178,767 research outputs found

    Distributed Protocols at the Rescue for Trustworthy Online Voting

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    While online services emerge in all areas of life, the voting procedure in many democracies remains paper-based as the security of current online voting technology is highly disputed. We address the issue of trustworthy online voting protocols and recall therefore their security concepts with its trust assumptions. Inspired by the Bitcoin protocol, the prospects of distributed online voting protocols are analysed. No trusted authority is assumed to ensure ballot secrecy. Further, the integrity of the voting is enforced by all voters themselves and without a weakest link, the protocol becomes more robust. We introduce a taxonomy of notions of distribution in online voting protocols that we apply on selected online voting protocols. Accordingly, blockchain-based protocols seem to be promising for online voting due to their similarity with paper-based protocols

    Electronic Voting Scheme About ElGamal Blind-signatures Based on XML

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    AbstractPresent an electronic voting algorithm about ElGamal blind-signature based on XML and analyze its security, accounting to the current electronic voting scheme and the ElGamal blind-signature algorithm. The program uses the specification of XML digital signature and the technology of ElGamal blind-signature algorithm and has good security and practical importance

    Security Requirement Analysis of Blockchain-based E-Voting Systems

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    In democratic countries such as India, voting is a fundamental right given to citizens of their countries. Citizens need to physically present and cast their vote in ballot-paper-based voting systems. Most of the citizens fail to fulfill this constraint and have stayed away from their fundamental duty. Electronic-voting systems are often considered one efficient alternative in such situations. Blockchain Technology is an emerging technology that can provide a real solution as it is characterized by immutable, transparent, anonymous, and decentralized properties. This paper presents a security requirement analysis for e-voting systems and evaluates blockchain technology against these requirements

    Towards internet voting in the state of Qatar

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    Qatar is a small country in the Middle East which has used its oil wealth to invest in the country's infrastructure and education. The technology for Internet voting now exists or can be developed, but are the people of Qatar willing to take part in Internet voting for national elections?. This research identifies the willingness of government and citizens to introduce and participate in Internet voting (I-voting) in Qatar and the barriers that may be encountered when doing so. A secure I voting model for the Qatar government is then proposed that address issues of I-voting which might arise due to the introduction of such new technology. Recommendations are made for the Qatar government to assist in the introduction of I-voting. The research identifies the feasibility of I-voting and the government s readiness and willingness to introduce it. Multiple factors are examined: the voting experience, educational development, telecommunication development, the large number of Internet users, Qatar law which does not bar the use of I-voting and Qatar culture which supports I-voting introduction. It is shown that there is a willingness amongst both the people and the government to introduce I-voting, and there is appropriate accessibility, availability of IT infrastructure, availability of Internet law to protect online consumers and the existence of the e government project. However, many Qataris have concerns of security, privacy, usability, transparency and other issues that would need to be addressed before any voting system could be considered to be a quality system in the eyes of the voters. Also, the need to consider the security threat associated on client-side machines is identified where a lack of user awareness on information security is an important factor. The proposed model attempts to satisfy voting principles, introducing a secure platform for I-voting using best practices and solutions such as the smart card, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates. The model was reviewed by a number of experts on Information Technology, and the Qatari culture and law who found that the system would, generally, satisfy voting principles, but pointed out the need to consider the scalability of the model, the possible cyber-attacks and the risks associated with voters computers. which could be reduced by enhancing user awareness on security and using secure operating systems or Internet browsers. From these findings, a set of recommendations were proposed to encourage the government to introduce I-voting which consider different aspects of I-voting, including the digital divide, e-literacy, I voting infrastructure, legal aspects, transparency, security and privacy. These recommendations were also reviewed by experts who found them to be both valuable and effective. Since literature on Internet voting in Qatar is sparse, empirical and non-empirical studies were carried out in a variety of surveys, interviews and experiments. The research successfully achieved its aim and objectives and is now being considered by the Qatari Government

    Digital Voting Process via Block Chain Technology

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    Electronic voting is growing in popularity in today's culture. It has the ability to reduce administrative expenses and boost participation in the electoral process. Voters can cast their ballots from any location with an Internet connection, doing away with the necessity for paper ballots and polling places. Regardless of their merits, online voting solutions are seen with skepticism due to the fact that they present novel security risks. Vote rigging on a massive scale is possible due to a single vulnerability. When used for elections, electronic voting systems must be reliable and secure. However, problems with computerized voting systems may slow their widespread adoption. Electronic voting systems are being developed using blockchain technology due to the end-to-end verification benefits it provides. Electronic voting systems that lack the distributed, non-repudiation, and security features of this technology are missing out. A summary of blockchain-based electronic voting methods is provided here. The primary purpose of this analysis was to look at where things stand with blockchain-based voting research and online voting systems, as well as any problems with foreseeing their future that may exist. This serves as both a conceptual overview of the planned blockchain-based electronic voting application and an introduction to the blockchain's core structure and properties as they pertain to electronic voting. Several of the problems that currently afflict election systems may be solvable with the help of blockchain technologies, it has been found. Yet, concerns about privacy and transaction speed frequently come up when discussing the use of blockchain technology in practical contexts. Secure remote voting is essential for a scalable blockchain-based electronic voting system, and fast transactions are necessary for widespread adoption
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