276 research outputs found

    The OMII Software – Demonstrations and Comparisons between two different deployments for Client-Server Distributed Systems

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    This paper describes the key elements of the OMII software and the scenarios which OMII software can be deployed to achieve distributed computing in the UK e-Science Community, where two different deployments for Client-Server distributed systems are demonstrated. Scenarios and experiments for each deployment have been described, with its advantages and disadvantages compared and analyzed. We conclude that our first deployment is more relevant for system administrators or developers, and the second deployment is more suitable for users’ perspective which they can send and check job status for hundred job submissions

    Semantic Services Grid in Flood-forecasting Simulations

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    Flooding in the major river basins of Central Europe is a recurrent event affecting many countries. Almost every year, it takes away lives and causes damage to infrastructure, agricultural and industrial production, and severely affects socio-economic development. Recurring floods of the magnitude and frequency observed in this region is a significant impediment, which requires rapid development of more flexible and effective flood-forecasting systems. In this paper we present design and development of the flood-forecasting system based on the Semantic Grid services. We will highlight the corresponding architecture, discovery and composition of services into workflows and semantic tools supporting the users in evaluating the results of the flood simulations. We will describe in detail the challenges of the flood-forecasting application and corresponding design and development of the service-oriented model, which is based on the well known Web Service Resource Framework (WSRF). Semantic descriptions of the WSRF services will be presented as well as the architecture, which exploits semantics in the discovery and composition of services. Further, we will demonstrate how experience management solutions can help in the process of service discovery and user support. The system provides a unique bottom-up approach in the Semantic Grids by combining the advances of semantic web services and grid architectures

    Grid Approach to Satellite Monitoring Systems Integration

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    This paper highlights the challenges of satellite monitoring systems integration, in particular based on Grid platform, and reviews possible solutions for these problems. We describe integration issues on different levels: data integration level and task management level (job submission in terms of Grid). We show example of described technologies for integration of monitoring systems of Ukraine (National Space Agency of Ukraine, NASU) and Russia (Space Research Institute RAS, IKI RAN). Another example refers to the development of InterGrid infrastructure that integrates several regional and national Grid systems: Ukrainian Academician Grid (with Satellite data processing Grid segment) and RSGS Grid (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

    Grid-enabling Satellite Image Archive Prototype for UA Space Grid Testbed

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    * The work is partially supported by the grant of National Academy of Science of Ukraine for the support of scientific researches by young scientists No 24-7/05, " Розробка Desktop Grid-системи і оптимізація її продуктивності ”.The paper describes practical approach to implementation of satellite data archive using Globus Toolkit 4 components. The solutions consists in converting a hierarchy of remote data files available via FTP into Grid- enabled archive. All etries of such archive will be indexed using arbitrary but pre-defined XML schema. The information will be exposed via MDS4 Index service and the actual data will be exposed via GridFTP. The schema used in our solution is simple enough for understanding but in a real life applications we should use metadata standards such as ISO 19139 and ISO 19115 in particular. A working prototype of the archive described in this paper is deployed on the Grid testbed of Space Research Institute of National Academy of Science and National Space Agency of Ukraine (SRI-NASU-NSAU). The SRI-NASU-NSAU testbed is briefly described in this paper as well