6 research outputs found

    Digital transformation in the manufacturing industry : business models and smart service systems

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    The digital transformation enables innovative business models and smart services, i.e. individual services that are based on data analyses in real-time as well as information and communications technology. Smart services are not only a theoretical construct but are also highly relevant in practice. Nine research questions are answered, all related to aspects of smart services and corresponding business models. The dissertation proceeds from a general overview, over the topic of installed base management as precondition for many smart services in the manufacturing industry, towards exemplary applications in form of predictive maintenance activities. A comprehensive overview is provided about smart service research and research gaps are presented that are not yet closed. It is shown how a business model can be developed in practice. A closer look is taken on installed base management. Installed base data combined with condition monitoring data leads to digital twins, i.e. dynamic models of machines including all components, their current conditions, applications and interaction with the environment. Design principles for an information architecture for installed base management and its application within a use case in the manufacturing industry indicate how digital twins can be structured. In this context, predictive maintenance services are taken for the purpose of concretization. It is looked at state oriented maintenance planning and optimized spare parts inventory as exemplary approaches for smart services that contribute to high machine availability. Taxonomy of predictive maintenance business models shows their diversity. It is viewed on the named topics both from theoretical and practical viewpoints, focusing on the manufacturing industry. Established research methods are used to ensure academic rigor. Practical problems are considered to guarantee practical relevance. A research project as background and the resulting collaboration with different experts from several companies also contribute to that. The dissertation provides a comprehensive overview of smart service topics and innovative business models for the manufacturing industry, enabled by the digital transformation. It contributes to a better understanding of smart services in theory and practice and emphasizes the importance of innovative business models in the manufacturing industry

    Aplicacion de modelos matematicos para el mantenimiento predictivo

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    149 p.La presente memoria de tesis presenta una revisión sobre la actividad de investigación aplicada que se ha realizado mediante varios proyectos relacionados con el mantenimiento predictivo asociado a procesos industriales. Uno de los resultados principales es la realización de una herramienta web que permite al operador consultar el tiempo estimado hasta el fallo en un proceso de mecanizado y junto a ello un histórico de datos del sistema. Se han obtenido otros resultados que generan una evolución en el mantenimiento de los sistemas estudiados, lo que reduce el coste y aumenta la productividad de estos. Para ello se han aplicado metodologías híbridas donde el objetivo principal radicaba en la creación de una metodología de mantenimiento predictivo para cada uno de los procesos y en algún caso la posibilidad de generalización de esta a procesos similares

    Smart Feature Selection to enable Advanced Virtual Metrology

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    The present dissertation enhances the research in computer science, especially state of the art Machine Learning (ML), in the field of process development in Semiconductor Manufacturing (SM) by the invention of a new Feature Selection (FS) algorithm to discover the most important equipment and context parameters for highest performance of predicting process results in a newly developed advanced Virtual Metrology (VM) system. In complex high-mixture-low-volume SM, chips or rather silicon wafers for numerous products and technologies are manufactured on the same equipment. Process stability and control are key factors for the production of highest quality semiconductors. Advanced Process Control (APC) monitors manufacturing equipment and intervenes in the equipment control if critical states occur. Besides Run-To-Run (R2R) control and Fault Detection and Classification (FDC) new process control development activities focus on VM which predicts metrology results based on productive equipment and context data. More precisely, physical equipment parameters combined with logistical information about the manufactured product are used to predict the process result. The compulsory need for a reliable and most accurate VM system arises to imperatively reduce time and cost expensive physical metrology as well as to increase yield and stability of the manufacturing processes while concurrently minimizing economic expenditures and associated data flow. The four challenges of (1) efficiency of development and deployment of a corporate-wide VM system, (2) scalability of enterprise data storage, data traffic and computational effort, (3) knowledge discovery out of available data for future enhancements and process developments as well as (4) highest accuracy including reliability and reproducibility of the prediction results are so far not successfully mastered at the same time by any other approach. Many ML techniques have already been investigated to build prediction models based on historical data. The outcomes are only partially satisfying in order to achieve the ambitious objectives in terms of highest accuracy resulting in tight control limits which tolerate almost no deviation from the intended process result. For optimization of prediction performance state of the art process engineering requirements lead to three criteria for assessment of the ML algorithm for the VM: outlier detection, model robustness with respect to equipment degradation over time and ever-changing manufacturing processes adapted for further development of products and technologies and finally highest prediction accuracy. It has been shown that simple regression methods fail in terms of prediction accuracy, outlier detection and model robustness while higher-sophisticated regression methods are almost able to constantly achieve these goals. Due to quite similar but still not optimal prediction performance as well as limited computational feasibility in case of numerous input parameters, the choice of superior ML regression methods does not ultimately resolve the problem. Considering the entire cycle of Knowledge Discovery in Databases including Data Mining (DM) another task appears to be crucial: FS. An optimal selection of the decisive parameters and hence reduction of the input space dimension boosts the model performance by omitting redundant as well as spurious information. Various FS algorithms exist to deal with correlated and noisy features, but each of its own is not capable to ensure that the ambitious targets for VM can be achieved in prevalent high-mixture-low-volume SM. The objective of the present doctoral thesis is the development of a smart FS algorithm to enable a by this advanced and also newly developed VM system to comply with all imperative requirements for improved process stability and control. At first, a new Evolutionary Repetitive Backward Elimination (ERBE) FS algorithm is implemented combining the advantages of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) with Leave-One-Out (LOO) Backward Elimination as wrapper for Support Vector Regression (SVR). At second, a new high performance VM system is realized in the productive environment of High Density Plasma (HDP) Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) at the Infineon frontend manufacturing site Regensburg. The advanced VM system performs predictions based on three state of the art ML methods (i.e. Neural Network (NN), Decision Tree M5’ (M5’) & SVR) and can be deployed on many other process areas due to its generic approach and the adaptive design of the ERBE FS algorithm. The developed ERBE algorithm for smart FS enhances the new advanced VM system by revealing evidentially the crucial features for multivariate nonlinear regression. Enabling most capable VM turns statistical sampling metrology with typically 10% coverage of process results into a 100% metrological process monitoring and control. Hence, misprocessed wafers can be detected instantly. Subsequent rework or earliest scrap of those wafers result in significantly increased stability of subsequent process steps and thus higher yield. An additional remarkable benefit is the reduction of production cycle time due to the possible saving of time consuming physical metrology resulting in an increase of production volume output up to 10% in case of fab-wide implementation of the new VM system

    Virtual Equipment for benchmarking Predictive Maintenance algorithms

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    This paper presents a comparison of three algorithm types (Bayesian Networks, Random Forest and Linear Regression) for Predictive Maintenance on an implanter system in semiconductor manufacturing. The comparison studies are executed using a Virtual Equipment which serves as a testing environment for prediction algorithms prior to their implementation in a semiconductor manufacturing plant (fab). The Virtual Equipment uses input data that is based on historical fab data collected during multiple filament failure cycles. In an automated study, the input data is altered systematically, e.g. by adding noise, drift or maintenance effects, and used for predictions utilizing the created Predictive Maintenance models. The resulting predictions are compared to the actual time-to-failure and to each other. Multiple analysis methods are applied, resulting in a performance table