4 research outputs found

    Fast Search Approaches for Fractal Image Coding: Review of Contemporary Literature

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    Fractal Image Compression FIC as a model was conceptualized in the 1989 In furtherance there are numerous models that has been developed in the process Existence of fractals were initially observed and depicted in the Iterated Function System IFS and the IFS solutions were used for encoding images The process of IFS pertaining to any image constitutes much lesser space for recording than the actual image which has led to the development of representation the image using IFS form and how the image compression systems has taken shape It is very important that the time consumed for encoding has to be addressed for achieving optimal compression conditions and predominantly the inputs that are shared in the solutions proposed in the study depict the fact that despite of certain developments that has taken place still there are potential chances of scope for improvement From the review of exhaustive range of models that are depicted in the model it is evident that over period of time numerous advancements have taken place in the FCI model and is adapted at image compression in varied levels This study focus on the existing range of literature on FCI and the insights of various models has been depicted in this stud

    Wavelet Transform Based Variable Tree Size Fractal Video Coding

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    A new wavelet video compression scheme using adaptive fractal codi ng i s pr esented i n t his paper. Through pyramidal w avelet t ransform, each vi deo f rame i s decomposed into multiresolution subbands and then organized into a set of wavelet subtrees to represent motion activities. After mu ltiresolution mo tion d etection, th ese wavelet subtrees are classified into motion and non-motion subtress. The codi ng of non-mot ion s ubtrees i s straightforward and s imple, while the motion subtress are adaptively separated and then encoded us ing variable tree size fractal coding. Experimental r esults s how t hat t he proposed scheme provides a superior performance in terms of PSNR as well as the subjective quality at ¦ low bit-rates. I