12 research outputs found

    Application of graphics processing units to search pipelines for gravitational waves from coalescing binaries of compact objects

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    We report a novel application of a graphics processing unit (GPU) for the purpose of accelerating the search pipelines for gravitational waves from coalescing binaries of compact objects. A speed-up of 16-fold in total has been achieved with an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra GPU card compared with one core of a 2.5 GHz Intel Q9300 central processing unit (CPU). We show that substantial improvements are possible and discuss the reduction in CPU count required for the detection of inspiral sources afforded by the use of GPUs

    ReLiShaft: realistic real-time light shaft generation taking sky illumination into account

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    © 2018 The Author(s) Rendering atmospheric phenomena is known to have its basis in the fields of atmospheric optics and meteorology and is increasingly used in games and movies. Although many researchers have focused on generating and enhancing realistic light shafts, there is still room for improvement in terms of both qualification and quantification. In this paper, a new technique, called ReLiShaft, is presented to generate realistic light shafts for outdoor rendering. In the first step, a realistic light shaft with respect to the sun position and sky colour in any specific location, date and time is constructed in real-time. Then, Hemicube visibility-test radiosity is employed to reveal the effect of a generated sky colour on environments. Two different methods are considered for indoor and outdoor rendering, ray marching based on epipolar sampling for indoor environments, and filtering on regular epipolar of z-partitioning for outdoor environments. Shadow maps and shadow volumes are integrated to consider the computational costs. Through this technique, the light shaft colour is adjusted according to the sky colour in any specific location, date and time. The results show different light shaft colours in different times of day in real-time

    Accelerated Searches of Gravitational Waves Using Graphics Processing Units

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    The existence of gravitational waves was predicted by Albert Einstein. Black hole and neutron star binary systems will product strong gravitational waves through their inspiral and eventual merger. The analysis of the gravitational wave data is computationally intensive, requiring matched filtering of terabytes of data with a bank of at least 3000 numerical templates that represent predicted waveforms. We need to complete the analysis in real‐time (within the duration of the signal) in order to enable follow‐up observations with some conventional optical or radio telescopes. We report a novel application of a graphics processing units (GPUs) for the purpose of accelerating the search pipelines for gravitational waves from coalescing binary systems of compact objects. A speed‐up of 16 fold in total has been achieved with an NVIDIA GeForce 8800 Ultra GPU card compared with a standard central processing unit (CPU). We show that further improvements are possible and discuss the reduction in CPU number required for the detection of inspiral sources afforded by the use of GPUs

    Fast image interpolation for motion estimation using graphics hardware

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    Accelerated Searches of Gravitational Waves Using Graphics Processing Units

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    Phases of polymer systems in solution studied via molecular dynamics

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    Polymers are versatile molecules that can self-assemble into a variety of phases in solution. The phases that form can be controlled by varying the concentration, temperature, or pH of the solution. Inorganic particles added to a solution of functionalized polymers also self-assemble into novel polymer nanocomposite materials. The determination of phase diagrams of these systems, as well as detailed calculations of their properties, is accomplished using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. Additionally, algorithms are developed that implement MD on recent Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) hardware capable of astounding levels of performance. A single inexpensive GPU runs a MD simulation at the same performance as 63 CPU cores in a distributed memory cluster

    Lattice Boltzmann Liquid Simulations on Graphics Hardware

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    Fluid simulation is widely used in the visual effects industry. The high level of detail required to produce realistic visual effects requires significant computation. Usually, expensive computer clusters are used in order to reduce the time required. However, general purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) computing has potential as a relatively inexpensive way to reduce these simulation times. In recent years, GPUs have been used to achieve enormous speedups via their massively parallel architectures. Within the field of fluid simulation, the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) stands out as a candidate for GPU execution because its grid-based structure is a natural fit for GPU parallelism. This thesis describes the design and implementation of a GPU-based free-surface LBM fluid simulation. Broadly, our approach is to ensure that the steps that perform most of the work in the LBM (the stream and collide steps) make efficient use of GPU resources. We achieve this by removing complexity from the core stream and collide steps and handling interactions with obstacles and tracking of the fluid interface in separate GPU kernels. To determine the efficiency of our design, we perform separate, detailed analyses of the performance of the kernels associated with the stream and collide steps of the LBM. We demonstrate that these kernels make efficient use of GPU resources and achieve speedups of 29.6 and 223.7, respectively. Our analysis of the overall performance of all kernels shows that significant time is spent performing obstacle adjustment and interface movement as a result of limitations associated with GPU memory accesses. Lastly, we compare our GPU LBM implementation with a single-core CPU LBM implementation. Our results show speedups of up to 81.6 with no significant differences in output from the simulations on both platforms. We conclude that order of magnitude speedups are possible using GPUs to perform free-surface LBM fluid simulations, and that GPUs can, therefore, significantly reduce the cost of performing high-detail fluid simulations for visual effects