2,139 research outputs found

    Let the weakest link fail, but gracefully:understanding tailored phishing and measures against it

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    Impact of website navigation on user experience

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Digital Marketing and AnalyticsThe online interactions between consumers and brands determined the need for companies to have a solid infrastructure to support their users. Furthermore, it is crucial to have a good web navigation system to guarantee that consumers can find, access, and use the information that is displayed within it. But, for customers to be able to navigate successfully, companies must consider the website interface as well. The happy marriage of website architecture and interface creates a cohesive user experience. The present study aims to investigate the effect that website navigation on an e-commerce website. Specifically, in how it can impact Key Performance Indicators such as Conversion Rate, Product Wall View Rate, and Percentage to Product Details Page. The company's subject of study is Company X, specifically Company X’s website. Furthermore, we developed a new main navigation and left-hand navigation design with the aim of improving the User Interface and Experience. We also were able to improve the consumers capacity to accomplish tasks more effectively. eThe model conducted a mixed method approach

    Making Sense of Document Collections with Map-Based Visualizations

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    As map-based visualizations of documents become more ubiquitous, there is a greater need for them to support intellectual and creative high-level cognitive activities with collections of non-cartographic materials -- documents. This dissertation concerns the conceptualization of map-based visualizations as tools for sensemaking and collection understanding. As such, map-based visualizations would help people use georeferenced documents to develop understanding, gain insight, discover knowledge, and construct meaning. This dissertation explores the role of graphical representations (such as maps, Kohonen maps, pie charts, and other) and interactions with them for developing map-based visualizations capable of facilitating sensemaking activities such as collection understanding. While graphical representations make document collections more perceptually and cognitively accessible, interactions allow users to adapt representations to users’ contextual needs. By interacting with representations of documents or collections and being able to construct representations of their own, people are better able to make sense of information, comprehend complex structures, and integrate new information into their existing mental models. In sum, representations and interactions may reduce cognitive load and consequently expedite the overall time necessary for completion of sensemaking activities, which typically take much time to accomplish. The dissertation proceeds in three phases. The first phase develops a conceptual framework for translating ontological properties of collections to representations and for supporting visual tasks by means of graphical representations. The second phase concerns the cognitive benefits of interaction. It conceptualizes how interactions can help people during complex sensemaking activities. Although the interactions are explained on the example of a prototype built with Google Maps, they are independent iv of Google Maps and can be applicable to various other technologies. The third phase evaluates the utility, analytical capabilities and usability of the additional representations when users interact with a visualization prototype – VIsual COLlection EXplorer. The findings suggest that additional representations can enhance understanding of map-based visualizations of library collections: specifically, they can allow users to see trends, gaps, and patterns in ontological properties of collections

    Visual exploration of semantic-web-based knowledge structures

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    Humans have a curious nature and seek a better understanding of the world. Data, in- formation, and knowledge became assets of our modern society through the information technology revolution in the form of the internet. However, with the growing size of accumulated data, new challenges emerge, such as searching and navigating in these large collections of data, information, and knowledge. The current developments in academic and industrial contexts target the corresponding challenges using Semantic Web techno- logies. The Semantic Web is an extension of the Web and provides machine-readable representations of knowledge for various domains. These machine-readable representations allow intelligent machine agents to understand the meaning of the data and information; and enable additional inference of new knowledge. Generally, the Semantic Web is designed for information exchange and its processing and does not focus on presenting such semantically enriched data to humans. Visualizations support exploration, navigation, and understanding of data by exploiting humans’ ability to comprehend complex data through visual representations. In the context of Semantic- Web-Based knowledge structures, various visualization methods and tools are available, and new ones are being developed every year. However, suitable visualizations are highly dependent on individual use cases and targeted user groups. In this thesis, we investigate visual exploration techniques for Semantic-Web-Based knowledge structures by addressing the following challenges: i) how to engage various user groups in modeling such semantic representations; ii) how to facilitate understanding using customizable visual representations; and iii) how to ease the creation of visualizations for various data sources and different use cases. The achieved results indicate that visual modeling techniques facilitate the engagement of various user groups in ontology modeling. Customizable visualizations enable users to adjust visualizations to the current needs and provide different views on the data. Additionally, customizable visualization pipelines enable rapid visualization generation for various use cases, data sources, and user group

    Tagging amongst friends: an exploration of social media exchange on mobile devices

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    Mobile social software tools have great potential in transforming the way users communicate on the move, by augmenting their everyday environment with pertinent information from their online social networks. A fundamental aspect to the success of these tools is in developing an understanding of their emergent real-world use and also the aspirations of users; this thesis focuses on investigating one facet of this: the exchange of social media. To facilitate this investigation, three mobile social tools have been developed for use on locationaware smartphone handsets. The first is an exploratory social game, 'Gophers' that utilises task oriented gameplay, social agents and GSM cell positioning to create an engaging ecosystem in which users create and exchange geotagged social media. Supplementing this is a pair of social awareness and tagging services that integrate with a user's existing online social network; the 'ItchyFeet' service uses GPS positioning to allow the user and their social network peers to collaboratively build a landscape of socially important geotagged locations, which are used as indicators of a user's context on their Facebook profile; likewise 'MobiClouds' revisits this concept by exploring the novel concept of Bluetooth 'people tagging' to facilitate the creation of tags that are more indicative of users' social surroundings. The thesis reports on findings from formal trials of these technologies, using groups of volunteer social network users based around the city of Lincoln, UK, where the incorporation of daily diaries, interviews and automated logging precisely monitored application use. Through analysis of trial data, a guide for designers of future mobile social tools has been devised and the factors that typically influence users when creating tags are identified. The thesis makes a number of further contributions to the area. Firstly, it identifies the natural desire of users to update their status whilst mobile; a practice recently popularised by commercial 'check in' services. It also explores the overarching narratives that developed over time, which formed an integral part of the tagging process and augmented social media with a higher level meaning. Finally, it reveals how social media is affected by the tag positioning method selected and also by personal circumstances, such as the proximity of social peers

    Data Mining; A Conceptual Overview

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    This tutorial provides an overview of the data mining process. The tutorial also provides a basic understanding of how to plan, evaluate and successfully refine a data mining project, particularly in terms of model building and model evaluation. Methodological considerations are discussed and illustrated. After explaining the nature of data mining and its importance in business, the tutorial describes the underlying machine learning and statistical techniques involved. It describes the CRISP-DM standard now being used in industry as the standard for a technology-neutral data mining process model. The paper concludes with a major illustration of the data mining process methodology and the unsolved problems that offer opportunities for research. The approach is both practical and conceptually sound in order to be useful to both academics and practitioners

    Text–to–Video: Image Semantics and NLP

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    When aiming at automatically translating an arbitrary text into a visual story, the main challenge consists in finding a semantically close visual representation whereby the displayed meaning should remain the same as in the given text. Besides, the appearance of an image itself largely influences how its meaningful information is transported towards an observer. This thesis now demonstrates that investigating in both, image semantics as well as the semantic relatedness between visual and textual sources enables us to tackle the challenging semantic gap and to find a semantically close translation from natural language to a corresponding visual representation. Within the last years, social networking became of high interest leading to an enormous and still increasing amount of online available data. Photo sharing sites like Flickr allow users to associate textual information with their uploaded imagery. Thus, this thesis exploits this huge knowledge source of user generated data providing initial links between images and words, and other meaningful data. In order to approach visual semantics, this work presents various methods to analyze the visual structure as well as the appearance of images in terms of meaningful similarities, aesthetic appeal, and emotional effect towards an observer. In detail, our GPU-based approach efficiently finds visual similarities between images in large datasets across visual domains and identifies various meanings for ambiguous words exploring similarity in online search results. Further, we investigate in the highly subjective aesthetic appeal of images and make use of deep learning to directly learn aesthetic rankings from a broad diversity of user reactions in social online behavior. To gain even deeper insights into the influence of visual appearance towards an observer, we explore how simple image processing is capable of actually changing the emotional perception and derive a simple but effective image filter. To identify meaningful connections between written text and visual representations, we employ methods from Natural Language Processing (NLP). Extensive textual processing allows us to create semantically relevant illustrations for simple text elements as well as complete storylines. More precisely, we present an approach that resolves dependencies in textual descriptions to arrange 3D models correctly. Further, we develop a method that finds semantically relevant illustrations to texts of different types based on a novel hierarchical querying algorithm. Finally, we present an optimization based framework that is capable of not only generating semantically relevant but also visually coherent picture stories in different styles.Bei der automatischen Umwandlung eines beliebigen Textes in eine visuelle Geschichte, besteht die größte Herausforderung darin eine semantisch passende visuelle Darstellung zu finden. Dabei sollte die Bedeutung der Darstellung dem vorgegebenen Text entsprechen. Darüber hinaus hat die Erscheinung eines Bildes einen großen Einfluß darauf, wie seine bedeutungsvollen Inhalte auf einen Betrachter übertragen werden. Diese Dissertation zeigt, dass die Erforschung sowohl der Bildsemantik als auch der semantischen Verbindung zwischen visuellen und textuellen Quellen es ermöglicht, die anspruchsvolle semantische Lücke zu schließen und eine semantisch nahe Übersetzung von natürlicher Sprache in eine entsprechend sinngemäße visuelle Darstellung zu finden. Des Weiteren gewann die soziale Vernetzung in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung, was zu einer enormen und immer noch wachsenden Menge an online verfügbaren Daten geführt hat. Foto-Sharing-Websites wie Flickr ermöglichen es Benutzern, Textinformationen mit ihren hochgeladenen Bildern zu verknüpfen. Die vorliegende Arbeit nutzt die enorme Wissensquelle von benutzergenerierten Daten welche erste Verbindungen zwischen Bildern und Wörtern sowie anderen aussagekräftigen Daten zur Verfügung stellt. Zur Erforschung der visuellen Semantik stellt diese Arbeit unterschiedliche Methoden vor, um die visuelle Struktur sowie die Wirkung von Bildern in Bezug auf bedeutungsvolle Ähnlichkeiten, ästhetische Erscheinung und emotionalem Einfluss auf einen Beobachter zu analysieren. Genauer gesagt, findet unser GPU-basierter Ansatz effizient visuelle Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Bildern in großen Datenmengen quer über visuelle Domänen hinweg und identifiziert verschiedene Bedeutungen für mehrdeutige Wörter durch die Erforschung von Ähnlichkeiten in Online-Suchergebnissen. Des Weiteren wird die höchst subjektive ästhetische Anziehungskraft von Bildern untersucht und "deep learning" genutzt, um direkt ästhetische Einordnungen aus einer breiten Vielfalt von Benutzerreaktionen im sozialen Online-Verhalten zu lernen. Um noch tiefere Erkenntnisse über den Einfluss des visuellen Erscheinungsbildes auf einen Betrachter zu gewinnen, wird erforscht, wie alleinig einfache Bildverarbeitung in der Lage ist, tatsächlich die emotionale Wahrnehmung zu verändern und ein einfacher aber wirkungsvoller Bildfilter davon abgeleitet werden kann. Um bedeutungserhaltende Verbindungen zwischen geschriebenem Text und visueller Darstellung zu ermitteln, werden Methoden des "Natural Language Processing (NLP)" verwendet, die der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache dienen. Der Einsatz umfangreicher Textverarbeitung ermöglicht es, semantisch relevante Illustrationen für einfache Textteile sowie für komplette Handlungsstränge zu erzeugen. Im Detail wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der Abhängigkeiten in Textbeschreibungen auflöst, um 3D-Modelle korrekt anzuordnen. Des Weiteren wird eine Methode entwickelt die, basierend auf einem neuen hierarchischen Such-Anfrage Algorithmus, semantisch relevante Illustrationen zu Texten verschiedener Art findet. Schließlich wird ein optimierungsbasiertes Framework vorgestellt, das nicht nur semantisch relevante, sondern auch visuell kohärente Bildgeschichten in verschiedenen Bildstilen erzeugen kann

    Looking for genre: the use of structural features during search tasks with Wikipedia

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    This paper reports on our task-based observational, logged, questionnaire study and analysis of ocular behavior pertaining to the interaction of structural features of text in Wikipedia using eye tracking. We set natural and realistic tasks searching Wikipedia online focusing on examining which features and strategies (skimming or scanning) were the most important for the participants to complete their tasks. Our research, carried out on a group of 30 participants, highlighted their interactions with the structural areas within Wikipedia articles, the visual cues and features perceived during the searching of the Wiki text. We collected questionnaire and ocular behavior (fixation metrics) data to highlight the ways in which people view the features in the articles. We found that our participants’ extensively interacted with layout features, such as tables, titles, bullet lists, contents lists, information boxes, and references. The eye tracking results showed that participants used the format and layout features and they also highlighted them as important. They were able to navigate to useful information consistently, and they were an effective means of locating relevant information for the completion of their tasks with some success. This work presents results which contribute to the long-term goals of studying the features for genre and theoretical perception research

    Collaborative learning utilizing a domain-based shared data repository to enhance learning outcomes

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    A number of learning paradigms have postulated that knowledge formation is a dynamic process where learners actively construct a representation of concepts integrating information from multiple sources. Current teaching strategies utilize a compartmentalized approach where individual courses contain a small subset of the knowledge required for a discipline. The intent of this research is to provide a framework to integrate the components of a discipline into a cohesive whole and accelerate the integration of concepts enhancing the learning process. The components utilized to accomplish these goals include two new knowledge integration models; a Knowledge Weighting Model (KWM) and the Aggregate-Integrate-Master (AIM) model. Semantic Web design principles utilizing a Resource Description Framework (RDF) schema and Web Ontology Language (OWL) will be used to define concepts and relationships for this knowledge domain that can then be extended for other domains. Lastly, a Design Research paradigm will be utilized to analyze the IT artifact, the Constructivist Unifying Baccalaureate Epistemology (CUBE) knowledge repository that was designed to validate this research. The prototype testing population utilized sixty students spanning five classes, in the fall 2007, following IRB approved protocols. Data was gathered using a Constructivist Multimedia Learning Survey (CMLES), focus groups and semi-structured interviews. This preliminary data supported the hypotheses that students using the Integrated Knowledge Repository will first; have a more positive perception of the learning process than those who use conventional single course teaching paradigms and second; students utilizing the IKR will develop a more complex understanding of the interconnected nature of the materials linking a discipline than those who take conventional single topic courses. Learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge. The goal is to develop a knowledge structure that is capable of facilitating the integration of conceptual development in a field of study