10,242 research outputs found

    High-speed imaging in fluids

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    High-speed imaging is in popular demand for a broad range of experiments in fluids. It allows for a detailed visualization of the event under study by acquiring a series of image frames captured at high temporal and spatial resolution. This review covers high-speed imaging basics, by defining criteria for high-speed imaging experiments in fluids and to give rule-of-thumbs for a series of cases. It also considers stroboscopic imaging, triggering and illumination, and scaling issues. It provides guidelines for testing and calibration. Ultra high-speed imaging at frame rates exceeding 1 million frames per second is reviewed, and the combination of conventional experiments in fluids techniques with high-speed imaging techniques are discussed. The review is concluded with a high-speed imaging chart, which summarizes criteria for temporal scale and spatial scale and which facilitates the selection of a high-speed imaging system for the applicatio

    Nipple discharge: the state of the art

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    Over 80% of females experience nipple discharge during their life. Differently from lactational (milk production) and physiological (white, green, or yellow), which are usually bilateral and involving multiple ducts, pathologic nipple discharge (PND) is a spontaneous commonly single-duct and unilateral, clear, serous, or bloody secretion. Mostly caused by intraductal papilloma(s) or ductal ectasia, in 5-33% of cases is due to an underlying malignancy. After clinical history and physical examination, mammography is the first step after 39, but its sensitivity is low (7–26%). Ultrasound shows higher sensitivity (63–100%). Nipple discharge cytology is limited by a false negative rate over 50%. Galactography is an invasive technique that may cause discomfort and pain; it can be performed only when the duct discharge is demonstrated at the time of the study, with incomplete/failed examination rate up to 15% and a difficult differentiation between malignant and benign lesions. Ductoscopy, performed under local anesthesia in outpatients, provides a direct visualization of intraductal lesions, allowing for directed excision and facilitating a targeted surgery. Its sensitivity reaches 94%; however, it is available in only few centers and most clinicians are unfamiliar with its use. PND has recently emerged as a new indication for contrast-enhanced breast MRI, showing sensitivity superior to galactography, with an overall sensitivity up to 96%, also allowing tailored surgery. Surgery no longer can be considered the standard approach to PND. We propose a state-of-the art flowchart for the management of nipple discharge, including ductoscopy and breast MRI as best options

    Image-guided focused ultrasound ablation of breast cancer: current status, challenges, and future directions

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    Image-guided focussed ultrasound (FUS) ablation is a non-invasive procedure that has been used for treatment of benign or malignant breast tumours. Image-guidance during ablation is achieved either by using real-time ultrasound (US) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The past decade phase I studies have proven MRI-guided and US-guided FUS ablation of breast cancer to be technically feasible and safe. We provide an overview of studies assessing the efficacy of FUS for breast tumour ablation as measured by percentages of complete tumour necrosis. Successful ablation ranged from 20% to 100%, depending on FUS system type, imaging technique, ablation protocol, and patient selection. Specific issues related to FUS ablation of breast cancer, such as increased treatment time for larger tumours, size of ablation margins, methods used for margin assessment and residual tumour detection after FUS ablation, and impact of FUS ablation on sentinel node procedure are presented. Finally, potential future applications of FUS for breast cancer treatment such as FUS-induced anti-tumour immune response, FUS-mediated gene transfer, and enhanced drug delivery are discussed. Currently, breast-conserving surgery remains the gold standard for breast cancer treatment

    Ultrasound and nanomaterial: an efficient pair to fight cancer

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    Ultrasounds are often used in cancer treatment protocols, e.g. to collect tumor tissues in the right location using ultrasound-guided biopsy, to image the region of the tumor using more affordable and easier to use apparatus than MRI and CT, or to ablate tumor tissues using HIFU. The efficacy of these methods can be further improved by combining them with various nano-systems, thus enabling: (i) a better resolution of ultrasound imaging, allowing for example the visualization of angiogenic blood vessels, (ii) the specific tumor targeting of anti-tumor chemotherapeutic drugs or gases attached to or encapsulated in nano-systems and released in a controlled manner in the tumor under ultrasound application, (iii) tumor treatment at tumor site using more moderate heating temperatures than with HIFU. Furthermore, some nano-systems display adjustable sizes, i.e. nanobubbles can grow into micro-bubbles. Such dual size is advantageous since it enables gathering within the same unit the targeting properties of nano bubbles via EPR effect and the enhanced ultrasound contrasting properties of micro bubbles. Interestingly, the way in which nano-systems act against a tumor could in principle also be adjusted by accurately selecting the nano-system among a large choice and by tuning the values of the ultrasound parameters, which can lead, due to their mechanical nature, to specific effects such as cavitation that are usually not observed with purely electromagnetic waves and can potentially help destroying the tumor. This review highlights the clinical potential of these combined treatments that can improve the benefit/risk ratio of current cancer treatments

    Time-resolved quantitative multiphase interferometric imaging of a highly focused ultrasound pulse

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    Interferometric imaging is a well established method to image phase objects by mixing the image wavefront with a reference one on a CCD camera. It has also been applied to fast transient phenomena, mostly through the analysis of single interferograms. It is shown that for repetitive phenomena multiphase acquisition brings significant advantages. A 1 MHz focused sound field emitted by a hemispherical piezotransducer in water is imaged as an example. Quantitative image analysis provides high resolution sound field profiles. Pressure at focus determined by this method agrees with measurements from a fiber-optic probe hydrophone. This confirms that multiphase interferometric imaging can indeed provide quantitative measurements


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    Ultrasound is recognized as the fastest growing medical modality for imaging and therapy. Being noninvasive, painless, portable, X-ray radiation-free and far less expensive than magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound is widely used in medicine today. Despite these benefits, undesirable bioeffects of high-frequency sound waves have raised concerns; particularly, because ultrasound imaging has become an integral part of prenatal care today and is increasingly used for therapeutic applications. As such, ultrasound bioeffects must be carefully considered to ensure optimal benefits-to-risk ratio. In this context, few studies have been done to explore the physics (i.e. ‘cavitation’) behind the risk factors. One reason may be associated with the challenges in visualization of ultrasound-induced cavitation bubbles in situ. To address this issue, this research aims to develop a synchrotron-based assessment technique to enable visualization and characterization of ultrasound-induced microbubbles in a physiologically relevant medium under standard ultrasound operating conditions. The first objective is to identify a suitable synchrotron X-ray imaging technique for visualization of ultrasound-induced microbubbles in water. Two synchrotron X-ray phase-sensitive imaging techniques, in-line phase contrast imaging (PCI) and analyzer-based imaging (ABI), were evaluated. Results revealed the superiority of the ABI method compared to PCI for visualization of ultrasound-induced microbubbles. The second main objective is to employ the ABI method to assess the effects of ultrasound acoustic frequency and power on visualization and mapping of ultrasound-induced microbubble patterns in water. The time-averaged probability of ultrasound-induced microbubble occurrence along the ultrasound beam propagation in water was determined using the ABI method. Results showed the utility of synchrotron ABI for visualizing cavitation bubbles formed in water by clinical ultrasound systems working at high frequency and output powers as low as used for therapeutic systems. It was demonstrated that the X-ray ABI method has great potential for mapping ultrasound-induced microbubble patterns in a fluidic environment under different ultrasound operating conditions of clinical therapeutic devices. Taken together, this research represents an advance in detection techniques for visualization and mapping of ultrasound-induced microbubble patterns using the synchrotron X-ray ABI method without usage of contrast agents. Findings from this research will pave the road toward the development of a synchrotron-based detection technique for characterization of ultrasound-induced cavitation microbubbles in soft tissues in the future