9 research outputs found

    Visualizing Spatio-Temporal data

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    The amount of spatio-temporal data produced everyday has sky rocketed in the recent years due to the commercial GPS systems and smart devices. Together with this, the need for tools and techniques to analyze this kind of data have also increased. A major task of spatio-temporal data analysis is to discover relationships and patterns among spatially and temporally scattered events. However, most of the existing visualization techniques implement a top-down approach i.e, they require prior knowledge of existing patterns. In this dissertation, I present my novel visualization technique called Storygraph which supports bottom-up discovery of patterns. Since Storygraph presents and integrated view, analysis of events can be done with losing either of time or spatial contexts. In addition, Storygraph can handle spatio-temporal uncertainty making it ideal for data being extracted from text. In the subsequent chapters, I demonstrate the versatility and the effectiveness of the Storygraph along with case studies from my published works. Finally, I also talk about edge bundling in Storygraph to enhance the aesthetics and improve the readability of Storygraph

    Hydrologic response of sustainable urban drainage to different climate scenarios

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    Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS, also sometimes referred to as green infrastructure or low impact development) to enhance or replace conventional stormwater management practices have become a centerpiece of many urban stormwater management plans. This study investigates the behavior of urban runoff under different long-term climate scenarios with various densities of SUDS implementation using three kinds of methods: traditional hydrologic analysis, Chernoff face analysis, and statistical tests and a number of different parameters to quantify SUDS behavior. Long-term (12-year) rainfall and evaporation data from ten different cities throughout the country were used to represent distinctive potential future climate scenarios. These data were input into a set of SWMM models of a 3.16 km2 urban catchment, with each model having a different SUDS implementation. Under each set of SUDS implementation, results using different climate inputs were compared. The capability of SUDS to perform under varying climate scenarios provides an estimate of the resilience of the different SUDS implementations to potential long-term climate change. Results showed that both climate scenarios and SUDS scenarios have a strong impact on catchment’s hydrologic response. Even though climate scenarios are more dominating, the implementations of SUDS are capable of overcome the change in climate scenarios to a certain extent, which indicates that implementing SUDS can help to improve urban catchment’s resiliency against climate change. The influence of SUDS on hydrologic response, as described by various indices, was observed at different time scales, from hourly to annually. Differences in hydrologic response with SUDS between different climate scenarios suggest that SUDS implementation can be optimized to improve performance for different long term climate projections

    Botnet detection : a numerical and heuristic analysis

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de InformáticaInternet security has been targeted in innumerous ways throughout the ages and Internet cyber criminality has been changing its ways since the old days where attacks were greatly motivated by recognition and glory. A new era of cyber criminals are on the move. Real armies of robots (bots) swarm the internet perpetrating precise, objective and coordinated attacks on individuals and organizations. Many of these bots are now coordinated by real cybercrime organizations in an almost open-source driven development resulting in the fast proliferation of many bot variants with refined capabilities and increased detection complexity. One example of such open-source development could be found during the year 2011 in the Russian criminal underground. The release of the Zeus botnet framework source-code led to the development of, at least, a new and improved botnet framework: Ice IX. Concerning attack tools, the combination of many well-known techniques has been making botnets an untraceable, effective, dynamic and powerful mean to perpetrate all kinds of malicious activities such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, espionage, email spam, malware spreading, data theft, click and identity frauds, among others. Economical and reputation damages are difficult to quantify but the scale is widening. It’s up to one’s own imagination to figure out how much was lost in April of 2007 when Estonia suffered a well-known distributed attack on its internet country-wide infrastructure. Among the techniques available to mitigate the botnet threat, detection plays an important role. Despite recent year’s evolution in botnet detection technology, a definitive solution is far from being found. New constantly appearing bot and worm developments in areas such as host infection, deployment, maintenance, control and dissimulation of bots are permanently changing the detection vectors thought and developed. In that way, research and implementation of anomaly-based botnet detection systems are fundamental to pinpoint and track all the continuously changing polymorphic botnets variants, which are impossible to identify by simple signature-based systems

    A Survey on Information Visualization for Network and Service Management

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    Network and service management encompasses a set of activities, methods, procedures, and tools whose ultimate goal is to guarantee the proper functioning of a networked system. Computational tools are essential to help network administrators in their daily tasks, and information visualization techniques are of great value in such context. In essence, information visualization techniques associated to visual analytics aim at facilitating the tasks of network administrators in the process of monitoring and maintaining the network health. This paper surveys the use of information visualization techniques as a tool to support the network and service management process. Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we provide a historical overview and discuss the current state of the art in the field. We present a classification of 285 articles and papers from 1985 to 2013, according to an information visualization taxonomy as well as a network and service management taxonomy. Finally, we point out future research directions and opportunities regarding the use of information visualization in network and service management

    Pro-active visualization of cyber security on a National Level : a South African case study

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    The need for increased national cyber security situational awareness is evident from the growing number of published national cyber security strategies. Governments are progressively seen as responsible for cyber security, but at the same time increasingly constrained by legal, privacy and resource considerations. Infrastructure and services that form part of the national cyber domain are often not under the control of government, necessitating the need for information sharing between governments and commercial partners. While sharing of security information is necessary, it typically requires considerable time to be implemented effectively. In an effort to decrease the time and effort required for cyber security situational awareness, this study considered commercially available data sources relating to a national cyber domain. Open source information is typically used by attackers to gather information with great success. An understanding of the data provided by these sources can also afford decision makers the opportunity to set priorities more effectively. Through the use of an adapted Joint Directors of Laboratories (JDL) fusion model, an experimental system was implemented that visualized the potential that open source intelligence could have on cyber situational awareness. Datasets used in the validation of the model contained information obtained from eight different data sources over a two year period with a focus on the South African .co.za sub domain. Over a million infrastructure devices were examined in this study along with information pertaining to a potential 88 million vulnerabilities on these devices. During the examination of data sources, a severe lack of information regarding the human aspect in cyber security was identified that led to the creation of a novel Personally Identifiable Information detection sensor (PII). The resultant two million records pertaining to PII in the South African domain were incorporated into the data fusion experiment for processing. The results of this processing are discussed in the three case studies. The results offered in this study aim to highlight how data fusion and effective visualization can serve to move national cyber security from a primarily reactive undertaking to a more pro-active model

    Visualizing DNS traffic

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