5 research outputs found

    QoS Design Consideration for Enterprise and Provider’s Network at Ingress and Egress Router for VoIP protocols

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    Compliance with the Service Level Agreement (SLA) metric is a major challenge in a Multiprotocol Label Switching Virtual Private Network (MPLS VPN) because mandatory models must be maintained on both sides of the MPLS VPN in order to achieve end-to-end service levels. The end-to-end service of an MPLS VPN can be degraded owing to various issues such as distributed denial of service (DDoS), and Random Early Detection (RED) that prevents congestion and differentiates between legitimate and illegitimate user traffic. In this study, we propose a centralized solution that uses a SLA Violation Detector (SLAVD) and intrusion detection to prevent SLA violation

    Possible Collision Avoidance with Off-line Route Selection

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    The paper describes the traffic flow problems in telecommunication networks based on the Internet protocol. The main aim of telecommunication network operator today is to offer an SLA (Service Level Agreement) contract to end users, with provided QoS (Quality of Service) for different classes of services. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to establish the routes between marginal network nodes meeting the network traffic requirements and optimizing the network performances free of simultaneous flows conflicts. In DiffServ/MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) networks traffic flows traverse the network simultaneously and there may come to collision of concurrent flows. They are distributed among LSPs (Labeled Switching Paths) related to service classes. In LSP creation the IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol) uses simple on-line routing algorithms based on the shortest path methodology. In highly loaded networks this becomes an insufficient technique. In this suggested approach LSP need not necessarily be the shortest path solution. It can be pre-computed much earlier, possibly during the SLA negotiation process. In that sense an effective algorithm for collision control is developed. It may find a longer but lightly loaded path, taking care of the collision possibility. It could be a very good solution for collision avoidance and for better load-balancing purpose where links are running close to capacity. The algorithm can be significantly improved through heuristic approach. Heuristic options are compared in test-examples and their application for collision control is explained. KEYWORDS: Telecommunication networks, collision avoidance, multi-constraint route selection, self-organizing systems, MPLS, Qo

    An Efficient Algorithm for Congestion Control in Highly Loaded DiffServ/MPLS Networks

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    Optimal QoS path provisioning of coexisted and aggregated traffic in networks is still demanding problem. All traffic flows in a domain are distributed among LSPs (Label Switching Path) related to N service classes, but the congestion problem of concurrent flows can appear. As we know the IGP (Interior Getaway Protocol) uses simple on-line routing algorithms (e.g. OSPFS, IS-IS) based on shortest path methodology. In QoS end-to-end provisioning where some links may be reserved for certain traffic classes (for particular set of users) it becomes insufficient technique. On other hand, constraint-based explicit routing (CR) based on IGP metric ensures traffic engineering (TE) capabilities. But in overloaded and poorly connected MPLS/DiffServ networks the CR becomes insufficient technique. As we need firm correlation with bandwidth management and traffic engineering (TE) the initial (pro-active) routing can be pre-computed in the context of all priority traffic flows (former contracted SLAs) traversing the network simultaneously. It mean that LSP can be pre-computed much earlier, possibly during SLA (Service Level Agreement) negotiation process. In the paper a new load simulation technique for load balancing control purpose is proposed. The algorithm proposed in the paper may find a longer but lightly loaded path, better than the heavily loaded shortest path. It could be a very good solution for congestion avoidance and for better load-balancing purpose where links are running close to capacity. Also, such technique could be useful in inter-domain end-to-end provisioning, where bandwidth reservation has to be negotiated with neighbor ASes (Autonomous System). To be acceptable for real applications such complicated routing algorithm can be significantly improved. Algorithm was tested on the network of M core routers on the path (between edge routers) and results are given for N=3 service classes. Further improvements through heuristic approach are made and results are discussed

    Virtual network approach to scalable IP service deployment and efficient resource management

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    As the Internet evolves into a global all-service communication infrastructure, a key consideration is providing quality of service guarantees over IP with efficient resource utilization in a scalable, flexible, and automatic way. In this article we present a virtual network (VN) based architecture for scalable IP service deployment and efficient network resource management. Particularly considering a DiffServ/MPLS IP transport network supporting multiple VNs, we propose a dynamic approach for efficient bandwidth sharing among VNs. The bandwidth sharing is service-level-agreement-based; the spare capacity in underloaded VNs is adaptively and efficiently utilized, and SLA compliance for all the VNs involved is always guaranteed.X1117sciescopu

    Un cadre économique pour le routage et l'allocation de canaux dans les réseaux maillés sans fil avec la radio cognitive

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    Les rĂ©seaux maillĂ©s sans fil avec la radio cognitive sont constituĂ©s des routeurs de maille avec la capacitĂ© cognitive qui sont interconnectĂ©s entre eux par des liaisons sans fil permettant l’acheminement du trafic en relais et certains d’entre eux jouent le rĂŽle de passerelle afin d’accĂ©der au rĂ©seau internet. La capacitĂ© cognitive est une maniĂšre Ă©conomique pour augmenter la bande passante disponible, mais elle nĂ©cessite un mĂ©canisme de gestion adaptative de bande passante pour faire face aux dynamiques des activitĂ©s des utilisateurs primaires. Dans cette thĂšse, nous modĂ©lisons les opĂ©rations conjointes d'allocation des canaux et le routage des connexions des usagers secondaires (sans licence d’accĂšs) dans les rĂ©seaux maillĂ©s sans fil avec la radio cognitive. Le processus d'allocation des canaux inclut les opportunitĂ©s de rĂ©utilisation des canaux afin d’amĂ©liorer la performance du rĂ©seau. On dĂ©finit un cadre Ă©conomique pour l'adaptation et le contrĂŽle des ressources du rĂ©seau qui nous permet l’intĂ©gration du processus de routage avec celui d’allocation de canaux avec le but de la maximisation du profit du rĂ©seau. Le cadre Ă©conomique est basĂ© sur la notion du prix cachĂ© dĂ©pendant de l’état du noeud qui est dĂ©rivĂ©e de la thĂ©orie de la dĂ©cision de Markov en mode dĂ©composĂ©. Les prix cachĂ©s des noeuds sont utilisĂ©s comme les mĂ©triques de routage tandis que leurs valeurs moyennes sont utilisĂ©es pour allouer des canaux parmi les diffĂ©rents noeuds. Le dĂ©ploiement de ce modĂšle dĂ©composĂ© possĂšde l’avantage d’implĂ©mentation dĂ©centralisĂ©e des processus utilisĂ©s dans le cadre Ă©conomique qui permet leurs exĂ©cutions en temps rĂ©el. Les routages des connexions des usagers secondaires sont rĂ©alisĂ©s sans endommager les transmissions des usagers primaires et sans crĂ©er de l’interfĂ©rence avec les transmissions d’autres usagers secondaires. Les canaux cognitifs sont utilisĂ©s de maniĂšre opportuniste et l’accĂšs prioritaire de l’usager primaire dans sa bande de frĂ©quence (son canal) est modĂ©lisĂ© par la prĂ©emption. Les connexions d’usagers secondaires sont considĂ©rĂ©es homogĂšnes et nous abordons uniquement l'adaptation de capacitĂ© Ă  court terme dans lequel le nombre de canaux disponibles au rĂ©seau est constant et par ailleurs nous prĂ©sumons aussi qu'il y a toujours un nombre suffisant d'interfaces radio lorsque les canaux sont rĂ©affectĂ©s aux noeuds. Les rĂ©sultats sont portĂ©s sur les deux cas de non-rĂ©utilisation et de rĂ©utilisation des canaux et pour chaque cas la performance obtenue confirme le modĂšle thĂ©orique d’optimisation prĂ©sentĂ© dans les chapitres correspondants. Par ailleurs, deux approches heuristique et analytique de calcul de la capacitĂ© sont comparĂ©es manifestant les mĂȘmes performances. Les rĂ©sultats de simulation illustrent la maximisation du profit du rĂ©seau et l'efficacitĂ© du schĂ©ma d'allocation des canaux proposĂ© qui est intĂ©grĂ© avec l'algorithme de rĂ©utilisation des canaux