426 research outputs found

    Nonlinear analysis of composite shells with application to glass structures

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    Laminated glass is a special composite material, which is characterised by an alternating stiff/soft lay-up owing to the significant stiffness mismatch between glass and PVB. This work is motivated by the need for an efficient and accurate nonlinear model for the analysis of laminated glass structures, which describes well the through-thickness variation of displacement fields and the transverse shear strains and enables large displacement analysis. An efficient lamination model is proposed for the analysis of laminated composites with an alternating stiff/soft lay-up, where the zigzag variation of planar displacements is taken into account by adding to the Reissner-Mindlin formulation a specific set of zigzag functions. Furthermore, a piecewise linear through-thickness distribution of the material transverse shear strain is assumed, which agrees well with the real distribution, yet it avoids layer coupling by not imposing continuity constraints on transverse shear stresses. Local formulations of curved multi-layer shell elements are established employing the proposed lamination model, which are framed within local co-rotational systems to allow large displacement analysis for small-strain problems. In order to eliminate the locking phenomenon for the shell elements, an assumed strain method is employed and improved, which readily addresses shear locking, membrane locking, and distortion locking for each constitutive layer. Furthermore, a local shell system is proposed for the direct definition of the additional zigzag displacement fields and associated parameters, which allows the additional displacement variables to be coupled directly between adjacent elements without being subject to the large displacement co-rotational transformations. The developed multi-layer shell elements are employed in this work for typical laminated glass problems, including double glazing systems for which a novel volume-pressure control algorithm is proposed. Several case studies are finally presented to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed modelling approach for the nonlinear analysis of glass structures.Open Acces

    A Computer Tool for 3D Shape Recovery of Fruits

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    Characterizing a fruit’s mechanical behavior is an important step towards reducing economic losses due to bruising. Several 3D scanning technologies allow to obtain the external geometry of a fruit, but no easily accessible tools exist for the acquisition of the geometry of internal structures such as the core. We propose a low-cost destructive method for tomographic reconstruction of a fruit from scanned slices. A method for overcoming the difficulties in registering the different images is also presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mechanics of Selective Laser Sintered food for texture customization

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    Mechanics of Selective Laser Sintered food for texture customization

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    The United States Air Force is focused on reducing mass and power consumption of spacecraft to increase their capabilities for space missions. Low mass and power consumption can be achieved by using composites with low density and high stiffness and utilizing few satellite components. One way to achieve reduced mass is by eliminating attendant deployment mechanisms consuming valuable power and mass allocations on spacecraft with deployable structures. Secondary systems are typically used to assist deployable space structures to ensure 100% success. A passively deployed space structure would be of great value to the Department of Defense and the commercial marketplace. Attaining a passively deployed space structure that is reliable, predictable and controllable to tailored design applications would serve this objective. The research presented herein was experimentally focused and involved incorporation of alumina nanoparticles (ANPs) dispersed into a three-ply composite laminate tape spring structure. The FlexLam composite was designed and fabricated for this class of tape spring deployable structures. A total of 51 tape springs were structurally tested on a unique, custom-designed test fixture with methodology to analyze their stress relaxation behavior in a coiled state for lengths of time varying from 1 hour to 6 months. A finite element model (FEM) with a Fortran subroutine was built and simulations were correlated with the structural deployment testing of 26 control tape springs and 25 ANP tape springs. The FEM simulation-predicted results correlated within 5% of the experimental testing structural results. A total of 5 epoxy samples (3 neat epoxy and 2 ANP epoxy) were fabricated and cut into 29 coupons for Dynamic Mechanical Analyzation (DMA) tests and Scanning Electron Microscope with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) examinations were also performed on 4 test coupons (3 ANP and 1 control) to characterize the microstructure of the composites, including the ANP dispersion and agglomeration. It was shown the ANP tape spring structures were able to retain 55% more tip force and experience less stress relaxation compared to the control tape springs. Future work is recommended in optimization of the composite and further development of the FEM simulation for improving structural behavior prediction

    Book of Abstracts 15th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering and 3rd Conference on Imaging and Visualization

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    In this edition, the two events will run together as a single conference, highlighting the strong connection with the Taylor & Francis journals: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (John Middleton and Christopher Jacobs, Eds.) and Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging and Visualization (JoãoManuel R.S. Tavares, Ed.). The conference has become a major international meeting on computational biomechanics, imaging andvisualization. In this edition, the main program includes 212 presentations. In addition, sixteen renowned researchers will give plenary keynotes, addressing current challenges in computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging. In Lisbon, for the first time, a session dedicated to award the winner of the Best Paper in CMBBE Journal will take place. We believe that CMBBE2018 will have a strong impact on the development of computational biomechanics and biomedical imaging and visualization, identifying emerging areas of research and promoting the collaboration and networking between participants. This impact is evidenced through the well-known research groups, commercial companies and scientific organizations, who continue to support and sponsor the CMBBE meeting series. In fact, the conference is enriched with five workshops on specific scientific topics and commercial software.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Mechanical damage characteristics and nondestructive testing techniques of fruits: a review

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    Abstract Fruits will be subjected inevitably to various external forces in the process of harvesting, transportation, processing, and storage, which will cause mechanical damage. The research on mechanical properties and damage mechanisms of fruit can effectively control its loss. In this study, fruits are divided into different types according to their morphology and structure. The impact, vibration, static pressure, and other mechanical damage on fruits are studied. It is important to identify the damaged parts of fruit after damage quickly and accurately. Therefore, this study analyzes the application of nondestructive testing technologies such as spectral detection technology, NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) detection technology, and acoustic and electrical characteristics detection technology in fruit damage detection

    A Numerical Exploration of the Crystalline Lens: from Presbyopia to Cataracts and Intraocular Lenses

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    Esta tesis aborda, de forma numérica, la resolución de tres problemas relacionados con el cristalino. En primer lugar, se ha construido un modelo de elementos finitos del cristalino humano para abordar la simulación de la acomodación, gracias a la incorporación de la contracción muscular del músculo ciliar. El modelo se ha validado con resultados experimentales comparando con Ramasubramanian & Glasser, 2015. Con el mismo modelo, se ha estudiado como afecta el cambio de las propiedades mecánicas de los tejidos del cristalino en la pérdida de amplitud de la acomodación con la edad para entender si la rigidización de los tejidos juega un papel importante en la presbicia. La conclusión principal del estudio numérico ha sido que las propiedades mecánicas y tensiones iniciales de la cápsula del cristalino proporciona la fuerza necesaria para acomodar, es decir, cambiar su curvatura para enfocar de cerca. Especificamente, el ratio de rígidez entre el núcleo y el cristalino gobierna cómo el cristalino cambia de forma. Con la edad, se produce una rigidización del núcleo, y el incremento de la relación entre ambas rigideces (núcleo y corteza) podría ser el principal responsable de la pérdida de la amplitud de acomodación con la edad. En segundo lugar, se ha estudiado la estabilidad biomecánica de diferentes diseños de lentes intraoculares (IOL). Las IOLs sustituyen las funciones del cristalino en pacientes con cataratas, es por ello necesario garantizar su estabilidad en el interior del saco para garantizar una visión adecuada. Entre los aspectos estudiados destaca la caracterización mecánica de los materiales acrílicos con los que se fabrican las lentes. Para ello, se han combinado ensayos uniaxiales con ensayos de indentación. Éstos últimos se han utilizado para caracterizar la respuesta visco-elástica del material. El definir la respuesta del material mediante modelos visco hiperelásticos es necesario para posteriormente analizar la estabilidad de la IOL mediante elementos finitos. Este análisis se ha defino a dos niveles, en un primer nivel se analiza la estabilidad de la IOL simulando el ensayo establecido en la norma ISO 11979-3:2012. Esta norma es de obligado cumplimiento para los fabricantes antes de introducir un nuevo diseño en el mercado. Se ha realizado un estudio estadístico para estudiar el efecto de la geometría de los hápticos tipo C-loop en la estabilidad mecánica de la IOL, obteniendo que el entronque, la unión entre el háptico y la lente, es el parámetro más influyente. Para validar la metodología numérica, se fabricaron varios diseños y se analizaron experimentalmente para comparar los resultados correspondientes con biomarcadores mecánicos (desplazamiento axial, rotación y la inclinación de la IOL) que están relacionados con la calidad visual resultante de la IOL. En un segundo nivel, se ha simulado la respuesta de la IOL en el interior del saco capsular, estudiando la influencia de diferentes parámetros del paciente, como geometría y propiedades mecánicas del saco. También se ha analizado la influencia de parámetros de la cirugía de la catarata, como es el diámetro y posición de la capsulorexis. En este último nivel, se ha estudiado tanto la respuesta instantánea, es decir, tras la cirugía, como a largo plazo, cuando sucede la huella de fusión (fusion footprint) entre la cápsula y la IOL. Para que los modelos computacionales sean de ayuda a los cirujanos o puedan servir en tiempo real, se ha planteado una metodología basada en inteligencia artificial. En este caso la base de datos de partida corresponde a modelos numéricos altamente fiables y con ellos, se genera datos con los que se entrena la red neuronal. En esta tesis, se estudia la estabilidad de la IOL en función del diámetro de compresión del paciente y la edad, que a su vez influye en las propiedades mecánicas del saco. Por último, se ha evaluado experimentalmente la influencia del material de la IOL (hidrófobo o hidrofílico) y su geometría durante la inyección de la IOL en el saco, registrando la fuerza de inyección que debe realizar el cirujano. De cara a evitar complicaciones (se dañe la IOL o el tejido corneal) durante la cirugía, es conveniente que la fuerza a ejercer sea baja. Se ha comprobado que su valor está fuertemente influenciado por el material de la lente.¿Por qué el cristalino es de vital importancia?El cristalino es el responsable tanto del cambio dinámico de la potencia refractiva del ojo a través del mecanismo de acomodación como de la corrección de las aberraciones de la córnea. El cambio óptico dinámico es consecuencia de un cambio geométrico del cristalino. Sin embargo, a medida que el cristalino envejece, disminuye este cambio óptico dinámico y se opacifica, lo que da lugar a las dos patologías comúnmente asociadas al envejecimiento como es, la presbicia y las cataratas. Por este motivo, en esta tesis doctoral se ha profundizado en el estudio mecánico del cristalino y tras su sustitución mediante una lente intraocular artificial durante la cirugía de catarata. La metodología establecida pueden ayudar en un futuro tanto al diseño de nuevos implantes como a los oftalmólogos a seleccionar la IOL adecuada a cada paciente para mejora su calidad visual.This thesis addresses three different case studies related to the crystalline lens. Firstly, the mechanical causes of the loss of accommodation amplitude with age, called presbyopia, were analysed through the finite element method. A high-fidelity simulation of the mechanism of accommodation including the contraction of the ciliary muscle was developed. This allowed us to analyse accommodation in depth, showing that although the lens capsule provides the force to accommodate, the stiffness ratio between the lens cortex and lens nucleus could have a higher effect on how the lens changes its shape. Secondly, the biomechanical stability of intraocular lenses (IOLs) was analysed. IOLs are essential for post-cataract patients as they substitute the functions of the crystalline lens. In this thesis, a wide variety of solutions were addressed: from the visco- and hyper-elasticity characterisation of IOL acrylic materials from depth sensing indentation and uniaxial tests to the simulation of the IOL biomechanical stability inside the capsular bag. We also performed a high-fidelity simulation of the IOL compression standards tests required by the IOLs to be commercialised and the results obtained were compared with clinical data. Lastly, we developed a patient-specific methodology to customise the IOL haptic design. Most of the numerical methology developed is intended to be used in the IOL pre-design phase to avoid costs and time. Thirdly, the IOL delivery during cataract surgery according to haptic and material design and injector characteristics was experimentally studied to avoid any possibility of IOL and eye damage. Apart from the injector size, the IOL material was the most influential parameter in the force exerted in IOL delivery. Why is the crystalline lens of vital importance? The crystalline lens is the responsible for both the dynamic change of the refractive power of the eye through the mechanism of accommodation and the correction of cornea aberrations. The dynamic optical change is consequence of change of the lens shape. However, as the lens ages over time, it decreases this dynamic optical change and becomes cloudy, what leads to the two most common lens-related pathologies, presbyopia and cataracts. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to study the lens mechanics and all issues related to the artificial intraocular lens that substitutes the lens during cataract surgery.<br /

    Experimental and numerical analysis of deformation and fracture of cortical bone tissue

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    Bones are the principal structural components of a skeleton; they provide the body with unique roles, such as its shape maintenance, protection of internal organs and transmission of muscle forces among body segments. Their structural integrity is vital for the quality of life. Unfortunately, bones can only sustain loads until a certain limit, beyond which it fails. Usually, the reasons for bone fracture are traumatic falls, sports injuries, and engagement in transport or industrial accidents. The stresses imposed on a bone in such activities can be far higher than those produced during normal daily activities and lead to fracture. Understanding deformation and fracture behaviours of bone is necessary for prevention and diagnosis of traumas. Even though, in principle, studying bone’s deformation and fracture behaviour is of immense benefit, it is not possible to engage volunteers in in-vivo investigations. Therefore, by developing adequate numerical models to predict and describe its deformation and fracture behaviours, a detailed study of reasons for, and ways to prevent or treat bone fracture could be implemented. Those models cannot be formulated without a set of experimental material data. To date, a full set of bone’s material data is not implemented in the material data-base of commercial finiteelement (FE) software. Additionally, no complete set of data for the same bone can be found in the literature. Hence, a set of cortical bone’s material data was experimentally measured, and then introduced into the finite-element software. A programme of experiments was conducted to characterise mechanical properties of the cortical bone tissue and to gain a basic understanding of the spatial variability of those properties and their link to the underlying microstructure. So, several types of experiments were performed in order to quantify mechanical properties of the studied bone tissue at macro- and microscales under quasi-static and dynamic loading regimes for different cortex positions called anterior, posterior, medial and lateral. Those experiments included: (1) uniaxial tension and creep tests to obtain its elastic, plastic and viscoelastic properties; (2) nanoindentation tests to characterise its microstructural elastic-plastic properties; (3) Izod tests to investigate its fracture properties under impact bending loading; (4) tensile-impact tests to characterise its impact strength and fracture force when exposed to a longitudinal loading regime. All the experiments were performed for different cortex positions and different directions (along the bone axis and perpendicular to it) when possible. Based on the results of those experiments, a number of finite-element models were developed in order to analyse its deformation and fracture using the extended finiteelement method (X-FEM) at different length scales and under various loading conditions. Those models included: (1) two-dimensional (2D) FE models to simulate its fracture and deformation at microscale level under quasi-static tensile loading. Additionally, the effect of the underlying microstructure on crack propagation paths was investigated; (2) 2D and three-dimensional (3D) FE models to simulate its fracture and deformation at macroscale level for the Izod impact test setup. In addition, the applicability of different constitutive material models was examined; (3) 3D FE models to simulate its fracture and deformation at macroscale level for tensile-impact loading conditions. The developed models provided high-quality results, and most importantly, they adequately reflected the experimental data. The main outcome of this thesis is a comprehensive experimental analysis and numerical simulations of the deformation and fracture of the cortical bone tissue at different length scales in response to quasi-static and dynamic loading. Recommendations on further research developments are also suggested