34 research outputs found


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    This paper describes how the web content visualization can be greatly improved using the modeling technique. Web content visualization is the outcome of effort made to avail an improved 3D visualization unlike the 2D web content visualization at present. Web page navigation in this case will be depicted by a 2D graph and the web content will be visualized in the form of 3D graph. Also the RSS feeds will be visualized in the form of 3D graph. In normal browser we type name of the URL in the address bar and that URL is downloaded. But the 3D browser takes any URL as an input and generates a 3D graph of the whole website. When we type the URL, a root node of this URL is created. And then this URL goes to the Parser. The parser, parse this web page and gives output in the form of the set of the hyperlinks. Corresponding to each link we create a node and it is attached to the root node. In this way the whole 3D graph of the website is generated. Different color schemes are used for the nodes of different links e.g. text links, image links, video links etc. Advanced search facility is also provided. Moreover as the graph is 3D in nature, the user can rotate the graph as per his requirement

    Fouille visuelle de données temporelles avec DataTube2

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    International audienceNous nous intéressons dans cet article à la fouille visuelle de données temporelles, où les données ont été mises sous la forme de n attributs dont les valeurs sont enregistrées pendant k instants. Après un état de l'art sur les différentes approches de visualisation de telles séries, nous présentons plus particulièrement une approche ayant reçue encore peu d'attention ("DataTube"). DataTube place les données dans un tube dont l'axe représente le temps. Nous étendons ensuite cette approche : tout d'abord nous définissons plusieurs modes de visualisations (couleurs, formes, etc) et nous ajoutons un axe temporel. Ensuite nous introduisons des interactions avec la possibilité de sélectionner des attributs et des instants, afficher des données complexes ou encore insérer des annotations sur la visualisation. Nous ajoutons une étape de classification non supervisée afin de regrouper dans la visualisation les attributs similaires. Enfin nous intégrons cette visualisation dans notre plateforme de fouille de données en réalité virtuelle VRMiner, avec un affichage stéréoscopique et des possibilités de navigation interactive. Nous appliquons cette visualisation sur plusieurs ensembles de données réelles et nous montrons qu'elle peut gérer jusqu'à 1,5 million de valeurs. Nous présentons également une évaluation utilisateur

    Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web

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    Although large-scale public hypermedia structures such as the World Wide Web are popularly referred to as "cyberspace", the extent to which they constitute a space in the everyday sense of the word is questionable. This paper reviews recent work in the area of three dimensional (3D) visualization of the Web that has attempted to depict it in the form of a recognizable space; in other words, as a navigable landscape that may be visibly populated by its users. Our review begins by introducing a range of visualizations that address different aspects of using the Web. These include visualizations of Web structure, especially of links, that act as 3D maps; browsing history; searches; evolution of the Web; and the presence and activities of multiple users. We then summarize the different techniques that are employed by these visualizations. We conclude with a discussion of key challenges for the future

    Multiple Foci Drill-Down through Tuple and Attribute Polyarchies in Tabular Data.

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    Information analysis often involves decomposing data into sub-groups to allow for comparison and identification of relationships. Breakdown Visualization provides a mechanism to support this analysis through user guided drill-down of polyarchical metadata. This metadata describes multiple hierarchical structures for organizing tuple aggregation and table attributes. This structure is seen in sport statistics, financial data, organizational structures, and other fields. A spreadsheet format enables comparison of visualizations at each level of the hierarchy. Breakdown Visualization allows users to drill-down a single hierarchy then pivot into another hierarchy within the same view. We utilize a fix and move technique that allows users to select multiple foci for drill-down. We present an analysis scenario that demonstrates how Breakdown Visualization can be used to perform financial statement analysi

    Exposing the 'Second Text' of Maps of the Net

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    Maps have long been recognized as important and powerful modes of visual communication. In this paper we examine critically maps which are being produced to represent and promote information and communication technologies and the use of cyberspace. Drawing on the approach of map deconstruction we attempt to read and expose the 'second text' of maps of the Net. As such, we examine in detail a number of maps that display, with varying degrees of subtlety, the ideological agendas of cyberboosterism and techno-utopianism of their creators. A critical reading of these maps is important because they are widely reproduced and consumed on the Internet, in business and governmental reports, and in the popular press, all too often without a detailed consideration of the deliberate and intended messages being communicated. As we illustrate, many of these maps not only promote certain ideological messages but are often also poor in terms of cartographic design, with many containing serious ecological fallacies. We restrict our analyses to maps at the global scale

    Three dimensional visualization of the World Wide Web

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    Although large-scale public hypermedia structures such as the World Wide Web are popularly referred to as "cyberspace", the extent to which they constitute a space in the everyday sense of the word is questionable. This paper reviews recent work in the area of three dimensional (3D) visualization of the Web that has attempted to depict it in the form of a recognizable space; in other words, as a navigable landscape that may be visibly populated by its users. Our review begins by introducing a range of visualizations that address different aspects of using the Web. These include visualizations of Web structure, especially of links, that act as 3D maps; browsing history; searches; evolution of the Web; and the presence and activities of multiple users. We then summarize the different techniques that are employed by these visualizations. We conclude with a discussion of key challenges for the future