69 research outputs found

    Estimation and control of multi-object systems with high-fidenlity sensor models: A labelled random finite set approach

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    Principled and novel multi-object tracking algorithms are proposed, that have the ability to optimally process realistic sensor data, by accommodating complex observational phenomena such as merged measurements and extended targets. Additionally, a sensor control scheme based on a tractable, information theoretic objective is proposed, the goal of which is to optimise tracking performance in multi-object scenarios. The concept of labelled random finite sets is adopted in the development of these new techniques

    ConservationBots: Autonomous Aerial Robot for Fast Robust Wildlife Tracking in Complex Terrains

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    Today, the most widespread, widely applicable technology for gathering data relies on experienced scientists armed with handheld radio telemetry equipment to locate low-power radio transmitters attached to wildlife from the ground. Although aerial robots can transform labor-intensive conservation tasks, the realization of autonomous systems for tackling task complexities under real-world conditions remains a challenge. We developed ConservationBots-small aerial robots for tracking multiple, dynamic, radio-tagged wildlife. The aerial robot achieves robust localization performance and fast task completion times -- significant for energy-limited aerial systems while avoiding close encounters with potential, counter-productive disturbances to wildlife. Our approach overcomes the technical and practical problems posed by combining a lightweight sensor with new concepts: i) planning to determine both trajectory and measurement actions guided by an information-theoretic objective, which allows the robot to strategically select near-instantaneous range-only measurements to achieve faster localization, and time-consuming sensor rotation actions to acquire bearing measurements and achieve robust tracking performance; ii) a bearing detector more robust to noise and iii) a tracking algorithm formulation robust to missed and false detections experienced in real-world conditions. We conducted extensive studies: simulations built upon complex signal propagation over high-resolution elevation data on diverse geographical terrains; field testing; studies with wombats (Lasiorhinus latifrons; nocturnal, vulnerable species dwelling in underground warrens) and tracking comparisons with a highly experienced biologist to validate the effectiveness of our aerial robot and demonstrate the significant advantages over the manual method.Comment: 33 pages, 21 figure

    A Multi-Scan Labeled Random Finite Set Model for Multi-object State Estimation

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    State space models in which the system state is a finite set--called the multi-object state--have generated considerable interest in recent years. Smoothing for state space models provides better estimation performance than filtering by using the full posterior rather than the filtering density. In multi-object state estimation, the Bayes multi-object filtering recursion admits an analytic solution known as the Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli (GLMB) filter. In this work, we extend the analytic GLMB recursion to propagate the multi-object posterior. We also propose an implementation of this so-called multi-scan GLMB posterior recursion using a similar approach to the GLMB filter implementation

    Linear Complexity Gibbs Sampling for Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filtering

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    Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli (GLMB) densities arise in a host of multi-object system applications analogous to Gaussians in single-object filtering. However, computing the GLMB filtering density requires solving NP-hard problems. To alleviate this computational bottleneck, we develop a linear complexity Gibbs sampling framework for GLMB density computation. Specifically, we propose a tempered Gibbs sampler that exploits the structure of the GLMB filtering density to achieve an O(T(P+M))\mathcal{O}(T(P+M)) complexity, where TT is the number of iterations of the algorithm, PP and MM are the number hypothesized objects and measurements. This innovation enables an O(T(P+M+log(T))+PM)\mathcal{O}(T(P+M+\log(T))+PM) complexity implementation of the GLMB filter. Convergence of the proposed Gibbs sampler is established and numerical studies are presented to validate the proposed GLMB filter implementation