3 research outputs found

    Una revisión sistemática del monitoreo de Aguas Residuales y sus aplicaciones en sistemas de drenaje urbano

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    Urban drainage systems have an important role in the planning and development of cities, they allow a good management of the wastewater flow, and their study is important to understand the physicochemical characteristics of water and the relationships between the maximum flows and means of each system. This is a review of wastewater monitoring and their applications, which is done through the consultation of databases and other documentary sources of free access like scientific journals. The research strategy was based on 3 thematic axes that were: monitoring of wastewater, obtaining parameters of the system and network management. We reviewed 69 references of different countries around the world countries and we focused in the methodologies used in each study case. In conclusion, we highlight the importance of implementation of measure instruments, monitoring and control systems.Los sistemas de drenaje urbano juegan un papel importante en la planeación y el desarrollo de las ciudades, siendo primordial conocer el funcionamiento del flujo de aguas residuales, sus características fisicoquímicas y las relaciones existentes entre los caudales máximos y medios de cada sistema. Este artículo proporciona una revisión del monitoreo de aguas residuales y sus aplicaciones, la cual se realizó a través de la consulta de bases de datos especializadas y otras fuentes documentales de revistas científicas de acceso abierto en diversos países. Se estableció una estrategia de búsqueda en torno a 3 ejes temáticos que fueron: monitoreo de aguas residuales, obtención de parámetros propios de cada sistema y la gestión de redes. Se revisaron 69 referencias que permitieron identificar cuáles son los países que más investigan sobre el tema y cuales han sido las metodologías empleadas en cada caso de estudio. En conclusión, se sugiere como tema de investigación implementar sistemas de instrumentación, monitoreo y control, que permitan un adecuado y permanente control de los sistemas de drenaje en Colombia debido al poco número de número de investigaciones desarrolladas en el país

    Wastewater Monitoring System in Industrial Workshop Based on Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this paper, regarding the complexity of polluted water, through analyzing the water environment and its surrounding factors, a water quality monitoring system architecture based on wireless sensor networks is proposed. Firstly, the water quality parameters collected by the sensor are processed by the signal conditioning circuit and then transmitted to the sensor nodes so as to realize the data acquisition of the water quality parameters. Afterwards, through the function analysis of each node in the ZigBee network, the hardware design and software program design of the network coordinator node and the routing node are completed. After joint debugging of the hardware and software, point-to-point communication and system networking of the ZigBee network are achieved. Finally, the results of experiments show that the system can realize the data acquisition and wireless transmission of the temperature and PH parameters of different solutions. Furthermore, each node realizes its own function and meets the design requirements of the system

    Wastewater Monitoring System in Industrial Workshop Based on Wireless Sensor Network

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