3,105 research outputs found

    Solving the challenges of concept drift in data stream classification.

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    The rise of network connected devices and applications leads to a significant increase in the volume of data that are continuously generated overtime time, called data streams. In real world applications, storing the entirety of a data stream for analyzing later is often not practical, due to the data stream’s potentially infinite volume. Data stream mining techniques and frameworks are therefore created to analyze streaming data as they arrive. However, compared to traditional data mining techniques, challenges unique to data stream mining also emerge, due to the high arrival rate of data streams and their dynamic nature. In this dissertation, an array of techniques and frameworks are presented to improve the solutions on some of the challenges. First, this dissertation acknowledges that a “no free lunch” theorem exists for data stream mining, where no silver bullet solution can solve all problems of data stream mining. The dissertation focuses on detection of changes of data distribution in data stream mining. These changes are called concept drift. Concept drift can be categorized into many types. A detection algorithm often works only on some types of drift, but not all of them. Because of this, the dissertation finds specific techniques to solve specific challenges, instead of looking for a general solution. Then, this dissertation considers improving solutions for the challenges of high arrival rate of data streams. Data stream mining frameworks often need to process vast among of data samples in limited time. Some data mining activities, notably data sample labeling for classification, are too costly or too slow in such large scale. This dissertation presents two techniques that reduce the amount of labeling needed for data stream classification. The first technique presents a grid-based label selection process that apply to highly imbalanced data streams. Such data streams have one class of data samples vastly outnumber another class. Many majority class samples need to be labeled before a minority class sample can be found due to the imbalance. The presented technique divides the data samples into groups, called grids, and actively search for minority class samples that are close by within a grid. Experiment results show the technique can reduce the total number of data samples needed to be labeled. The second technique presents a smart preprocessing technique that reduce the number of times a new learning model needs to be trained due to concept drift. Less model training means less data labels required, and thus costs less. Experiment results show that in some cases the reduced performance of learning models is the result of improper preprocessing of the data, not due to concept drift. By adapting preprocessing to the changes in data streams, models can retain high performance without retraining. Acknowledging the high cost of labeling, the dissertation then considers the scenario where labels are unavailable when needed. The framework Sliding Reservoir Approach for Delayed Labeling (SRADL) is presented to explore solutions to such problem. SRADL tries to solve the delayed labeling problem where concept drift occurs, and no labels are immediately available. SRADL uses semi-supervised learning by employing a sliding windowed approach to store historical data, which is combined with newly unlabeled data to train new models. Experiments show that SRADL perform well in some cases of delayed labeling. Next, the dissertation considers improving solutions for the challenge of dynamism within data streams, most notably concept drift. The complex nature of concept drift means that most existing detection algorithms can only detect limited types of concept drift. To detect more types of concept drift, an ensemble approach that employs various algorithms, called Heuristic Ensemble Framework for Concept Drift Detection (HEFDD), is presented. The occurrence of each type of concept drift is voted on by the detection results of each algorithm in the ensemble. Types of concept drift with votes past majority are then declared detected. Experiment results show that HEFDD is able to improve detection accuracy significantly while reducing false positives. With the ability to detect various types of concept drift provided by HEFDD, the dissertation tries to improve the delayed labeling framework SRADL. A new combined framework, SRADL-HEFDD is presented, which produces synthetic labels to handle the unavailability of labels by human expert. SRADL-HEFDD employs different synthetic labeling techniques based on different types of drift detected by HEFDD. Experimental results show that comparing to the default SRADL, the combined framework improves prediction performance when small amount of labeled samples is available. Finally, as machine learning applications are increasingly used in critical domains such as medical diagnostics, accountability, explainability and interpretability of machine learning algorithms needs to be considered. Explainable machine learning aims to use a white box approach for data analytics, which enables learning models to be explained and interpreted by human users. However, few studies have been done on explaining what has changed in a dynamic data stream environment. This dissertation thus presents Data Stream Explainability (DSE) framework. DSE visualizes changes in data distribution and model classification boundaries between chunks of streaming data. The visualizations can then be used by a data mining researcher to generate explanations of what has changed within the data stream. To show that DSE can help average users understand data stream mining better, a survey was conducted with an expert group and a non-expert group of users. Results show DSE can reduce the gap of understanding what changed in data stream mining between the two groups

    iPDP: On Partial Dependence Plots in Dynamic Modeling Scenarios

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    Post-hoc explanation techniques such as the well-established partial dependence plot (PDP), which investigates feature dependencies, are used in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) to understand black-box machine learning models. While many real-world applications require dynamic models that constantly adapt over time and react to changes in the underlying distribution, XAI, so far, has primarily considered static learning environments, where models are trained in a batch mode and remain unchanged. We thus propose a novel model-agnostic XAI framework called incremental PDP (iPDP) that extends on the PDP to extract time-dependent feature effects in non-stationary learning environments. We formally analyze iPDP and show that it approximates a time-dependent variant of the PDP that properly reacts to real and virtual concept drift. The time-sensitivity of iPDP is controlled by a single smoothing parameter, which directly corresponds to the variance and the approximation error of iPDP in a static learning environment. We illustrate the efficacy of iPDP by showcasing an example application for drift detection and conducting multiple experiments on real-world and synthetic data sets and streams.Comment: This preprint has not undergone peer review or any post-submission improvements or correction

    One or Two Things We know about Concept Drift -- A Survey on Monitoring Evolving Environments

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    The world surrounding us is subject to constant change. These changes, frequently described as concept drift, influence many industrial and technical processes. As they can lead to malfunctions and other anomalous behavior, which may be safety-critical in many scenarios, detecting and analyzing concept drift is crucial. In this paper, we provide a literature review focusing on concept drift in unsupervised data streams. While many surveys focus on supervised data streams, so far, there is no work reviewing the unsupervised setting. However, this setting is of particular relevance for monitoring and anomaly detection which are directly applicable to many tasks and challenges in engineering. This survey provides a taxonomy of existing work on drift detection. Besides, it covers the current state of research on drift localization in a systematic way. In addition to providing a systematic literature review, this work provides precise mathematical definitions of the considered problems and contains standardized experiments on parametric artificial datasets allowing for a direct comparison of different strategies for detection and localization. Thereby, the suitability of different schemes can be analyzed systematically and guidelines for their usage in real-world scenarios can be provided. Finally, there is a section on the emerging topic of explaining concept drift

    Towards an MLOps Architecture for XAI in Industrial Applications

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    Machine learning (ML) has become a popular tool in the industrial sector as it helps to improve operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. However, deploying and managing ML models in production environments can be complex. This is where Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) comes in. MLOps aims to streamline this deployment and management process. One of the remaining MLOps challenges is the need for explanations. These explanations are essential for understanding how ML models reason, which is key to trust and acceptance. Better identification of errors and improved model accuracy are only two resulting advantages. An often neglected fact is that deployed models are bypassed in practice when accuracy and especially explainability do not meet user expectations. We developed a novel MLOps software architecture to address the challenge of integrating explanations and feedback capabilities into the ML development and deployment processes. In the project EXPLAIN, our architecture is implemented in a series of industrial use cases. The proposed MLOps software architecture has several advantages. It provides an efficient way to manage ML models in production environments. Further, it allows for integrating explanations into the development and deployment processes

    SHAPNN: Shapley Value Regularized Tabular Neural Network

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    We present SHAPNN, a novel deep tabular data modeling architecture designed for supervised learning. Our approach leverages Shapley values, a well-established technique for explaining black-box models. Our neural network is trained using standard backward propagation optimization methods, and is regularized with realtime estimated Shapley values. Our method offers several advantages, including the ability to provide valid explanations with no computational overhead for data instances and datasets. Additionally, prediction with explanation serves as a regularizer, which improves the model's performance. Moreover, the regularized prediction enhances the model's capability for continual learning. We evaluate our method on various publicly available datasets and compare it with state-of-the-art deep neural network models, demonstrating the superior performance of SHAPNN in terms of AUROC, transparency, as well as robustness to streaming data.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Proceedings of the 2022 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    In August 2022, Fraunhofer IOSB and IES of KIT held a joint workshop in a Schwarzwaldhaus near Triberg. Doctoral students presented research reports and discussed various topics like computer vision, optical metrology, network security, usage control, and machine learning. This book compiles the workshop\u27s results and ideas, offering a comprehensive overview of the research program of IES and Fraunhofer IOSB