6 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of the global forest/non-forest maps derived from SAR and optical sensors: case studies from brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes.

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    Abstract: Global-scale forest/non-forest (FNF) maps are of crucial importance for applications like biomass estimation and deforestation monitoring. Global FNF maps based on optical remote sensing data have been produced by the wall-to-wall satellite image analyses or sampling strategies. The German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) also made available their global FNF maps based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. This paper attempted to answer the following scientific question: how comparable are the FNF products derived from optical and SAR data? As test sites we selected the Amazon (tropical rainforest) and Cerrado (tropical savanna) biomes, the two largest Brazilian biomes. Forest estimations from 2015 derived from TanDEM-X (X band; HH polarization) and ALOS-2 (L band; HV polarization) SAR data, as well as forest cover information derived from Landsat 8 optical data were compared with each other at the municipality and image sampling levels. The optical-based forest estimations considered in this study were derived from the MapBiomas project, a Brazilian multi-institutional project to map land use and land cover (LULC) classes of an entire country based on historical time series of Landsat data. In addition to the existing forest maps, a set of 1619 Landsat 8 RGB color composites was used to generate new independent comparison data composed of circular areas with 5-km diameter, which were visually interpreted after image segmentation. The Spearman rank correlation estimated the correlation among the data sets and the paired Mann–Whitney–Wilcoxon tested the hypothesis that the data sets are statistically equal. Results showed that forest maps derived from SAR and optical satellites are statistically different regardless of biome or scale of study (municipality or image sampling), except for the Cerrado´s forest estimations derived from TanDEM-X and ALOS-2. Nevertheless, the percentage of pixels classified as forest or non-forest by both SAR sensors were 90% and 80% for the Amazon and Cerrado biome, respectively, indicating an overall good agreement

    On the Exploitation of CubeSats for Highly Accurate and Robust Single-Pass SAR Interferometry

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    Highly accurate digital elevation models (DEMs) from spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry are often affected by phase unwrapping errors. These errors can be resolved by the use of additional interferograms with different baselines, but this requires additional satellites in a single-pass configuration, resulting in higher cost and system complexity, or additional passes of the satellites, which affects mission planning and makes the system less suitable for monitoring fast-changing phenomena. This work proposes augmenting a bistatic SAR interferometer with one or more receive-only CubeSats, whose images are used to form an additional interferogram with a small baseline, making the system robust to unwrapping errors. In spite of the lower quality of the CubeSat images due to their small antenna aperture, this additional information can be used to detect and resolve phase unwrapping errors in the DEM without impacting its resolution or accuracy. A processing scheme for the phase unwrapping correction is presented along with a theoretical model for its performance. Finally, a design example is presented and discussed along with a simulation based on TanDEM-X data. It is also shown that CubeSat add-ons allow further increasing the baseline and thus improving the accuracy of DEMs. This concept represents a cost-effective solution for the generation of highly accurate, robust DEMs and paves the way to distributed SAR interferometric concepts based on CubeSats

    The Global Water Body Layer from TanDEM-X Interferometric SAR Data

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    The interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data set, acquired by the TanDEM-X (TerraSAR-X add-on for Digital Elevation Measurement) mission (TDM), represents a unique data source to derive geo-information products at a global scale. The complete Earth's landmasses have been surveyed at least twice during the mission bistatic operation, which started at the end of 2010. Examples of the delivered global products are the TanDEM-X digital elevation model (DEM) (at a final independent posting of 12 m × 12 m) or the TanDEM-X global Forest/Non-Forest (FNF) map. The need for a reliable water product from TanDEM-X data was dictated by the limited accuracy and difficulty of use of the TDX Water Indication Mask (WAM), delivered as by-product of the global DEM, which jeopardizes its use for scientific applications, as well. Similarly as it has been done for the generation of the FNF map, in this work, we utilize the global data set of TanDEM-X quicklook images at 50 m × 50 m resolution, acquired between 2011 and 2016, to derive a new global water body layer (WBL), covering a range from -60° to +90° latitudes. The bistatic interferometric coherence is used as the primary input feature for performing water detection. We classify water surfaces in single TanDEM-X images, by considering the system's geometric configuration and exploiting a watershed-based segmentation algorithm. Subsequently, single overlapping acquisitions are mosaicked together in a two-step logically weighting process to derive the global TDM WBL product, which comprises a binary averaged water/non-water layer as well as a permanent/temporary water indication layer. The accuracy of the new TDM WBL has been assessed over Europe, through a comparison with the Copernicus water and wetness layer, provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), at a 20 m × 20 m resolution. The F-score ranges from 83%, when considering all geocells (of 1° latitudes × 1° longitudes) over Europe, up to 93%, when considering only the geocells with a water content higher than 1%. At global scale, the quality of the product has been evaluated, by intercomparison, with other existing global water maps, resulting in an overall agreement that often exceeds 85% (F-score) when the content in the geocell is higher than 1%. The global TDM WBL presented in this study will be made available to the scientific community for free download and usage

    MirrorSAR: An HRWS Add-On for Single-Pass Multi-Baseline SAR Interferometry

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    This paper reports the Phase A study results of the interferometric extension of the High-Resolution Wide-Swath (HRWS) mission with three MirrorSAR satellites. According to the MirrorSAR concept, small, low cost, transponder-like receive-only satellites without radar signal demodulation, digitization, memory storage, downlink, and synchronization are added to the planned German X-band HRWS mission. The MirrorSAR satellites fly a triple helix orbit in close formation around the HRWS orbit and span multiple single-pass interferometric baselines. A comprehensive system engineering and performance analysis is provided that includes orbit formation, MirrorLink, Doppler steering, antenna pattern and swath design, multi-static echo window timing, SAR performance, height performance and coverage analysis. The overall interferometric system design analysis of Phase A is presented. The predicted performance of the global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is improved by one order of magnitude compared to presently available global DEM products like the TanDEM-X DEM

    Volume Decorrelation Effects in TanDEM-X Interferometric SAR Data

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    Among the several factors which may affect the quality of interferometric SAR products, volume decorrelation represents the coherence loss contribution due to the presence of multiple scatterers within a single resolution cell, which results in an increase of the interferometric phase uncertainty. In this letter we investigate the effects of volume decorrelation on X-band TanDEM-X interferometric data. TanDEM-X is the first bistatic space-borne SAR mission and provides a unique, global, and manifold interferometric data set to be exploited for a variety of scientific and commercial applications. The main goal of this paper is to provide the scientific community with a characterization of volume decorrelation effects occurring at X-band for different land cover types and acquisition geometries. The potentials of volume decorrelation contribution at X-band for land classification are discussed as well and some application examples are presented