10 research outputs found

    o.OM: Structured-Functional Communication between Computer Music Systems using OSC and Odot

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    International audienceO.—odot—is a portable media programming framework based on the OSC data encoding. It embeds a small expression language which allows writing and executing programs in OSC structures. The integration of programming and declarative functional descriptions within data transfer protocols enables structured and expressive communication in media systems: program snippets can be distributed in OSC messages, which evaluate to further OSC messages in the different communicating software. We present experiments using this framework in the OpenMusic computer-aided composition environment , and illustrate via case studies some advantages of such integrated system

    A robust algebraic framework for high-level music writing and programming

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a new algebraic model for music programming : tiled musical graphs. It is based on the idea that the definition of musical objects : what they are, and the synchronization of these objects : when they should be played, are two orthogonal aspects of music programming that should be kept separate although handled in a combined way. This leads to the definition of an algebra of music objects : tiled music graphs, which can be combined by a single operator : the tiled product, that is neither sequential nor parallel but both. From a mathematical point of view, this algebra is known to be especially robust since it is an inverse monoid. Various operators such as the reset and the coreset projections derive from these algebra and turned out to be fairly useful for music modeling. From a programming point of view, it provide a high level domain specific language (DSL) that is both hierarchical and modular. This language is currently under implementation in the functional programming language Haskell. From an applicative point of view, various music modeling examples are provided to show how notes, chords, melodies, musical meters and various kind of interpretation aspects can easily and robustly be encoded in this formalism

    Vers une programmation réactive structurée

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous traitons de la programmation de systèmes musicaux interactifs lorsqu'ils sont soumis à des stimulations structurées telles que celles provenant d'un clavier maître. Un nouveau langage, dédié à la programmation musicale réactive, est proposé. Plus abstrait que les langages de programmation événementielle classiques, il reste cependant beaucoup plus simple d'utilisation. Mathématiquement bien structuré, il permet aussi une analyse automatique de la cohérence temporelle des programmes réactifs qu'on peut écrire

    Des signaux aux symphonies : pour une modélisation homogène des objets sonores

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    International audiencePeut-on synchroniser, mixer, combiner des objets so-nores de natures diverses tels que des sons, des notes, des accords, des mélodies, tout en faisant abstraction de leur nature ? Il faut pour cela un modèle qui permet de décrire de façon uniforme les agencements temporels qu'on peut souhaiter obtenir en combinant ces objets. Du signal à la symphonie, les tuiles media temporisées polymorphes permettent cela

    Programmer avec des tuiles musicales: le T-calcul en Euterpea

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    International audienceEuterpea est un langage de programmation dédié à la création et à la manipulation de contenus media temporisés - son, musique, animations, vidéo, etc... Il est enchassé dans un langage de programmation fonctionnelle avec typage polymorphe: Haskell. Il hérite ainsi de toute la souplesse et la robustesse d'un langage de programmation moderne. Le T-calcul est une proposition abstraite de modélisation temporelle qui, à travers une seule opération de composition: le produit tuilé, permet tout à la fois la composition séquentielle et la composition parallèle de contenus temporisés. En présentant ici une intégration du T-calcul dans le language Euterpea, nous réalisons un outil qui devrait permettre d'évaluer la puissance métaphorique du tuilage temporel combinée avec la puissance programmatique du langage Euterpea

    Specification of a reactive computation model for OpenMusic

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    OpenMusic is a domain-specific visual programming language designed for computer-aided music composition. This language based on Common Lisp allows composers to develop functional processes generating or transforming musical data, and to execute them locally by demand-driven evaluations. This transformational declarative paradigm is hard to conciliate with reactive data-flow, an evaluation scheme more adequate to develop interactive systems that can be used during musical performances. In this article we propose to link these two evaluation paradigms in a same and consistent visual programming framework. In this report we establish a denotational semantics of the visual language, which gives account for its demand-driven evaluation mechanism and the incremental construction of programs. We then extend this semantics to enable reactive computations in the functional graphs. The resulting evaluation model merges data-driven executions with the exist- ing demand-driven mechanism. A conservative implementation is proposed. We show that the incremental construction of programs and their data-driven and demand-driven evaluations can be smoothly integrated in the visual programming workflow. This integration allows for the propagation of changes in the programs, and the evaluation of graphically-designed functional expressions as a response to external events, a first step in bridging the gap between computer-assisted composition environments and real-time musical systems. This work has been partially funded by ANR project INEDIT (ANR-12-CORD-0009). The core content of this report will be published in the Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, although we give some additional precisions here that do not appear in the article. The journal version will include a more detailed presentations of the problematic

    Visual Lisp/CLOS Programming in OpenMusic

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    International audienceOpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming language developed on top of Common Lisp and CLOS, in which most of the functional and object-oriented programming concepts can be implemented and carried out graphically. Although this visual language was designed for musical applications, the focus in this paper is to describe and study OM as a complete general-purpose programming environment