, the save in labeling expense is usually at the cost of model accuracy. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective weakly supervised collaborative learning framework to resolve this problem, which trains a weakly supervised learner and a strongly supervised learner jointly by enforcing partial feature sharing and prediction consistency. For object detection, taking WSDDN-like architecture as weakly supervised detector sub-network and Faster-RCNN-like architecture as strongly supervised detector sub-network, we propose an end-to-end Weakly Supervised Collaborative Detection Network. As there is no strong supervision available to train the Faster-RCNN-like sub-network, a new prediction consistency loss is defined to enforce consistency of predictions between the two sub-networks as well as within the Faster-RCNN-like sub-networks. At the same time, the two detectors are designed to partially share features to further guarantee the model consistency at perceptual level. Extensive experiments on PASCAL VOC 2007 and 2012 data sets have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework
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