3 research outputs found

    Assessing Cognition Post-Stroke using Virtual Reality Technology

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    Virtual reality systems in the management of technology-based organizations

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    The introduction of virtual reality media into engineering or technology-based organizations is investigated and a taxonomy for identifying determinants for successful introduction of such media, is developed in the form of a taxonometric planning framework. The research addresses the continuing convergence and integration of digital electronic media, in particular, virtual reality technology and systems, as an exemplary application of new media. This is addressed as a strategic and potentially radical and disruptive innovation. The proposed taxonomy framework is intended as a means of aiding organizations to determine their preparedness or potential adaptability to meet, manage and use new media technology to optimal affect and to manage effectively the demands and impacts of potentially disruptive, technological change. The thesis itself explores and develops the theme that communicative media entail a specific lexicon or language of use that continually evolves, and to be effective, must be understood, at least within its community of practice. In turn, the cultural impact of using virtual reality technology and systems, and the use of virtual representation and virtual world modelling as reflecting events or behaviours and desired outcomes in the real world, is discussed throughout the thesis from a socio-technical perspective. Overall, the taxonomy represents a ‘new way of thinking’ about the introduction and implementation of new media and virtual reality based systems. An adaptation of Checkland & Scholes (1990) Soft-Systems Methodology (SSM) is the core research methodology implemented throughout the research program. Research activity has incorporated use of advanced visualization systems in the Virtual Reality Centre of RMIT University’s Interactive Information Institute (I3), development of a Virtual Reality Users Survey and associated analysis instrument, and a meta-analysis of secondary sources. Collectively, these form the core data collection strategies. The research is characterized by a strongly interdisciplinary approach, exploring the potentialities for and impact of new media and virtual reality systems on the management of technology-based organizations. The taxonomy is a step towards developing a theory of the dynamics of complex technology-based organizations and the various transformations that can occur with the introduction of new and potentially disruptive technology. It is asserted that effective alignment of strategic information and communications technologies with organizational strategic goals and a range of sociological factors, can lead to successful introduction of potentially disruptive technology (in this case: new media based virtual reality) in engineering and technology management environments. It is argued further that the transformative effect of introducing new media technology such as virtual reality, can be catalytic toward producing and driving paradigmatic transformation within an organization

    Aalto Virtual Planetariumin kehittäminen avaruustieteeseen ja sovellutuksiin

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    The thesis describes the development process of the Aalto Virtual Planetarium software. It introduces the topic by first discussing the basic space physic concepts related to space plasma environment. Four different types of interaction are discussed: Earth-like, Venus-like, comet-like and Moon-like interaction. After this, the concept of plasma modelling is explained. The three most common plasma models: the full kinetic, the magnetohydrodynamic and the hybrid model are each briefly described. Next, the hybrid model developed by the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Aalto University is introduced along with the related equations. After these basic plasma modelling concepts, virtual reality and related simulation and coding tools are discussed. Following this, the Aalto Virtual Planetarium software is introduced as well as the basic astronomical principles used for calculating the orbital locations of the planets. After this, the new features added to the Aalto Virtual Planetarium are discussed in detail. They include the trajectories of BepiColombo and JUICE spacecraft, interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), the Moon of Earth, hand-menu additions, start-screen improvements, 3D models of spacecraft, background stars and the Galilean moons of the planet Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Implementation and testing of these newly added major and minor software features during the thesis are then described. This is followed by a discussion of the software versions for other platforms. Specific changes made to the Windows version of the Aalto Virtual Planetarium are listed, and the Linux and ThingLink software versions are also briefly introduced. Finally, suggestions are made regarding possible future improvements that could be made to the software tool. For example, additional platforms and new features are suggested.Opinnäytetyössä kuvataan Aalto Virtual Planetarium -ohjelmiston kehit-tämisprosessia. Aihetta käsitellään keskustelemalla ensin avaruuden plasmaympäristöön liittyvistä avaruusfysikaalisista peruskäsitteistä. Käsitellään neljää erilaista vuorovaikutusta: Maan kaltaista, Venuksen kaltaista, komeetan kaltaista ja Kuun kaltaista vuorovaikutusta. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään plasmamallinnuksen perusteita. Kolme yleisintä plasmamallia, eli täysin kineettinen, magnetohydrodynaaminen ja hybridimalli, kuvaillaan lyhyesti. Seuraavaksi esitellään Ilmatieteen laitoksen ja Aalto-yliopiston kehittämä hybridimalli ja siihen liittyvät yhtälöt. Plasmamallinnuksen peruskäsitteiden jälkeen käsitellään virtuaalitodellisuutta ja siihen liittyviä simulointi- ja ohjelmointityökaluja. Seuraavaksi esitellään Aalto Virtual Planetarium -ohjelmisto ja planeettojen sijaintien määrittämiseen niiden kiertoradoilla käytetyt tähtitieteelliset perusperiaatteet. Tämän jälkeen käsitellään tarkemmin Aalto Virtual Planetariumiin lisättyjä uusia ominaisuuksia. Niihin kuuluvat BepiColombo- ja JUICE-luotaimen liikeradat, planeettojen välinen magneettikenttä, Maan kuu, käsivalikkolisäykset, aloitusnäytön parannukset, 3D-mallit avaruusaluksista, taustatähdet ja Jupiter planeetan Galilein kuut: Io, Europa, Ganymedes ja Kallisto. Näiden jälkeen kuvataan opinnäytetyössä ohjelmistoon lisättyjen tärkeiden ja myös vähäisemmän merkityksen sisältävien ominaisuuksien käyttöönottoa ja testausta. Seuraavaksi keskustellaan Aalto Virtual Planetariumin muille alustoille tehdyistä versiosta. Lisäksi listataan Aalto Virtual Planetariumin Windows-versioon tehdyt muutokset ja myös Linux- ja ThingLink-versiot esitellään lyhyesti. Lopuksi esitetään ehdotuksia siitä, kuinka Aalto Virtual Planetariumia voitaisiin kehittää paremmaksi tulevaisuudessa, esimerkiksi siirtämällä se uusille alustoille ja lisäämällä uusia ominaisuuksia