22 research outputs found

    Evaluación y optimización del consumo de recursos en VoWIFI

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    La tecnología de voz sobre protocolo de internet o VoIP ha sufrido un gran desarrollo durante los últimos años y por ello se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio; especialmente en las cuestiones relacionadas con la calidad de servicio ofrecida. Originalmente los teléfonos empleados eran dispositivos cableados, pero debido al desarrollo de las tecnologías inalámbricas, la voz sobre IP en redes inalámbricas ha tomado un peso importante. La utilización de un medio inalámbrico implica una serie de restricciones derivadas del empleo de un medio físico común y saturado, y de terminales con baterías. El objetivo de este documento es el desarrollo de un estudio de los mecanismos de calidad de servicio y ahorro de energía empleados en redes inalámbricas y la realización de pruebas que permitan valorar el funcionamiento de los mismos.VoIP technology has experimented a great development during the last years and as a result it has become an object of study; especially on issues related to quality of service. Originally, telephones were wired devices, but due to the development of wireless technologies, voice over IP over wireless networks has taken an important weight. The use of a wireless medium involves a number of restrictions arising from the use of a common and saturated physical medium, and non-wired terminals. The purpose of this paper is the development of a study of the mechanisms of quality of service and power saving used in wireless networks, and to test this mechanisms.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de las Tecnologías de Telecomunicació

    Improved voice quality with the combination of transport layer & audio codec for wireless devices

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    Improving voice quality over wireless communication becomes a demanding feature for social media apps like facebook, whatsapp and other communication channels. Voice-over-internet protocol (VoIP) helps us to make quick telephone calls over the internet. It includes various mechanism which are signaling, controlling and transport layer. Over wireless links, packet loss and high transmission delay damage voice quality. Here VoIP quality will be measured by three main elements which are signaling protocol, audio codec and transport layer. To improve the overall voice quality, we need to combine these three elements properly to get the best score. Otherwise perceptual speech quality will not be the right tool to measure the voice quality. Here we will use Mean Opinion Score (MOS) for calculated jitter values and end to end delay. At the end, best combination of audio codec & signaling protocol produced the quality speech

    New Cryptographic Algorithms for Enhancing Security of Voice Data

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    A real-time application Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the technology that enables voice packets transmission over internet protocol (IP). Security is of concern whenever open networks are to be used. In general, the real-time applications suffer from packet latency and loss due to the nature of IP network. Cryptographic systems may be used to achieve VoIP security, but their impact on the Quality of Services (QoS) should be minimized. Most of the known encryption algorithms are computationally expensive resulting in a significant amount of time added to packet delay. VoIP is usually used by public users resulting in a key exchange problem and a trusted intermediate authority normally takes this responsibility. In this research, VoIP security was enhanced via a proposed cryptographic system. The proposed solution consists of a simple, but strong encryption/decryption algorithm as well as an embedded method to exchange the keys between the users. In this research, a new keys is generated in a random fashion and then used to encrypt each new voice packet to strengthen the security level. Key exchange is carried out by inserting the key with the ciphered voice packet that depends on the table of the key positions at the sender and receiver sides, and the target receiver is the only one who is able to extract the key. The encryption process in this research is divided into three main stages: key generation, encryption process, and key insertion process. The decryption process on the other hand is divided into two main stages: key extraction process, and decryption process. The proposed solution was implemented and tested and the results showed that the required time for the security processes is minimized compared to some known algorithms such as AES_Rijndael algorithm. Furthermore, the analysis has proved that the security level has a direct relationship to the key length and the voice packet size in that large packet size requires more processing time. Finally, the implementation result in this research shows the average time needed to encrypt and decrypt a voice packet size using a proposed algorithm with the long key of 1024-bits is much smaller than AES_Rijndael algorithm with a short key length of 128-bits

    The VPQ scheduler in access point for VoIP over WLAN

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    The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application has observed the fastest growth in the world of telecommunication.VoIP is seen as a short-term and long-trem transmission for voice and audio traffic. Meanwhile, VoIP is moving on Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) based on IEEE 802.11 standards.Currently, there are many packet scheduling algorithms for real-time transmission over network.Unfortunately, the current scheduling will not be able to handle the VoIP packets with the proper manner and they have some drawbacks over real-time applications.The objective of this research is to propose a new Voice Priority Queue (VPQ) packet scheduling and algorithm to ensure more throughput, fairness and efficient packet scheduling for VoIP performance of queues and traffics.A new scheduler flexible which is capable of satisfying the VoIP traffic flows.Experimental topologies on NS-2 network simulator were analyzed for voice traffic. Preliminary results show that this can achieve maximum and more accurate VoIP quality throughput and fairness index in access point for VoIP over WLANs.We verified and validated VPQ an extensive experimental simulation study under various traffic flows over WLANs


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    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology that allows the transmission of voice packets over Internet Protocol (IP). Recently, the integration of VoIP and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), and known as Voice over WLAN (VoWLAN), has become popular driven by the mobility requirements ofusers, as well as by factor of its tangible cost effectiveness. However, WLAN network architecture was primarily designed to support the transmission of data, and not for voice traffic, which makes it lack ofproviding the stringent Quality ofService (QoS) for VoIP applications. On the other hand, WLAN operates based on IEEE 802.11 standards that support Link Adaptive (LA) technique. However, LA leads to having a network with multi-rate transmissions that causes network bandwidth variation, which hence degrades the voice quality. Therefore, it is important to develop an algorithm that would be able to overcome the negative effect of the multi-rate issue on VoIP quality. Hence, the main goal ofthis research work is to develop an agent that utilizes IP protocols by applying a Cross-Layering approach to eliminate the above-mentioned negative effect. This could be expected from the interaction between Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and Application layer, where the proposed agent adapts the voice packet size at the Application layer according to the change of MAC transmission data rate to avoid network congestion from happening. The agent also monitors the quality of conversations from the periodically generated Real Time Control Protocol (RTCP) reports. If voice quality degradation is detected, then the agent performs further rate adaptation to improve the quality. The agent performance has been evaluated by carrying out an extensive series ofsimulation using OPNET Modeler. The obtained results of different performance parameters are presented, comparing the performance ofVoWLAN that used the proposed agent to that ofthe standard network without agent. The results ofall measured quality parameters hav


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    The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) application has observed the fastest growth in the world of telecommunication. The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is the most assuring of technologies among the wireless networks, which has facilitated high-rate voice services at low cost and good flexibility. In a voice conversation, each client works as a sender and as a receiver depending on the direction of traffic flow over the network. A VoIP application requires a higher throughput, less packet loss and a higher fairness index over the network. The packets of VoIP streaming may experience drops because of the competition among the different kinds of traffic flow over the network. A VoIP application is also sensitive to delay and requires the voice packets to arrive on time from the sender to the receiver side without any delay over WLANs. The scheduling system model for VoIP traffic is still an unresolved problem. A new traffic scheduler is necessary to offer higher throughput and a higher fairness index for a VoIP application. The objectives of this thesis are to propose a new scheduler and algorithms that support the VoIP application and to evaluate, validate and verify the newly proposed scheduler and algorithms with the existing scheduling algorithms over WLANs through simulation and experimental environment. We proposed a new Voice Priority Queue (VPQ) scheduling system model and algorithms to solve scheduling issues. VPQ system model is implemented in three stages. The first stage of the model is to ensure efficiency by producing a higher throughput and fairness for VoIP packets. The second stage will be designed for bursty Virtual-VoIP Flow (Virtual-VF) while the third stage is a Switch Movement (SM) technique. Furthermore, we compared the VPQ scheduler with other well known schedulers and algorithms. We observed in our simulation and experimental environment that the VPQ provides better results for the VoIP over WLANs


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    “Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)” is a popular communication technology that plays a vital role in term of cost reduction and flexibility. However, like any emerging technology, there are still some issues with VoIP, namely providing good Quality of Service (QoS), capacity consideration and providing security. This study focuses on the QoS issue of VoIP, specifically in “Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN)”. IEEE 802.11 is the most popular standard of wireless LANs and it offers different transmission rates for wireless channels. Different transmission rates are associated with varying available bandwidth that shall influence the transmission of VoIP traffic

    A novel approach to emergency management of wireless telecommunication system

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    The survivability concerns the service continuity when the components of a system are damaged. This concept is especially useful in the emergency management of the system, as often emergencies involve accidents or incident disasters which more or less damage the system. The overall objective of this thesis study is to develop a quantitative management approach to the emergency management of a wireless cellular telecommunication system in light of its service continuity in emergency situations – namely the survivability of the system. A particular wireless cellular telecommunication system, WCDMA, is taken as an example to ground this research.The thesis proposes an ontology-based paradigm for service management such that the management system contains three models: (1) the work domain model, (2) the dynamic model, and (3) the reconfiguration model. A powerful work domain modeling tool called Function-Behavior-Structure (FBS) is employed for developing the work domain model of the WCDMA system. Petri-Net theory, as well as its formalization, is applied to develop the dynamic model of the WCDMA system. A concept in engineering design called the general and specific function concept is applied to develop a new approach to system reconfiguration for the high survivability of the system. These models are implemented along with a user-interface which can be used by emergency management personnel. A demonstration of the effectiveness of this study approach is included.There are a couple of contributions with this thesis study. First, the proposed approach can be added to contemporary telecommunication management systems. Second, the Petri Net model of the WCDMA system is more comprehensive than any dynamic model of the telecommunication systems in literature. Furthermore, this model can be extended to any other telecommunication system. Third, the proposed system reconfiguration approach, based on the general and specific function concept, offers a unique way for the survivability of any service provider system.In conclusion, the ontology-based paradigm for a service system management provides a total solution to service continuity as well as its emergency management. This paradigm makes the complex mathematical modeling of the system transparent to the manager or managerial personnel and provides a feasible scenario of the human-in-the-loop management