1,334 research outputs found

    Assessment of Today’s Mobile Banking Applications from the View of Customer Requirements

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    Mobile banking is a subset of electronic banking which underlies not only the determinants of the banking business but also the special conditions of mobile commerce. This paper analyzes customer needs and expectations from the mobile applications’ view and from the banking view in order to derive a defined set of requirements. Based on these results, existing mobile banking applications are assessed. Their major shortcomings are explained, opportunities for their improvement are shown and the impact of upcoming new technology is discussed. The outcome of the paper is a defined set of customer requirements to mobile banking applications, the identification and assessment of four standard types of current mobile banking applications and an explanation of major failure reasons along with opportunities for their improvement.

    A case study of MMO2's Madic: A framework for creating mobile internet systems

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    Mobile Internet applications on ubiquitous mobile networks allows real-time, anywhere, anytime connectivity to services. Due to its scalability and potential cost savings, mobile communication is being increasingly applied in the business and consumer communities to create innovative data and voice application, which run over the Internet infrastructure. This paper reports on a case study at an organisation that created an innovative approach to developing mobile applications developed by third party independent developers. A conceptual wireless reference model is presented that was used to define the various system components required to create effective mobile applications

    The mobile commerce technologies: Generations, standards and protocols

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    Mobile Commerce has staged a remarkable come-back. Driven by the technological innovations in the field of telecommunications, it is showing signs of a healthy recovery. The collapse of the dot-com boom in 2001/2002 had dealt a severe blow not only to Electronic Commerce but also to Mobile Commerce, which was just about developing at that time. In addition to a general lack of customer demand for mobile, location-based, services, it suffered heavily under the technical deficiencies of end-devices, slow data transmission and unripe technological standards. These factors in turn had a negative impact on the customer acceptance of mobile services and whatever little demand was available, was rendered useless. Many of the environmental conditions have changed since then. Technology innovations have reduced many barriers to acceptance. Increasing globalization has led to more mobility and therefore to greater demand for mobile, ubiquitios services that can be consumed anytime, anywher. This paper examines different telecommunication technologies regarding their suitablilty and deficiencies. It provides an overview over the historical development of mobile technologies while pointing towards the expected future scenario. --Mobile Commerce,M-Commerce,UMTS,WLAN,3G

    Success Factors in Mobile Viral Marketing: A Multi-Case Study Approach

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    A prior study showed that mobile viral marketing is an important issue of mobile marketing. Using a multicase study research approach, we introduce a typology of four standard types of mobile viral marketing and extract eight success factors for this new form of marketing. As a final step, we structure the relationship between both, showing success factors’significance in different standard types and deriving a success factor framework. We conclude with a consideration of research implications.

    Mobile telecommunication networks and mobile commerce : towards its applications in chinese market

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    La tĂ©lĂ©communication mobile connecte les personnes de n'importe oĂč Ă  tout moment. La transmission de la voix et des donnĂ©es Ă  travers les rĂ©seaux de tĂ©lĂ©communication mobile permet d'envoyer des informations et de diriger des transactions d'une maniĂšre nouvelle. Cela crĂ©e un nouveau domaine d'affaires qui s'appelle du commerce mobile, une affaire Ă©tendue basĂ©e sur l'Internet avec de nombreux des caractĂ©ristiques uniques ajoutĂ©s. Comme un soutien fondamental du plate-forme, les rĂ©seaux de la tĂ©lĂ©communication mobile joue un rĂŽle essentiel dans le commerce mobile. Leurs caractĂ©ristiques techniques et le dĂ©ploiement dĂ©terminent l'essence pour le commerce mobile. Dans cette mĂ©moire, nous Ă©tudions et prĂ©sentons les caractĂ©ristiques techniques des technologies communications mobiles du rĂ©seau 1G Ă  3G et au-delĂ . Nous Ă©tudions Ă©galement les technologies WLAN et WAP qui sont courantes dans le commerce mobile en Chine et dans le monde. Le commerce mobile est en train de se dĂ©velopper, le nombre d'utilisateurs de tĂ©lĂ©phones mobiles sont de plus en plus en Chine et dans ce monde. Les utilisateurs mobiles Ă©normes en Chine ainsi que la maturitĂ© des technologies 3G affichent un fort potentiel pour offrir et d'adopter plus les nouveaux services mobiles. AprĂšs rĂ©viser l'Ă©volution du commerce mobile et l'histoire du succĂšs i-mode au Japon, nous nous concentrons sur le mobile du marchĂ© chinois de maniĂšre Ă  dĂ©couvrir son marchĂ©, l'infrastructure du rĂ©seau mobile, et le modĂšle d'affaires. FondĂ© sur la base de notre enquĂȘte sur le commerce mobile chinois, nous prĂ©sentons, selon notre jugement, les services mobiles et des applications que sont convenables pour la Chine. Parmi eux, nous pensons qu'il y a la tendance sur les services basĂ©s sur la localisation et services orientĂ©es de l'architectures. Cette tendance peut attirer plus d'attention Ă  offrir de nouveaux services. En plus, elle peut offrir des services d'intĂ©gration et de personnalisation qui viennent de fournisseurs de services mobiles et des utilisateurs finaux. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Gestion intĂ©grĂ©e et Ă©cosystĂ©mique, Principe de prĂ©caution, Communication entre acteurs, Risques sur l'environnement et la santĂ©

    Delivery of Personalized and Adaptive Content to Mobile Devices:A Framework and Enabling Technology

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    Many innovative wireless applications that aim to provide mobile information access are emerging. Since people have different information needs and preferences, one of the challenges for mobile information systems is to take advantage of the convenience of handheld devices and provide personalized information to the right person in a preferred format. However, the unique features of wireless networks and mobile devices pose challenges to personalized mobile content delivery. This paper proposes a generic framework for delivering personalized and adaptive content to mobile users. It introduces a variety of enabling technologies and highlights important issues in this area. The framework can be applied to many applications such as mobile commerce and context-aware mobile services
