10 research outputs found

    Voice service interworking for PSTN and IP networks

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    VIoT : Voice over Internet of Things

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    These days, the Internet of Things (IoT) is everywhere with a significantly increased number of devices connected to the Internet. Besides, we have also witnessed the broad adoption of the Internet telephony technologies in the last decade. In this regard, this paper investigates the integration of these two domains in order to enable voice and telephony services in IoT, resulting in a new paradigm that we named Voice over IoT (VIoT). To do so, a novel, efficient and low-cost integration architecture is introduced in order to connect IoT devices with voice capabilities to the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) ecosystem and to enable people to interact with them. Also, a validation and evaluation study is presented in order to show the applicability of the proposed system for VIoT applications in industrial and consumer domains

    A programmable architecture for the provision of hybrid services

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    The success of new service provision platforms will largely depend on their ability to blend with existing technologies. The advent of Internet telephony, although impressive, is unlikely to make telephone customers suddenly turn in favor of computers. Rather, customers display increasing interest in services that span multiple networks (especially Internet Protocol-based networks and the telephone and cellular networks) and open new vistas. We refer to these services as hybrid services and propose an architecture for their provision. This architecture allows for programming the service platform elements (i.e., network nodes, gateways, control servers, and terminals) in order to include new service logics. We identify components that can be assembled to build these logics by considering a service as a composition of features such as address translation, security, call control, connectivity, charging and user interaction. Generic service components are derived from the modeling of these features. We assure that our proposal can be implemented even in existing systems in return for slight changes: These systems are required to generate an event when a special service is encountered. The treatment of this event is handled by an object at a Java Service Layer. Java has been chosen for its platform-neutrality feature and its embedded security mechanisms. Using our architecture, we design a hybrid closed user group service

    Network Convergence: Where is the Value?

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    The entire telecommunications industry is going through very difficult times. Rapidly changing technology, lack of good business models, and lack of visibility in the near-term for renewed growth all create an uncertain environment. Yet, the global Internet is becoming a multi-service network infrastructure that can potentially replace existing disparate voice and data networks. Although it is widely believed in the telecommunications industry that network convergence of voice, data, video, and images is an industry driver, not much attention has yet been paid to a key proposition: what value does network convergence bring to business and residential customers? This paper explains how different industries are converging; the technological, economic and regulatory forces that are at play and how the various customer segments can benefit from network convergence. While technological advancement is transforming industry and business models rapidly, one question keeps coming back to haunt managers: Where is the business value? We illustrate the value proposition of convergence (for various players) by first explaining the paradigm shifts happening across industries and then highlighting the high velocity spiral of knowledge dissemination theory that is fueled by convergence

    Queue Distribution of Real Time Transportation of Voice over Ip

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    Electrical Engineerin

    Voz IP la revolución de las redes telefónicas

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    La finalidad de esta monografía no es realizar un manual de VoIP, por lo contrario es mostrar como esta tecnología incursiona cada vez mas en el mundo de las telecomunicaciones, sus ventajas, defectos y virtudes que iremos analizando mientras transcurren los capítulos; la telefonía sobre IP es excepcionalmente prometedora. Ante un mercado global cada vez más competitivo, las compañías telefónicas ya existentes, los proveedores de servicios de Internet (ISPs), las operadoras locales competitivas emergentes (CLECs) y las PTTs (autoridades de correo, teléfonos y telégrafos) buscan, en forma constante, maneras de aumentar sus ofertas de servicios. La telefonía sobre IP ha captado la atención de dichos proveedores de servicios en todo el mundo, ofreciendo una amplia gama de servicios nuevos y reduciendo al mismo tiempo sus costos de infraestructura. La voz sobre IP (Voice over IP VoIP) está cambiando el paradigma de acceso a la información, fusionando voz, datos, facsímil y funciones multimedia en una sola infraestructura de acceso convergente.Incluye bibliografí


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    The growth of the Internet over the past decade together with the promise of lower costs to the customer has led to the rapid emergence of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). As a real-time application in large scale packet switched networks, VoIP networks face many challenges such as availability, voice quality and network security. This dissertation addresses three important issues in VoIP networks: Quality of Service, pricing and security.In addressing Quality of Service (QoS), this dissertation introduces the notion of delay not exceeding an upper limit, termed the bounded delay (rather than the average delay), to measure the Quality of Service in VoIP networks. Queuing models are introduced to measure performance in terms of bounded delays. Closed form solutions relating the impact of bounding delays on throughput of VoIP traffic are provided. Traffic that exceeds the delay threshold is treated as lost throughput. The results addressed can be used in scaling resources in a VoIP network for different thresholds of acceptable delays. Both single and multiple switching points are addressed. The same notion and analysis are also applied on jitter, another important indicator of the VoIP QoSThis dissertation also develops a pricing model based on the Quality of Service provided in VoIP networks. It presents the impact of quality of VoIP service demanded by the customer on the transmission resources required by the network using an analytical approach. The price to be paid by the customer is based on the throughput meeting this criterion and the network transmission resources required. In particular, the impact of Quality of Service presented can be used in the design of VoIP networks in a way that would provide fairness to the user in terms of quality of service and price while optimizing the resources of the network at the same time.This dissertation also extends and applies the delay throughput analysis developed for VoIP networks in assessing the impact of risks constituted by a number of transportation channels, where the risk associated with each channel can be quantified by a known distribution. For VoIP security, this dissertation mainly focuses on the signaling authentication. It presents a networking solution that incorporates network-based authentication as an inherent feature. The authentication feature that we propose introduces a range of flexibilities not available in the PSTN. Since most calls will likely terminate on the network of another service provider, we also present a mechanism using which networks can mutually authenticate each other to afford the possibility of authentication across networks. Finally, this dissertation explores areas for future research that can be built on the foundation of research presented

    Tutorial voz sobre IP (VOIP)

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    El desarrollo de las telecomunicaciones y en particular de Internet ha hecho que tecnologías como la telefonía IP (Internet Protocol) comiencen a ser una realidad tanto en el mundo de los negocios como del ocio. Originalmente la voz y los datos se han transmitido a través de sistemas completamente separados. Sin embargo, hoy en día es posible realizar las comunicaciones de voz en las redes internas de las organizaciones utilizando el protocolo IP de Internet, de forma que, al menos en nuevos edificios, ya no existe la necesidad de instalar una red telefónica. En las comunicaciones que se realizan actualmente en las oficinas, el acceso a las redes de datos es tan importante como las comunicaciones telefónicas. En ambos casos, la información se transmite como señales digitales. Sin embargo, voz y datos son transportados sobre sistemas completamente separados, una vestigio de los tiempos en que la telefonía se basaba en la transmisión de señales analógicas y los ordenadores se encontraban en su etapa inicial de desarrollo.Incluye bibliografí

    An empirical, in-depth investigation into service creation in H.323 Version 4 Networks

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    Over the past few years there has been an increasing tendency to carry voice on IP networks as opposed to the PSTN and other switched circuit networks. Initially this trend was favoured due to reduced costs but occurred at the expense of sacrificing the quality of the voice communications. Switched circuit networks have therefore remained the preferred carrier-grade voice communication network, but this is again changing. The advancement in improved quality of service (QoS) of real-time traffic on the IP network is a contributing factor to the anticipated future of the IP network supplying carrier-grade voice communications. Another contributing factor is the possibility of creating a new range of innovative, state-of-the-art telephony and communications services that acquire leverage through the intelligence and flexibility of the IP network. The latter has yet to be fully explored. Various protocols exist that facilitate the transport of voice and other media on IP networks. The most well known and widely supported of these is H.323. This work presents and discusses H.323 version 4 service creation. The work also categorises the various H.323 services and presents the mechanisms provided by H.323 version 4 that have facilitated the development of the three services I have developed, EmailReader, Telgo323 and CANS