7,091 research outputs found

    Hierarchical morphological segmentation for image sequence coding

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    This paper deals with a hierarchical morphological segmentation algorithm for image sequence coding. Mathematical morphology is very attractive for this purpose because it efficiently deals with geometrical features such as size, shape, contrast, or connectivity that can be considered as segmentation-oriented features. The algorithm follows a top-down procedure. It first takes into account the global information and produces a coarse segmentation, that is, with a small number of regions. Then, the segmentation quality is improved by introducing regions corresponding to more local information. The algorithm, considering sequences as being functions on a 3-D space, directly segments 3-D regions. A 3-D approach is used to get a segmentation that is stable in time and to directly solve the region correspondence problem. Each segmentation stage relies on four basic steps: simplification, marker extraction, decision, and quality estimation. The simplification removes information from the sequence to make it easier to segment. Morphological filters based on partial reconstruction are proven to be very efficient for this purpose, especially in the case of sequences. The marker extraction identifies the presence of homogeneous 3-D regions. It is based on constrained flat region labeling and morphological contrast extraction. The goal of the decision is to precisely locate the contours of regions detected by the marker extraction. This decision is performed by a modified watershed algorithm. Finally, the quality estimation concentrates on the coding residue, all the information about the 3-D regions that have not been properly segmented and therefore coded. The procedure allows the introduction of the texture and contour coding schemes within the segmentation algorithm. The coding residue is transmitted to the next segmentation stage to improve the segmentation and coding quality. Finally, segmentation and coding examples are presented to show the validity and interest of the coding approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Unsupervised morphological segmentation for images

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    This paper deals with a morphological approach to unsupervised image segmentation. The proposed technique relies on a multiscale Top-Down approach allowing a hierarchical processing of the data ranging from the most global scale to the most detailed one. At each scale, the algorithm consists of four steps: image simplification, feature extraction, contour localization and quality estimation. The main emphasis of this paper is to discuss the selection of a simplification filter for segmentation. Morphological filters based on reconstruction proved to be very efficient for this purpose. The resulting unsupervised algorithm is very robust and can deal with very different type of images.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Elimination of Glass Artifacts and Object Segmentation

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    Many images nowadays are captured from behind the glasses and may have certain stains discrepancy because of glass and must be processed to make differentiation between the glass and objects behind it. This research paper proposes an algorithm to remove the damaged or corrupted part of the image and make it consistent with other part of the image and to segment objects behind the glass. The damaged part is removed using total variation inpainting method and segmentation is done using kmeans clustering, anisotropic diffusion and watershed transformation. The final output is obtained by interpolation. This algorithm can be useful to applications in which some part of the images are corrupted due to data transmission or needs to segment objects from an image for further processing

    Morphological operators for very low bit rate video coding

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    This paper deals with the use of some morphological tools for video coding at very low bit rates. Rather than describing a complete coding algorithm, the purpose of this paper is to focus on morphological connected operators and segmentation tools that have proved to be attractive for compression.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A graph-based mathematical morphology reader

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    This survey paper aims at providing a "literary" anthology of mathematical morphology on graphs. It describes in the English language many ideas stemming from a large number of different papers, hence providing a unified view of an active and diverse field of research

    Generalized connected operators

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    This paper deals with the notion of connected operators These operators are becoming popular in image processing because they have the fundamental property of simplifying the signal while preserving the contour information In a rst step we recall the basic notions involved in binary and gray level connected operators. Then we show how one can extend and generalize these operators We focus on two important issues the connectivity and the simplication criterion We will show in particular how to create connectivities that are either more or less strict than the usual ones and how to build new criteriaPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Applying Optimization and the Analytic Hierarchy Process to Enhance Agricultural Preservation Strategies in the State of Delaware

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    Using agricultural preservation priorities derived from an analytical hierarchy process by 23 conservation experts from 18 agencies in the state of Delaware, this research uses weighted benefit measures to evaluate the historical success of Delaware’s agricultural protection fund, which spent nearly 100millioninitsfirstdecade.Thisresearchdemonstrateshowtheseoperationresearchtechniquescanbeusedinconcerttoaddressrelevantconservationquestions.Resultssuggestthatthestatessealedbidofferauction,whichdeterminestheyearlyconservationselections,issuperiortobenefittargetingapproachesfrequentlyemployedbyconservationorganizations,butisinferiortotheoptimizationtechniqueofbinarylinearprogrammingthatcouldhaveprovidedadditionalbenefitstothestate,suchas12,000additionalacresworthanestimated100 million in its first decade. This research demonstrates how these operation research techniques can be used in concert to address relevant conservation questions. Results suggest that the state’s sealed-bid-offer auction, which determines the yearly conservation selections, is superior to benefit-targeting approaches frequently employed by conservation organizations, but is inferior to the optimization technique of binary linear programming that could have provided additional benefits to the state, such as 12,000 additional acres worth an estimated 25 million.conservation optimization, farmland protection, analytic hierarchy process, binary linear programming, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Islands of Sustainability in Time and Space

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    We review the economics perspective on sustainable resource use and sustainable development. Under standard conditions, dynamic efficiency leads to sustainability of renewable resources but not the other way around. For the economic-ecological system as a whole, dynamic efficiency and intergenerational equity similarly lead to sustainability, but ad hoc rules of sustainability may well lead to sacrifices in human welfare. We then address the challenges of extending economic sustainability to space as well as time and discuss the factors leading to optimal islands of preservation regarding renewable resources. Exogenous mandates based on moral imperatives such as self-sufficiency and strong sustainability may result in missed win-win opportunities that could improve both the economy and the environment, as well as increase social welfare across generations.Islands of sustainability, sustainable development, sustainability science, fisheries, forests