39,994 research outputs found

    Volume integral equations for electromagnetic scattering in two dimensions

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    We study the strongly singular volume integral equation that describes the scattering of time-harmonic electromagnetic waves by a penetrable obstacle. We consider the case of a cylindrical obstacle and fields invariant along the axis of the cylinder, which allows the reduction to two-dimensional problems. With this simplification, we can refine the analysis of the essential spectrum of the volume integral operator started in a previous paper (M. Costabel, E. Darrigrand, H. Sakly: The essential spectrum of the volume integral operator in electromagnetic scattering by a homogeneous body, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 350 (2012), pp. 193-197) and obtain results for non-smooth domains that were previously available only for smooth domains. It turns out that in the TE case, the magnetic contrast has no influence on the Fredholm properties of the problem. As a byproduct of the choice that exists between a vectorial and a scalar volume integral equation, we discover new results about the symmetry of the spectrum of the double layer boundary integral operator on Lipschitz domains.Comment: 21 page

    Fast, adaptive, high order accurate discretization of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation in two dimension

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    We present a fast direct solver for two dimensional scattering problems, where an incident wave impinges on a penetrable medium with compact support. We represent the scattered field using a volume potential whose kernel is the outgoing Green's function for the exterior domain. Inserting this representation into the governing partial differential equation, we obtain an integral equation of the Lippmann-Schwinger type. The principal contribution here is the development of an automatically adaptive, high-order accurate discretization based on a quad tree data structure which provides rapid access to arbitrary elements of the discretized system matrix. This permits the straightforward application of state-of-the-art algorithms for constructing compressed versions of the solution operator. These solvers typically require O(N3/2)O(N^{3/2}) work, where NN denotes the number of degrees of freedom. We demonstrate the performance of the method for a variety of problems in both the low and high frequency regimes.Comment: 18 page

    Vector Bremsstrahlung by Ultrarelativistic Collisions in Higher Dimensions

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    A classical computation of vector bremsstrahlung in ultrarelativistic gravitational-force collisions of massive point particles is presented in an arbitrary number d of extra dimensions. Our method adapts the post-linear formalism of General Relativity to the multidimensional case. The total emitted energy, as well as its angular and frequency distribution and characteristic values, are discussed in detail. For an electromagnetic mediation propagated in the bulk, the emitted energy EemE_{em} of scattering with impact parameter b has magnitude Eeme4e2γd+2/(m2b3d+3)E_{em} \sim e^4 e'^2 \gamma^{d+2}/(m^2 b^{3d+3}), with dominant frequency ωemγ2/b\omega_{em} \sim \gamma^2/b. For the gravitational force the charge emits via vector field, propagated in the bulk, energy Erad[GDme]2γd+2/b3d+3E_{rad}\sim[G_D m' e]^2 \gamma^{d+2}/b^{3d+3} for d2d \geq 2, with dominant frequency ωγ2/b\omega\sim\gamma^2/b and energy Erad[G5me]2γ3lnγ/b6E_{rad}\sim[G_5 m' e]^2\gamma^{3}\ln \gamma/b^{6} for d=1d=1, with most of the energy coming from a wide frequency region ω[γ/b),γ2/b]\omega \in [\gamma/b),\gamma^2/b] . For the UED model with extra space volume V=(2πR)dV=(2\pi R)^d the emitted energy is EUED(bd/V)2EradE_{UED}\sim (b^{d}/V)^2 E_{rad}. Finally, for the ADD model, including four dimensions, the electromagnetic field living on 3-brane, loses on emission the energy EADD[GDme]2γ3/(Vb2d+3)E_{ADD}\sim[G_D m'e]^2\gamma^{3}/(V b^{2d+3}), with characteristic frequency ωADDγ/b\omega_{ADD}\sim\gamma/b. The contribution of the low frequency part of the radiation (soft photons) to the total radiated energy is shown to be negligible for all values of d. The domain of validity of the classical result is discussed. The result is analyzed from the viewpoint of the deWitt - Brehme - Hobbs equation (and corresponding equations in higher dimensions).Comment: 39 pages, 4 figure

    Numerical methods for computing Casimir interactions

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    We review several different approaches for computing Casimir forces and related fluctuation-induced interactions between bodies of arbitrary shapes and materials. The relationships between this problem and well known computational techniques from classical electromagnetism are emphasized. We also review the basic principles of standard computational methods, categorizing them according to three criteria---choice of problem, basis, and solution technique---that can be used to classify proposals for the Casimir problem as well. In this way, mature classical methods can be exploited to model Casimir physics, with a few important modifications.Comment: 46 pages, 142 references, 5 figures. To appear in upcoming Lecture Notes in Physics book on Casimir Physic

    Vector Correlators in Lattice QCD: methods and applications

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    We discuss the calculation of the leading hadronic vacuum polarization in lattice QCD. Exploiting the excellent quality of the compiled experimental data for the e^+e^- --> hadrons cross-section, we predict the outcome of large-volume lattice calculations at the physical pion mass, and design computational strategies for the lattice to have an impact on important phenomenological quantities such as the leading hadronic contribution to (g-2)mu and the running of the electromagnetic coupling constant. First, the R(s) ratio can be calculated directly on the lattice in the threshold region, and we provide the formulae to do so with twisted boundary conditions. Second, the current correlator projected onto zero spatial momentum, in a Euclidean time interval where it can be calculated accurately, provides a potentially critical test of the experimental R(s) ratio in the region that is most relevant for (g-2)mu. This observation can also be turned around: the vector correlator at intermediate distances can be used to determine the lattice spacing in fm, and we make a concrete proposal in this direction. Finally, we quantify the finite-size effects on the current correlator coming from low-energy two-pion states and provide a general parametrization of the vacuum polarization on the torus.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure files; corrected a factor 2 in Eq. (7) over the published versio

    Volume Integral Formulation for the Calculation of Material Independent Modes of Dielectric Scatterers

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    In the frame of volume integral equation methods, we introduce an alternative representation of the electromagnetic field scattered by a homogeneous object of arbitrary shape at a given frequency, in terms of a set of modes independent of its permittivity. This is accomplished by introducing an auxiliary eigenvalue problem, based on a volume integral operator. With this modal basis the expansion coefficients of the scattered field are simple rational functions of the permittivity of the scatterer. We show, by studying the electromagnetic scattering from a sphere and a cylinder of dimensions comparable to the incident wavelength, that only a moderate number of modes is needed to accurately describe the scattered far field. This method can be used to investigate resonant scattering phenomena, including plasmonic and photonic resonances, and to design the permittivity of the object to pursue a prescribed tailoring of the scattered field. Moreover, the presented modal expansion is computationally advantageous compared to direct solution of the volume integral equation when the scattered field has to be computed for many different values of the dielectric permittivity, given the size and shape of the dielectric body