4 research outputs found

    The Performance Comparison of SC-PPM Receiver Models

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    Visible light communication (VLC) technology has arisen as promising candidate to solve the critical challenges of wireless communication networks. In particular, the evolving explosion in use of internet services requiring high bandwidth will soon become a great potential problem among the service provider. Meanwhile, this paper describes a physical layer solution to provide data transmission in the VLC networks. In the paper, it is aim to examine the performance comparison of SC-PPM (Subcarrier Pulse Position Modulation) demodulator schemes. It is considered three receiver techniques to assemble the demodulator techniques to SC-PPM receiver system. Firstly, the traditional PPM (T-PPM) demodulator has been applied on the SC-4PPM receiver system to estimate the slot that includes high frequency signal that is referred to as subcarrier signal. To successfully detect the bits by using traditional PPM receiver, it must be known the dimming level of received SC-4PPM signal. This is a serious problem to ensure data transmission in the real-time VLC systems due to challenge of providing the variable dimming level knowledge at the receiver side. In another receiver model that is referred to as PD (Peak Detector), it is aim to detect peak values of slot with high frequency signal. The disadvantage of this system is that BER (Bit Error Rate) performance depends the difference between peak and bottom values of subcarrier filled slot. Hence, second method is improved to achieve the similar BER performance at all dimming levels between 12.5% and 87.5%. This receiver model is called as IPD in the paper. In brief, it is reported for the first time, it has been employed the PD and the IPD algorithms for the SC-PPM receiver schemes. In addition to this, it is given a theoretical framework for both the traditional PPM and the improved receiver schemes in VLC-SC-PPM schemes. Moreover, it has been investigated how the SC-PPM receiver schemes are affected by brightness level

    High Speed Optical Wireless Communication Systems.

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    Visible light communication (VLC) systems have become promising candidates to complement conventional radio frequency (RF) systems due to the increasingly saturated RF spectrum and the potentially high data rates that can be achieved by VLC systems. Over the last decade, significant research efforts have been directed towards the development of VLC systems due to their numerous advantages over RF communication systems, such as the availability of simple transmitters (light emitting diodes, (LEDs)) and receivers (silicon photo detectors), better security at the physical layer, improved energy efficiency due to the dual functionally (i.e., illumination and communication) and hundreds of THz of license-free bandwidth. However, several challenges face VLC systems to achieve high data rates (multi gigabits per second). These challenges include the low modulation bandwidth of the LEDs, inter symbol interference (ISI) due to multipath propagation, co-channel interference (CCI) and the light unit (i.e., VLC transmitter) should be ‘‘ON’’ all the time to ensure continuous communication. This thesis investigates a number of techniques to design robust highspeed indoor VLC systems that support a single user and multi-users. Light engines composed of RYGB laser diodes (LDs) are used for communication and illumination. The main goal of using LDs is to enable the VLC system to achieve high data rates while using simple modulation techniques (such as on off keying (OOK)), which adds simplicity to VLC systems. Three VLC systems based on the computer generated holograms (CGHs) are proposed in this thesis, which are single beam static CGH-VLC system, static CGH-VLC system and adaptive CGH-VLC system. Whereas in the first and the second systems a single photodetector is used (added simplicity), an imaging receiver is used in the third one to obtain spatial multiplexing. We consider the lighting constraints where illumination should be at an acceptable level and should consider diffuse reflections (up to second order) to find the maximum data rate that can be offered by each system. In the first system, the CGH is used to produce one fixed broad beam from the best light unit and focus it to a specific area on the communication floor. In the second system, the CGH generates 100 beams (all these beams carry same data) from the best transmitter and directs these beams to an area of 2 m × 2 m on the communication floor. In the third system, the CGH is used to generate eight beams from the best transmitter and steer these beams to the receiver’s location. In addition, each one of these eight beams carries a different data stream. This thesis also presents an indoor VLC system in conjunction with an imaging receiver with parallel data transmission (spatial multiplexing) to reduce the effects of inter-symbol-interference (ISI). To distinguish between light units (transmitters) and to match the light units used (to convey the data) with the pixels of the imaging receiver, we proposed the use of subcarrier multiplexing (SCM) tones. Each light unit transmission is multiplexed with a unique tone. At the receiver, a SCM tone decision system is utilised to measure the power level of each SCM tone and consequently associate each pixel with a light unit. We proposed a high data rate single user VLC system based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) in this thesis. An imaging diversity receiver (IMDR) is used as an optical receiver. Based on the location of the IMDR, each colour of the RYGB LDs sends a different data stream at a different rate where the variable data rates are attributed mainly to the different power levels assigned to the colours to yield the desired white colour. Each pixel of the IMDR is covered by a specific colour optical filter. WDM in conjunction with the SCM tones are used to realise a high data rate multi-user VLC system in this thesis. The SCM tones are used to allocate an optimum transmitter to each user and to calculate the co-channel interference (CCI). Two novel optical receivers are used to evaluate the performance of the VLC systems: an array of non-imaging receivers (NI-R) and an array of non-imaging angle diversity receivers (NI-ADR). This thesis proposes a multi-branch transmitter (MBT) as a solution that can improve the VLC system performance over an indoor channel and support multi-user operation. The MBT has many transmitter branches (TBs) where each branch is directed to a specific area. By reducing the semi angle of each TB, the effect of multipath propagations is reduced and the received optical power is improved. The performance of the MBT is evaluated with a single user VLC system using a wide field of view (W-FOV) receiver and then with an angle diversity receiver (ADR). The results show that this system can provide a data rate of 4 Gb/s and 10 Gb/s when using wide FOV receiver and ADR, respectively. In addition, the performance of the MBT is evaluated in a multi-user scenario. We used the MBT with WDM and SCM tones to realise a high data rate multiuser indoor VLC system. Four colour laser diodes (RYGB LDs) are used as sources of illumination and data communication. One colour of these four colours is used to convey the SCM tones at the beginning of the connection to set up the connection. When the connection is set up, the data is transmitted in parallel through the RYGB LDs