88 research outputs found

    Polynomial Linear Programming with Gaussian Belief Propagation

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    Interior-point methods are state-of-the-art algorithms for solving linear programming (LP) problems with polynomial complexity. Specifically, the Karmarkar algorithm typically solves LP problems in time O(n^{3.5}), where nn is the number of unknown variables. Karmarkar's celebrated algorithm is known to be an instance of the log-barrier method using the Newton iteration. The main computational overhead of this method is in inverting the Hessian matrix of the Newton iteration. In this contribution, we propose the application of the Gaussian belief propagation (GaBP) algorithm as part of an efficient and distributed LP solver that exploits the sparse and symmetric structure of the Hessian matrix and avoids the need for direct matrix inversion. This approach shifts the computation from realm of linear algebra to that of probabilistic inference on graphical models, thus applying GaBP as an efficient inference engine. Our construction is general and can be used for any interior-point algorithm which uses the Newton method, including non-linear program solvers.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, appeared in the 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, Allerton House, Illinois, Sept. 200

    Gaussian Belief with dynamic data and in dynamic network

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    In this paper we analyse Belief Propagation over a Gaussian model in a dynamic environment. Recently, this has been proposed as a method to average local measurement values by a distributed protocol ("Consensus Propagation", Moallemi & Van Roy, 2006), where the average is available for read-out at every single node. In the case that the underlying network is constant but the values to be averaged fluctuate ("dynamic data"), convergence and accuracy are determined by the spectral properties of an associated Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius operator. For Gaussian models on Erdos-Renyi graphs, numerical computation points to a spectral gap remaining in the large-size limit, implying exceptionally good scalability. In a model where the underlying network also fluctuates ("dynamic network"), averaging is more effective than in the dynamic data case. Altogether, this implies very good performance of these methods in very large systems, and opens a new field of statistical physics of large (and dynamic) information systems.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Double-Edge Factor Graphs: Definition, Properties, and Examples

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    Some of the most interesting quantities associated with a factor graph are its marginals and its partition sum. For factor graphs \emph{without cycles} and moderate message update complexities, the sum-product algorithm (SPA) can be used to efficiently compute these quantities exactly. Moreover, for various classes of factor graphs \emph{with cycles}, the SPA has been successfully applied to efficiently compute good approximations to these quantities. Note that in the case of factor graphs with cycles, the local functions are usually non-negative real-valued functions. In this paper we introduce a class of factor graphs, called double-edge factor graphs (DE-FGs), which allow local functions to be complex-valued and only require them, in some suitable sense, to be positive semi-definite. We discuss various properties of the SPA when running it on DE-FGs and we show promising numerical results for various example DE-FGs, some of which have connections to quantum information processing.Comment: Submitte

    Distributed Large Scale Network Utility Maximization

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    Recent work by Zymnis et al. proposes an efficient primal-dual interior-point method, using a truncated Newton method, for solving the network utility maximization (NUM) problem. This method has shown superior performance relative to the traditional dual-decomposition approach. Other recent work by Bickson et al. shows how to compute efficiently and distributively the Newton step, which is the main computational bottleneck of the Newton method, utilizing the Gaussian belief propagation algorithm. In the current work, we combine both approaches to create an efficient distributed algorithm for solving the NUM problem. Unlike the work of Zymnis, which uses a centralized approach, our new algorithm is easily distributed. Using an empirical evaluation we show that our new method outperforms previous approaches, including the truncated Newton method and dual-decomposition methods. As an additional contribution, this is the first work that evaluates the performance of the Gaussian belief propagation algorithm vs. the preconditioned conjugate gradient method, for a large scale problem.Comment: In the International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT) 200
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