2 research outputs found

    Exploring Students Computational Thinking based on Self-Regulated Learning in the Solution of Linear Program Problem

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    This study aims to analyze the students computational thinking in the solution of the linear program problem based on self-regulated learning. The data were collected by self-regulated learning questionnaire, computational thinking test, and depth interviews. This study was conducted in SMAN 10 Tangerang. Computational thinking in students with high and medium levels of self-regulated learning has no difference. Students still make a solution that is fixated with linear program problem-solving procedures in general, that is using examples, substitution, and elimination. In solving problems, students can reach the stages of decomposition and pattern recognition only. Students still do not evaluate the results of their work. Algorithmic performed is less coherent because the abstraction has not been done. The recommendation for further research is the need for research that can develop student abstraction in solving problems. Besides, there is also a need for research that analyzes the reflective of students in computational thinking when solving problems