18 research outputs found

    Collective Bargaining and Walrasian Equilibrium

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    This paper contributes to the research agenda on non-cooperative foundations ofWalrasian Equilibrium. A class of barganing games in which agents bargain over prices and maximum trading con- straints is considered: It is proved that all the Stationary Sub- game Perfect Equilibria of these games implement Walrasian al- locations as the bargaining frictions vanish. The main novelty of the result is twofold: (1) it holds for any number of agents; (2) it is robust to di¤erent speci�cations of the bargaining process.strategic bargaining; Walrasian Equilibrium

    Speculation in Financial Markets: A Survey

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    This survey covers the microeconomic theory of speculation in financial markets, since the development of the economics of uncertainty. It starts with a description of Walrasian exchange economies, both in general equilibrium –the Arrow-Debreu model and its extensions– and in partial equilibrium. Speculation, it is explained, is an incomplete-market phenomenon. It proceeds by analyzing more general voluntary trade environments, with a focus on whether or not differences in information are a valid source for belief heterogeneity. The role of common priors in the no-trade theorem is discussed. Finally, heterogeneous priors models are considered.

    Bargaining sets in finite economies

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    We provide a notion of bargaining set for a finite production economy based on a two-step veto mechanism à la Aubin (1979). We show that this bargaining set and the set of Walrasian allocations coincide. At the light of our result we refine Mas-Colell’s bargaining set for replicas of a finite economy. Our main result shows the persistence of Anderson et al.’s (1997) non-convergence of the bargaining sets to the set of Walrasian allocations. In addition, we analyze how the restriction on the formation of coalitions affects the bargaining set.Junta de Castilla y León | Ref. SA072U16Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. ECO2016-75712-PXunta de Galicia | Ref. AGRUP2015/0

    A network approach to public goods

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    Suppose agents can exert costly effort that creates nonrival, heterogeneous benefits for each other. At each possible outcome, a weighted, directed network describing marginal externalities is defined. We show that Pareto efficient outcomes are those at which the largest eigenvalue of the network is 1. An important set of efficient solutions - Lindahl outcomes - are characterized by contributions being proportional to agents' eigenvector centralities in the network. The outcomes we focus on are motivated by negotiations. We apply the results to identify who is essential for Pareto improvements, how to efficiently subdivide negotiations, and whom to optimally add to a team

    Contracts and Domination in Competitive Economies

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    A new concept of contract-based domination by coalitions for competitive economies is proposed and studied in the paper. This concept is based on the notion of (barter) contract (an elementary exchange of commodities). Here classical coalitions domination is transferred onto systems (webs) of contracts and this way implemented contractual allocations which stability properties are investigated. It is shown that suggested approach is efficiently modeling perfect competition conditions and allows to describe various known classical concepts for a perfect economy – equilibria, core, fuzzy core etc. – in pure game-theoretical terms. For non-perfect economies, in which not every contract is permissible, it may serve as one of the model primitives to refine and to solve various theoretical problems.exchange economy, contract, contractual allocation, competi­tive equilibrium, core

    Bargaining and the theory of cooperative games: John Nash and beyond

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    This essay surveys the literature on the axiomatic model of bargaining formulated by Nash ("The Bargaining Problem," Econometrica 28, 1950, 155-162).Nash's bargaining model, Nash solution, Kalai-Smorodinsky solution, Egalitarian solution

    A Bargaining Model of Monetary Nonneutrality

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    Des modèles de négociation dans lesquels les prix sont negociés en termes nominaux, mais où l'une des parties possède une information supérieure en termes réels, exhibent à l'equilibre des résultats qui restent insensibles à cette information. Ces modèles illustrent le fait que si des négociations sont conduites en termes nominaux, alors la transmission de l'information peut être «rigide» dans le sens du mot utilisé dans la théorie macroéconomique des prix rigides.Models of bargaining in which prices are negotiated in nominal terms, and one party has superior information about real terms, have equilibrium outcomes insensitive to this information. These models illustrate that if negotiations are conducted in nominal terms then information transmission can be sticky in the sense used in macroeconomic theories of sticky prices

    Social Contract II: Gauthier and Nash

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    This is the second of several free-standing papers whose beginnings lie in Rawls' [1958, 1968, 1972] theory of the social contract. The aim of the sequence of papers is to defend a version of Rawls' "egalitarian" conclusion for a world in which agents are assumed to be constrained only by rational self-interest.Center for Research on Economic and Social Theory, Department of Economics, University of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/100627/1/ECON104.pd