22 research outputs found

    Polya's inequalities, global uniform integrability and the size of plurisubharmonic lemniscates

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    First we prove a new inequality comparing uniformly the relative volume of a Borel subset with respect to any given complex euclidean ball \B \sub \C^n with its relative logarithmic capacity in \C^n with respect to the same ball \B. An analoguous comparison inequality for Borel subsets of euclidean balls of any generic real subspace of \C^n is also proved. Then we give several interesting applications of these inequalities. First we obtain sharp uniform estimates on the relative size of \psh lemniscates associated to the Lelong class of \psh functions of logarithmic singularities at infinity on \C^n as well as the Cegrell class of \psh functions of bounded Monge-Amp\`ere mass on a hyperconvex domain \W \Sub \C^n. Then we also deduce new results on the global behaviour of both the Lelong class and the Cegrell class of \psh functions.Comment: 25 page

    A minimum principle for plurisubharmonic functions

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    The main goal of this work is to give new and precise generalizations to various classes of plurisubharmonic functions of the classical minimum modulus principle for holomorphic functions of one complex variable, in the spirit of the famous lemma of Cartan-Boutroux. As an application we obtain precise estimates on the size of "plurisubharmonic lemniscates" in terms of appropriate Hausdorff contents

    On the average number of zeros of random harmonic polynomials with i.i.d. coefficients: precise asymptotics

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    Addressing a problem posed by W. Li and A. Wei (2009), we investigate the average number of (complex) zeros of a random harmonic polynomial p(z)+q(z)p(z) + \overline{q(z)} sampled from the Kac ensemble, i.e., where the coefficients are independent identically distributed centered complex Gaussian random variables. We establish a precise asymptotic, showing that when degp=degq=n\text{deg} p = \text{deg} q = n tends to infinity the average number of zeros is asymptotic to 12nlogn\frac{1}{2} n \log n. We further consider the average number of zeros restricted to various regions in the complex plane leading to interesting comparisons with the classically studied case of analytic Kac polynomials. We also consider deterministic extremal problems for harmonic polynomials with coefficient constraints; using an indirect probabilistic method we show the existence of harmonic polynomials with unimodular coefficients having at least 2πnlogn+O(n)\frac{2}{\pi} n \log n + O(n) zeros. We conclude with a list of open problems.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    Constructive Function Theory on Sets of the Complex Plane through Potential Theory and Geometric Function Theory

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    This is a survey of some recent results concerning polynomial inequalities and polynomial approximation of functions in the complex plane. The results are achieved by the application of methods and techniques of modern geometric function theory and potential theory

    A 1-parameter family of spherical CR uniformizations of the figure eight knot complement

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    We describe a simple fundamental domain for the holonomy group of the boundary unipotent spherical CR uniformization of the figure eight knot complement, and deduce that small deformations of that holonomy group (such that the boundary holonomy remains parabolic) also give a uniformization of the figure eight knot complement. Finally, we construct an explicit 1-parameter family of deformations of the boundary unipotent holonomy group such that the boundary holonomy is twist-parabolic. For small values of the twist of these parabolic elements, this produces a 1-parameter family of pairwise non-conjugate spherical CR uniformizations of the figure eight knot complement