559 research outputs found

    SIGNAL: A Ka-band Digital Beam-Forming SAR System Concept to Monitor Topography Variations of Ice Caps and Glaciers

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    This paper discusses the implementation of an endto- end simulator for the BIOMASS mission. An overview of the system architecture is provided along with a functional description of the modules that comprise the simulator

    Spaceborne Polarimetric SAR Interferometry: Performance Analysis and Mission Concepts

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    Spaceborne polarimetric SAR interferometry enables quantitative measurements of important bio- and geophysical parameters of the Earth surface on a global scale. We will first give a short review about actual and planned spaceborne SAR missions that can provide the observation space required for the derivation of Pol-InSAR products. This overview includes both repeat pass mission scenarios like ALOS/PalSAR, TerraSAR-L and Radarsat II, as well as single-pass mission scenarios like a fully-polarimetric Interferometric Cartwheel or TanDEM- X. The Pol-InSAR performance of the suggested mission scenarios will then be analysed by introducing the new concept of a phase tube. This concept enables an optimization of the system parameters and a quantitative comparison between different sensor configurations. The performance analysis for the investigated repeat pass mission scenarios reveals that major limitations have to be expected from temporal decorrelation. Some suggestions will be made to alleviate this performance loss by appropriate orbit refinement. Furthermore, important aspects in the design of future Pol-InSAR sensors will be addressed and we demonstrate the potential benefits arising from the use of bi- and multistatic single pass sensor configurations

    Utilization of bistatic TanDEM-X data to derive land cover information

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    Forests have significance as carbon sink in climate change. Therefore, it is of high importance to track land use changes as well as to estimate the state as carbon sink. This is useful for sustainable forest management, land use planning, carbon modelling, and support to implement international initiatives like REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation). A combination of field measurements and remote sensing seems most suitable to monitor forests. Radar sensors are considered as high potential due to the weather and daytime independence. TanDEM-X is a interferometric SAR (synthetic aperture radar) mission in space and can be used for land use monitoring as well as estimation of biophysical parameters. TanDEM-X is a X-band system resulting in low penetration depth into the forest canopy. Interferometric information can be useful, whereas the low penetration can be considered as an advantage. The interferometric height is assumable as canopy height, which is correlated with forest biomass. Furthermore, the interferometric coherence is mainly governed by volume decorrelation, whereas temporal decorrelation is minimized. This information can be valuable for quantitative estimations and land use monitoring. The interferometric coherence improved results in comparison to land use classifications without coherence of about 10% (75% vs. 85%). Especially the differentiation between forest classes profited from coherence. The coherence correlated with aboveground biomass in a R² of about 0.5 and resulted in a root mean square error (RSME) of 14%. The interferometric height achieved an even higher correlation with the biomass (R²=0.68) resulting in cross-validated RMSE of 7.5%. These results indicated that TanDEM-X can be considered as valuable and consistent data source for forest monitoring. Especially interferometric information seemed suitable for biomass estimation

    Boreal Forest Properties from TanDEM-X Data Using Interferometric Water Cloud Model and Implications for a Bistatic C-Band Mission

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    Data from TanDEM-X in single-pass and bistatic interferometric mode together with the interferometric water cloud model (IWCM) can provide estimates of forest height and stem volume (or the related above-ground biomass) of boreal forests with high accuracy. We summarize results from two boreal test sites using two approaches, i.e., 1) based on model calibration using reference insitu stands, and 2) based on minimization of a cost function. Both approaches are based on inversion of IWCM, which models the complex coherence and backscattering coefficient of a homogeneous forest layer, which includes gaps where free-space wave propagation is assumed. A digital terrain model of the ground is also needed. IWCM is used to estimate forest height or stem volume, since the two variables are assumed to be related through an allometric equation. A relationship between the fractional area of gaps, the area-fill, and stem volume is also required to enable model inversion. The accuracy of the stem volume estimate in the two sites varies between 16% and 21% for height of ambiguity <100 m. The results clearly show the importance of using summer-time acquisitions. Based on the TanDEM-X results at X-band, C-band data from the ERS-1/ERS-2 tandem mission are revisited to investigate the potential of a future bistatic C-band interferometric mission. Out of nine ERS-1/ERS-2 pairs, only one pair was found to be acquired at summer temperatures, without precipitation and with high coherence. A simulated bistatic phase height is shown to give approximately the same sensitivity to stem volume as TanDEM-X

    Retrieval of vegetation height in rice fields using polarimetric SAR interferometry with TanDEM-X data

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    This work presents for the first time a demonstration with satellite data of polarimetric SAR interferometry (PolInSAR) applied to the retrieval of vegetation height in rice fields. Three series of dual-pol interferometric SAR data acquired with large baselines (2–3 km) by the TanDEM-X system during its science phase (April–September 2015) are exploited. A novel inversion algorithm especially suited for rice fields cultivated in flooded soil is proposed and evaluated. The validation is carried out over three test sites located in geographically different areas: Sevilla (SW Spain), Valencia (E Spain), and Ipsala (W Turkey), in which different rice types are present. Results are obtained during the whole growth cycle and demonstrate that PolInSAR is useful to produce accurate height estimates (RMSE 10–20 cm) when plants are tall enough (taller than 25–40 cm), without relying on external reference information.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and EU FEDER under project TIN2014-55413-C2-2-P. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement 606983, and the Land-SAF (the EUMETSAT Network of Satellite Application Facilities) project. The in-situ measurements in the Ipsala site were conducted with the funding of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Project No.: 113Y446)

    Estimation of Forest Biomass From Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass InSAR Data

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    A model for aboveground biomass estimation from single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data is presented. Forest height and canopy density estimates Delta h and eta(0), respectively, obtained from two-level model (TLM) inversion, are used as biomass predictors. Eighteen bistatic VV-polarized TanDEM-X (TDM) acquisitions are used, made over two Swedish test sites in the summers of 2011, 2012, and 2013 (nominal incidence angle: 41 degrees; height-of-ambiguity: 32-63 m). Remningstorp features a hemiboreal forest in southern Sweden, with flat topography and where 32 circular plots have been sampled between 2010 and 2011 (area: 0.5 ha; biomass: 42-242 t/ha; height: 14-32 m). Krycklan features a boreal forest in northern Sweden, 720-km north-northeast from Remningstorp, with significant topography and where 31 stands have been sampled in 2008 (area: 2.4-26.3 ha; biomass: 23-183 t/ha; height: 7-21 m). A high-resolution digital terrain model has been used as ground reference during InSAR processing. For the aforementioned plots and stands and if the same acquisition is used for model training and validation, the new model explains 65%-89% of the observed variance, with root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 12%-19% (median: 15%). By fixing two of the three model parameters, accurate biomass estimation can also be done when different acquisitions or different test sites are used for model training and validation, with RMSE of 12%-56% (median: 17%). Compared with a simple scaling model computing biomass from the phase center elevation above ground, the proposed model shows significantly better performance in Remningstorp, as it accounts for the large canopy density variations caused by active management. In Krycklan, the two models show similar performance

    Fusion of Urban TanDEM-X raw DEMs using variational models

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    Recently, a new global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with pixel spacing of 0.4 arcseconds and relative height accuracy finer than 2m for flat areas (slopes 20%) was created through the TanDEM-X mission. One important step of the chain of global DEM generation is to mosaic and fuse multiple raw DEM tiles to reach the target height accuracy. Currently, Weighted Averaging (WA) is applied as a fast and simple method for TanDEM-X raw DEM fusion in which the weights are computed from height error maps delivered from the Interferometric TanDEM-X Processor (ITP). However, evaluations show that WA is not the perfect DEM fusion method for urban areas especially in confrontation with edges such as building outlines. The main focus of this paper is to investigate more advanced variational approaches such as TV-L1 and Huber models. Furthermore, we also assess the performance of variational models for fusing raw DEMs produced from data takes with different baseline configurations and height of ambiguities. The results illustrate the high efficiency of variational models for TanDEM-X raw DEM fusion in comparison to WA. Using variational models could improve the DEM quality by up to 2m particularly in inner-city subsets.Comment: This is the pre-acceptance version, to read the final version, please go to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing on IEEE Xplor

    On the Sensitivity of TanDEM-X-Observations to Boreal Forest Structure

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    The structure of forests is important to observe for understanding coupling to global dynamics of ecosystems, biodiversity, and management aspects. In this paper, the sensitivity of X-band to boreal forest stem volume and to vertical and horizontal structure in the form of forest height and horizontal vegetation density is studied using TanDEM-X satellite observations from two study sites in Sweden: Remningstorp and Krycklan. The forest was analyzed with the Interferometric Water Cloud Model (IWCM), without the use of local data for model training, and compared with measurements by Airborne Lidar Scanning (ALS). On one hand, a large number of stands were studied, and in addition, plots with different types of changes between 2010 and 2014 were also studied. It is shown that the TanDEM-X phase height is, under certain conditions, equal to the product of the ALS quantities for height and density. Therefore, the sensitivity of phase height to relative changes in height and density is the same. For stands with a phase height >5 m we obtained an root-mean-square error, RMSE, of 8% and 10% for tree height in Remningstorp and Krycklan, respectively, and for vegetation density an RMSE of 13% for both. Furthermore, we obtained an RMSE of 17% for estimation of above ground biomass at stand level in Remningstorp and in Krycklan. The forest changes estimated with TanDEM-X/IWCM and ALS are small for all plots except clear cuts but show similar trends. Plots without forest management changes show a mean estimated height growth of 2.7% with TanDEM-X/IWCM versus 2.1% with ALS and a biomass growth of 4.3% versus 4.2% per year. The agreement between the estimates from TanDEM-X/IWCM and ALS is in general good, except for stands with low phase height

    Assessment of L-Band SAOCOM InSAR coherence and its comparison with C-Band: A case study over managed forests in Argentina

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the behavior of short temporal baseline interferomet ric coherence in forested areas for L-band spaceborne SAR data. Hence, an exploratory assessment of the impacts of temporal and spatial baselines on coherence, with emphasis on how these effects vary between SAOCOM-1 L-band and Sentinel-1 C-band data is presented. The interferometric coherence is analyzed according to different imaging parameters. In the case of SAOCOM-1, the impacts of the variation of the incidence angle and the ascending and descending orbits over forested areas are also assessed. Finally, short-term 8-day interferometric coherence maps derived from SAOCOM-1 are especially addressed, since this is the first L-band spaceborne mission that allows us to acquire SAR images with such a short temporal span. The analysis is reported over two forest-production areas in Argentina, one of which is part of the most important region in terms of forest plantations at the national level. In the case of SAOCOM, interferometric configurations are characterized by a lack of control on the spatial baseline, so a zero-baseline orbital tube cannot be guaranteed. Nevertheless, this spatial baseline variability is crucial to exploit volume decorrelation for forest monitoring. The results from this exploratory analysis demonstrates that SAOCOM-1 short temporal baseline interferograms, 8 to 16 days, must be considered in order to mitigate temporal decorrelation effects and to be able to experiment with different spatial baseline configurations, in order to allow appropriate forest monitoring.This research was funded by the project INTERACT PID2020-114623RB-C32 funded by the Spanish MCIN /AEI /10.13039 /501100011033.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    National Forest Biomass Mapping Using the Two-Level Model

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    This article uses the two-level model (TLM) to predict above-ground biomass (AGB) from TanDEM-X synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for Sweden. The SAR data were acquired between October 2015 and January 2016 and consisted of 420 scenes. The AGB was estimated from forest height and canopy density estimates obtained from TLM inversion with a power law model. The model parameters were estimated separately for each satellite scene. The prediction accuracy at stand-level was evaluated using field inventoried references from entire Sweden 2017, provided by a forestry company. AGB estimation performance varied throughout the country, with smaller errors in the north and larger in the south, but when the errors were expressed in relative terms, this pattern vanished. The error in terms of root mean square error (RMSE) was 45.6 and 27.2 t/ha at the plot- and stand-level, respectively, and the corresponding biases were -8.80 and 11.2 t/ha. When the random errors related to using sampled field references were removed, the RMSE decreased about 24% to 20.7 t/ha at the stand-level. Overall, the RMSE was of similar order to that obtained in a previous study (27-30 t/ha), where one linear regression model was used for all scenes in Sweden. It is concluded that, using the power law model with parameters estimated for each scene, the scene-wise variations decreased
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