6 research outputs found

    Continuous reductions on the Scott domain and Decomposability Conjecture

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    Aspects Topologiques des Représentations en Analyse Calculable

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    Computable analysis provides a formalization of algorithmic computations over infinite mathematical objects. The central notion of this theory is the symbolic representation of objects, which determines the computation power of the machine, and has a direct impact on the difficulty to solve any given problem. The friction between the discrete nature of computations and the continuous nature of mathematical objects is captured by topology, which expresses the idea of finite approximations of infinite objects.We thoroughly study the multiple interactions between computations and topology, analysing the information that can be algorithmically extracted from a representation. In particular, we focus on the comparison between two representations of a single family of objects, on the precise relationship between algorithmic and topological complexity of problems, and on the relationship between finite and infinite representations.L’analyse calculable permet de formaliser le traitement algorithmique d’objets mathématiques infinis. La théorie repose sur une représentation symbolique des objets, dont le choix détermine les capacités de calcul de la machine, notamment sa difficulté à résoudre chaque problème donné. La friction entre le caractère discret du calcul et la nature continue des objets est capturée par la topologie, qui exprime l’idée d’approximation finie d’objets infinis.Nous étudions en profondeur les multiples interactions entre calcul et topologie, cherchant à analyser l’information qui peut être extraite algorithmiquement d’une représentation. Je me penche plus particulièrement sur la comparaison entre deux représentations d’une même famille d’objets, sur les liens détaillés entre complexité algorithmique et topologique des problèmes, ainsi que sur les relations entre représentations finies et infinies

    Wadge hardness in Scott spaces and its effectivization

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    We prove some results on the Wadge order on the space of sets of natural numbers endowed with Scott topology, and more generally, on omega-continuous domains. Using alternating decreasing chains we characterize the property of Wadge hardness for the classes of the Hausdorff difference hierarchy (iterated differences of open sets). A similar characterization holds for Wadge one-to-one and finite-to-one completeness. We consider the same questions for the effectivization of the Wadge relation. We also show that for the space of sets of natural numbers endowed with the Scott topology, in each class of the Hausdorff difference hierarchy there are two strictly increasing chains of Wadge degrees of sets properly in that class. The length of these chains is the rank of the considered class, and each element in one chain is incomparable with all the elements in the other chain.Fil: Becher, Veronica Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Grigorieff, Serge. Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Franci