207 research outputs found

    Visual Descriptors: A Design Tool for Visual Impact Analysis

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    This study is concerned with the development of a practical and effective form of computer-aided analysis of the visual impact of building development in rural areas. Its contribution is fourfold. Firstly, a conceptual model has been developed for the process of seeing in the context of visual impact analysis. Secondly, a mathematical model for a consistent series of visual descriptors has been devised. Thirdly, a suitable design tool has been devised to make use of visual descriptors in visual impact analysis. Fourthly, visual descriptors have actually been implemented as computer software. The concept of visual impact analysis is defined and placed within the wider context of landscape research. The problems faced by a designer in the context of visual impact analysis are identified and the concept of a 'design tool' is introduced and defined. A number of existing computer software packages, intended or used for visual impact analysis, are reviewed critically. The concept of 'visual descriptors' as measures to be used by designers is introduced and examined critically. A conceptual model is presented for the process of seeing in the context of visual impact analysis. A range of possible measures for use as visual descriptors is presented and developed further into a series of precise definitions. A method of implementing visual descriptors is presented together with formal algorithms for the derivation of eight visual descriptors. A software package incorporating these descriptors is presented and verification and case studies of its use carried out. Visual descriptors, as implemented, are assessed for their effectiveness as a design tool for visual impact analysis.Strathclyde University Dept. of Architecture and Building Scienc

    Visual Landscape Research in Sustainable Urban and Landscape Planning. Special Issue

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    How can we comprehend the “face of the landscape” and its visual perception? Furthermore, how can we make this knowledge applicable to landscape planning, design, and management? This Special Issue focuses on visual landscape research, in particular addressing approaches and methods for visual landscape assessment and their applications. Topics range from landscape preferences assessment, visibility analysis and visual impact analysis, to design principles and strategies

    Virtual reality urban modelling - an overview

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    This paper offers an overview of the increasing use of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies for the simulation of urban environments. It provides a summary of cities worldwide where three-dimensional computer modelling is being utilised to aid urban planning. The study considers the need for a digital representation of cities and raises issues pertaining to advantages, barriers and ownership. A case study of a pilot project on the visualisation of Newcastle upon Tyne is examined to show an approach adopted for the representation of this city in North East England. The process of this visualisation is summarised and future research is outlined in relation to this city model

    An overview of virtual city modelling : emerging organisational issues

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    This paper presents a recent overview of the increasing use of Virtual Reality (VR) technologies for the simulation of urban environments. It builds on previous research conducted on the identification of three-dimensional (3D) city models and offers an analysis of the development, utilization and construction of VR city models. Issues pertaining to advantages, barriers and ownership are identified. The paper describes a case study of the development of a VR model for the city of Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK and outlines the role that academic institutions can play in both the creation and utilization of urban models. The study offers a new approach for the creation, management and update of urban models and reflects on issues which are emerging. Areas for future research are discussed

    Trends and concerns in digital cartography

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    CISRG discussion paper ;

    Visual impact analysis of lineal structures. Aplication to high velocity railway national road and high tension line (l'Arboç - Tarragona)

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    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesina consisteix en quantificar l'impacte visual que provoquen diverses obres de tipus lineal, com una línia de tren d'alta velocitat, una carretera i una línia de transport d'energia elèctrica, mitjançant el programari VImpacte. L'estudi es centra en el municipi de L'Arboç (Tarragona

    Analysis of Visual Impact on the Landscape

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    Jedan od ključnih elemenata u zaštiti okoliša i sastavni dio kompleksnih procjena utjecaja na okolinu jesu i studije vizualnog utjecaja na okolinu. U radu su dane osnovne zakonske odrednice pri izradi studije, ponajprije znanstveni okvir i analiza rada pri izradi takve studije. Ovdje prikazana metodologija izrade rezultat je znanstvenog istraživanja i stečenih iskustava tijekom višegodišnjeg rada.Analyzing visual impact on the landscape is one of the key elements of environmental protection, and part of more complex environmental impact assessment. The article presents some legislative regulations for visual impact analysis, but mainly concentrates on the scientific framework and research necessary to develop it. The methodology presented is the result of research and experience in recent years

    ENST 560.01: Environmental Impact Analysis

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    Visual Impact Assessment of Human Interventions on the Landscape: The case of Wind Farms and Solar Power Plants

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    El incremento de intervenciones humanas sobre el paisaje ha dado paso a una creciente preocupación social por la degradación del mismo y cada vez más, su mantenimiento comienza a plantearse en nuestra sociedad como una prioridad. En las últimas décadas, la investigación sobre el paisaje ha crecido de manera exponencial, impulsada por la necesidad de cumplir con mandatos legales. A pesar de ello, todavía no existe una herramienta universal para la evaluación del impacto visual que pueda ser utilizada por diferentes tipos de usuarios dentro del ámbito de la investigación y la planificación paisajística. Por otra parte, las herramientas desarrolladas son a menudo demasiado complicadas o demasiado específicas para ser útiles en la práctica. El objetivo de este trabajo es por lo tanto, desarrollar herramientas fiables y de fácil aplicación para cuantificar el impacto visual de las intervenciones humanas en el paisaje, por medio de una metodología potencialmente generalizable. Se presta especial atención a los parques eólicos y a las huertas solares. Se presentan tres casos de estudio. Cada investigación tiene como objetivo avanzar desde los resultados de la anterior, como complemento de la metodología, con nuevas herramientas. En el primer estudio, se desarrolla un indicador para medir la magnitud objetiva del impacto visual de los parques eólicos. El indicador combina medidas tangibles de visibilidad, color, fractalidad y continuidad que se puede tomar a partir de fotografías. Se construyen funciones de valor para cada variable y se incorporan al indicador. Este indicador se utilizó para calcular el impacto estético de cinco parques eólicos reales. La comparación estadística de los resultados del indicador con los obtenidos por consulta a una muestra de individuos, muestra que el indicador representa correctamente el orden de impacto según la percepción de la muestra de la población, por lo que es una medida objetiva y adecuada de los efectos visuales de los parquesTorres Sibille, ADC. (2010). Visual Impact Assessment of Human Interventions on the Landscape: The case of Wind Farms and Solar Power Plants [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/9147Palanci