1,286 research outputs found

    An Experimental Approach for Developing RFID Ready Receiving and Shipping

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    Abstract: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and related technologies have been touted to allow exponential improvements in supply chain logistics and management. However, many industrial users have indicated that these technologies have not provided the anticipated benefits. The two complimentary strategies required to address the RFID reliability are: to improve the reliability of RFID technology and to design the supply chain infrastructure that enables RFID. The focus of this paper is on designing the supply chain infrastructure to enable RFID by developing guidelines for “RFID Ready Facilities”. These guidelines were developed based on a set of experiments conducted in the RFID supply chain laboratory. These guidelines were developed by using Design of Experiments (DOE) to determine the operational and facility factors that impact RFID reliability. The three different packaging strategies were tested on packages, boxes and their various combinations. The main factors considered in the experiments were the following among many others: Package Orientation (PO), Tag Placement (TP), Package Placement (PP), Reader Location (RL), Box Orientation (BO), Tag Placement on Box (TPB) and Tag Placement on Package (TPP). Based on the DOE results, general guidelines were developed for RFID packaging

    Aspects of Privacy for RFID Systems

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    International Workshop Series on RFID - Information Sharing and Privacy - November 10 and December 6, 2004, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japa

    Screen Printed Security-Button for Radio Frequency Identification Tags

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    Radio frequency identi cation (RFID) security is a relevant matter. The wide spread of RFID applications in the general society and the persistent attempts to safeguard it con rm it, especially since its use involves payments and the store or transmission of sensitive information. In this contribution, we present an innovative solution for improving the security of RFID passive tags through the use of a screen printed button, that allows the reception and transmission only when a certain level of physical pressure normal to its plane is applied. The materials and fabrication technology used demonstrate an easy to implement and cost-effective system, valuable in several scenarios where the user has straight contact with the tags and where its usage is direct and intentional.This work was supported by the fellowship under Grant 2020-MSCA-IF-2017-794885-SELFSENS

    UHF Tags for Sensing Applications

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    Field confinement devices for RFID based on SIW technologies

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    Alguns sistemes de comunicacions, utilitzen la propagació d'ones en el espai, no obstant, també es pot transmetre informació mitjançant el confinament d'ones. Per realitzar-ho, el camp electromagnètic es limita a un volum específic mitjançant l'ús d'estructures buides, on el camp electromagnètic es conduit per la guia d'ona i limitat en les seves fronteres. Avui en dia es difícil aconseguir una distancia de confinament adequada, amb uns nivells insignificants de radiació de fuga. Com a novetat, en aquesta tesis s'ha utilitzat la tecnologia SIW, el que comporta a omplir el buit d'una guia d'ona planar amb dielèctric, aconseguint que els camps elèctrics y magnètics estiguin confinats en el interior sense pèrdues de potencia per radiació. Per transmetrà la informació a traves del camp electromagnètic s'ha creat un slot en l'estructura i gracies al disseny de transició de la guia d'ona, es pot estudiar diferents modes de propagació. S'han implementat dos prototips que treballen en la regió freqüencial RFID