3 research outputs found

    Virtual Sensor for Fault Detection, Isolation and Data Recovery for Bicomponent Mixing Machine Monitoring

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    [Abstract] The present research shows the implementation of a virtual sensor for fault detection with the feature of recovering data. The proposal was implemented over a bicomponent mixing machine used for the wind generator blades manufacture based on carbon fiber. The virtual sensor is necessary due to permanent problems with wrong sensor measurements. The solution proposed uses an intelligent model able to predict the sensor measurements, which are compared with the measured value. If this value belongs to a specified range, it is valid. Otherwise, the prediction replaces the read value. The process fault detection feature has been added to the proposal, based on consecutive erroneous readings, obtaining satisfactory results

    Sistema de prácticas virtuales como alternativa al laboratorio presencial en asignaturas de Ingeniería de Control

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    [Resumen] El principal reto en los sistemas de educación superior en los dos últimos años, a raíz de la pandemia mundial de COVID-19, ha sido el poder mantener la calidad de la educación impartida con las restricciones de movilidad y aforos impuestas por las autoridades. Es por el ello que la transformación hacia actividades docentes no presenciales supone uno de los principales objetivos del sistema educativo. Con todo ello en mente, en este artículo se presenta una experiencia docente basada en la virtualización de procesos industriales y la aplicación de sistemas de control en el marco de prácticas de asignaturas de ingeniería de control en tiempo real. Para poder logarlo y además disponer de un sistema con gran realismo, se han integrado los softwares de virtualización de componentes “Factory I/O”, junto con softwares de control como “Matlab” a través de Node-RED, todo ello en tiempo real. Con esto, se consigue emular con gran realismo las plantas de control de nivel disponibles en los laboratorios de la Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de la Universidade da Coruña.[Abstract] The main challenge in higher education systems in the last two years, as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, has been to be able to maintain the quality of the education provided with the mobility and capacity restrictions imposed by the authorities. That is why the transformation towards non-face-to-face teaching activities is one of the main objectives of the educational system. With all this in mind, this article presents a teaching experience based on the virtualization of industrial processes and the application of control systems within the framework of real-time control engineering subjects. In order to achieve this and also have a system with great realism, “Factory I/O” component virtualization software has been integrated, along with control software such as “Matlab” through Node-RED, all in real time. With this, it is possible to emulate with great realism the level control plants available in the laboratories of the Polytechnic University School of the University of A Coruña.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879

    Contextos universitarios transformadores: a nova normalidade académica. Leccións aprendidas e retos de futuro. V Xornadas de Innovación Docente

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    Colección: Contextos Universitarios Transformadores (CUT). Número