8 research outputs found

    Analysis of Feature Categories for Malware Visualization

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    It is important to know which features are more effective for certain visualization types. Furthermore, selecting an appropriate visualization tool plays a key role in descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive analytics. Moreover, analyzing the activities of malicious scripts or codes is dependent on the extracted features. In this paper, the authors focused on reviewing and classifying the most common extracted features that have been used for malware visualization based on specified categories. This study examines the features categories and its usefulness for effective malware visualization. Additionally, it focuses on the common extracted features that have been used in the malware visualization domain. Therefore, the conducted literature review finding revealed that the features could be categorized into four main categories, namely, static, dynamic, hybrid, and application metadata. The contribution of this research paper is about feature selection for illustrating which features are effective with which visualization tools for malware visualization

    Systematic literature review for malware visualization techniques

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    Analyzing the activities or the behaviors of malicious scripts highly depends on extracted features. It is also significant to know which features are more effective for certain visualization types. Similarly, selecting an appropriate visualization technique plays a key role for analytical descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive. Thus, the visualization technique should provide understandable information about the malicious code activities. This paper followed systematic literature review method in order to review the extracted features that are used to identify the malware, different types of visualization techniques and guidelines to select the right visualization techniques. An advanced search has been performed in most relevant digital libraries to obtain potentially relevant articles. The results demonstrate significant resources and types of features that are important to analyze malware activities and common visualization techniques that are currently used and methods to choose the right visualization technique in order to analyze the security events effectively

    Анализ механизмов визуализации для обеспечения защиты информации в компьютерных сетях

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    To monitor the state of the information system it is necessary to track constantly and analyze data received from different security sensors. In the majority of cases this information has textual format, therefore different visualization techniques are used for data analysis. The paper presents the results of the survey on the modern techniques in security visualization.Для контроля и оценки состояния защищенности информационной системы необходимо постоянно отслеживать и анализировать данные, поступающие от различных сенсоров безопасности. В большинстве случаев эти данные имеют текстовый формат, поэтому для их анализа используются различные методики визуализации. В настоящей работе рассмотрены основные способы графического представления данных для выявления подозрительной деятельности в информационной системе, обнаружения аномалий в сетевом трафике и анализа защищенности сети

    Internet-pohjaisen verkon havaintotiedon visualisointi

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    Tutkielman tavoite oli vertailla graafista ja tekstipohjaista käyttöliittymää Internet Protocol -pohjaisen verkon seurannassa ja havaintotiedon visualisoinnissa. Osallistujat (N = 10) käyttivät tekstipohjaista käyttöliittymää sekä erikseen tätä tutkimusta varten toteutettua prototyyppikäyttöliittymää. Prototyyppi toteutettiin D3-sovelluskehyksellä siten, että verkkolaitteet sekä niiden portit mallinnettiin värikoodattuina solmuina ja solmujen välisinä yhteyksinä. Osallistujat oli jaettu kahteen ryhmään sen perusteella, kuuluiko heidän päivittäiseen työhönsä tekstipohjaisen käyttöliittymän avulla tehty ylläpito vai ei. Mittauksen tuloksien perusteella graafinen käyttöliittymä oli tekstipohjaista käyttöliittymää hitaampi. Tekstipohjaisessa käyttöliittymässä tehtyjen kirjoitusvirheiden määrä oli merkittävästi suurempi verrattuna osoitusvirheiden määrään graafisessa käyttöliittymässä. Molemmat osallistujaryhmät pitivät kokonaisuudessaan graafista käyttöliittymää hankalampana käyttää. Haastattelujen perusteella graafinen käyttöliittymä sopii paremmin kokonaisuuksien hahmottamiseen ja tehtäviin, jotka liittyvät toisiinsa. Graafisen käyttöliittymän kehitystä kannattaneekin jatkaa saadun palautteen pohjalta

    Visualization of Host Behavior for Network Security

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    Monitoring host behavior in a network is one of the most essential tasks in the fields of network monitoring and security since more and more malicious code in the wild internet constantly threatens the network infrastructure. In this paper, we present a visual analytics tool that visualizes network host behavior through positional changes in a two dimensional space using a force-directed graph layout algorithm. The tool s interaction capabilities allow for visual exploration of network traffic over time and are demonstrated using netflow data as well as IDS alerts. Automatic accentuation of hosts with highly variable traffic results in fast hypothesis generation and confirmation of suspicious host behavior. By triggering the behavior graph from the HNMap tool, we were able to monitor more abstract network entities